My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1908

Chapter 1822 Devil Will


Seeing that the entire Moyang City, as many as hundreds of millions of people, all died, and the Green Cow Emperor was almost not crazy.

The Green Cow family is the one who naturally derives all the negative energy from the channel and absorbs all the negative energy such as the endless dark evil evil death and destruction in the channel. It is a true congenital family. The more you borrow, and even the final transformation from now on, the real transcendence of the world and the achievement of the Peerless Devil are also great hopes.

All along, the expansion of the Devil's Channel, so-called, is nothing more than training the Green Cow family, hoping that the Green Cow family will really grow up.

Seeing that eight thousand years have passed, success is imminent, and even once all die, the green bull emperor's pair of lantern-sized magic eyes burst into endless magic fire.

"Ah! Please come the will of the Supreme Devil!"

Suddenly, the Green Cow Emperor, who had been madly attacking, stepped back half a step, and the ten-foot-sized demon body was like pushing the Jinshan down the jade pillar, and bowed his head.

"Hey, anyway, you are also a great emperor. I can't afford such a gift!"

Wang Yang laughed.

He clearly felt that his holy body, great growth, achievement of the emperor's body, and even physical enlightenment, all saw great hope.

Watching the emperor Qingniu pushing Jinshan down the jade column, he bowed his head and bowed. He was cautious in his heart, and he never refused to prevail in his mouth.

In Wang Yang's thoughts, the Green Cow Emperor and the Eternal Emperor are all one-sided emperors. When they control such a power, they will be furious when faced with such sarcasm. Even if they are crazy again, they will shoot at themselves.

Only this time, Wang Yang found that he was really wrong.

In normal times, some people dare to be so arrogant, Qingniu Emperor can absolutely tear the king's bastard alive, but today's Qingniu Emperor is very abnormal, facing Wang Yang with such sarcasm, without showing any anger, on the contrary, even What Wang Yang did was deaf.

"Huh, do you think you just need to talk? Well, since that's the case, then Laozi slaughtered the demon today!"

With that said, Wang Yang raised his fist and struck the green cow emperor with a punch.


Admiralty refining the supernatural powers has energy absorption, repression, physical refining, as well as defensive power. However, such a supernatural power has no function of increasing power.

It can be said that such a great magical power, even in the face of the emperor, Wang Yang can not be afraid of him for half a point, but to exert the power of the emperor one level with the current sage, it is delusional delusion.

However, in the face of the Green Cow Emperor who cultivated his physical body to a terrible level, Wang Yang just used such a supernatural power.

I want to come to Wang Yang, such a great magical power, at most, is pretending to fall on the face of the Green Cow Emperor, and even try to stimulate the Green Cow Emperor as much as possible.

After all, it is too little to practice physical combat to an extremely terrible level.

It can be said that Wang Yang has many goals for such a punch, but he just doesn't have any idea. His one punch can really hit the Qingniu Emperor.

However, what happened was that Wang Yang didn't think about it, it just happened.

Wang Yang is nothing more than a sage. Such strength is placed in other places. Naturally, it is extremely strong and strong. It is a ancestor of the whole family, and it is all idle. However, in the face of such a powerful existence as the Green Cow Emperor, it is simply not to scratch. itch.Such a punch, of course, Wang Yang would not have thought, and would really hit such a character as the Green Bull Emperor.

However, the fact is that I have never thought about it, such a "soft" punch, it really hit the head of the Green Cow Emperor.


Actually hit it?

Wang Yang was even stunned.

However, just when he was stunned, he suddenly found that the Qingniu Emperor at this time, a terrible will in his body was quickly recovering.

Even, his punch.

Yes, my punch seems to have been hit in this way, but, it feels like it is still worse than that.

Yes, it's just a little bit worse!

Wang Yang was shocked.

Obviously it was just a little bit, and I just didn’t realize it, or, obviously, I was aware of it, but I was in a trance and gave myself an illusion.

not good!

Wang Yang was shocked in his heart and felt the terrible recovery of his will. Wang Yang quickly retreated!!

It is a pity that Wang Yang was shocked to find that although he wanted to retreat, his reaction was dull.Obviously I want to retreat, but it is dull.Putting it in the ordinary time, this kind of thing is basically irrelevant, but now is the time to fight for time. Just like this, it is enough to kill people.

Dangdang Dangdang...

In the void, the bell sounded so great that when Wang Yang reacted, an extremely terrifying force directly turned Wang Yang back, or even flew out horizontally.


The blood in the mouth is not like money, spouting like crazy.


The defense of Admiralty was really terrible. Even with such a powerful force, it just made Wang Yang spit blood. However, even under Admiralty, the injury recovered quickly. Although it was very expensive, it was still affordable. Inside.

However, this inexplicable will made the king angry.

Since when you became famous, when have you suffered such a big loss?

If this Liangzi can't be recovered, is he still Wang Yang?

No, this is, this is the will that enveloped the devil world, not the Green Cow Emperor!!

Wang Yang quickly reacted. The Emperor Qingniu in his eyes looked at the Emperor Qingniu. In fact, he had changed his mind.

Will is the foundation of a warrior.The so-called soul is only derived from the will, and the strong will is the strong soul. Even if the soul is scattered, as long as the will is, it can be naturally derived between heaven and earth.

As for the so-called spiritual power, it is the external manifestation of the soul.

Feeling the breath of will, Wang Yang knew that this time, he really met the big brother.

"who are you!!!"

At this time, Wang Yang did not dare to keep any hands, and various visions around him continued to unfold.

There are peerless sword gods, invincible gods, even supreme demon ancestors, and supreme golden armor gods.A deity exudes a terrible atmosphere around Wang Yang.

Such a terrible existence is all manifesting the terrible strength of the king anode.

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