My Super Estate

Chapter 1923 Escape! ! !

Chapter 1837 Escape!!!

"Where do you want to escape?"

The field of magic fire spread out, and Wang Yang first chose to escape.

It is a pity that he miscalculated the place. At present, at the level of the Devil Emperor who needs a level of Devil Emperor, there are at least a few hundred, and there are thousands of demon sages.

In front of such a huge demon elite, if you really escaped by you, then, the demon world has already been penetrated by people.

"Step aside!!!"

The spiritual world has just recovered a little bit, but those fierce cracks, like a cold sharp knife, are directly placed on their necks, always reminding themselves how dangerous they are now, such dangers, king How can Yang be delayed?

"Haha, you are just a human sage, so arrogant in my demon world?

If my exquisite Xuanyin old ghost is easily escaped by you like this, where is my Xuanyin old ghost's face?"

The devil has a supreme will, all the demon creatures know this.

Even, they know more that there are several layers in the demon world, but the supreme will of the demon world is only one.

In other words, the reason why the devil world is the devil world is because it possesses a supreme will and gathers all the dark and negative energies of the heavens and the world to form the devil world today.

The horror of the devil world lies in this supreme will.

Now, this supreme will of the Devil Realm, when giving orders personally, must clean up all intruders. Just ask, who dare not care?

What's more, it really has to contribute, is there any benefit?

"And look at my Wan Guiyu!!"

Similar to the Green Patriarch ancestor, Xuanyin Old Ghost has also made great efforts in the field.

In fact, the boss in the heart of Xuanyin old ghosts was unwilling: "Humph, the world only knows that there is a green robe ancestor in my demon world, but no one knows the mysterious domain of my Xuanyin old ghosts, Today, I really want to give a good look to the demon beings. The mystery of the ten thousand ghost domain is much stronger than the ancestor of the green robe!!"

In the demon world, the green fire ancestor's field of magic fire has always been famous, but his own ghost domain is often not recognized by others.

This time, the old ghost of Xuanyin is to justify his magical power.

The devil world is a place where strength and prestige are emphasized. In this place, you do good, no one will care about you, but if you kill endlessly, then you can enjoy supreme prestige, no matter what you want to do, generally In any case, no one will object.

There are many interests in the demon world, however, to say that the biggest benefit is the devil channel.

The same Demon Channel has different levels and levels. The powerful ones naturally occupy the higher Devil Channel.

The channel of the demon world can create a supreme congenital demon clan. With the help of the congenital demon clan, let one's inheritance be truly carried forward.With the help of the advantages of inborn demons, help yourself to develop your own inheritance, and the greatest desire of all beings in the demon world.

Once the Ten Thousand Ghost Domain was unfolded, suddenly, the whole person had entered the Ghost Domain, and Wang Yang didn't even react.

Obviously, in contrast, Wang Yang still has a long way to go in the field of research.


Suddenly, Wang Yang felt that his mental energy was being consumed quickly.

Or, to be precise, it is being swallowed quickly.

"Worthy it is the Demon Race, swallowing it together is already in its essence!!"

Before, the magic fire field of the Green Patriarch's ancestors was directly a vitality that could devour all things in the world, and even to directly use this vitality to feed itself back, so as to benefit from it.Now, this Xuanyin old ghost can swallow mental energy.

In other words, it is just to devour the soul, just because your will is too terrible, there is repression of the will, and the soul has just moved a little, and it is directly suppressed.

"Well, what should we do this time?"

Wang Yang has never practiced great magical powers such as Shenhun, because he knows that as long as his will is strong enough, Shenhun will be extremely terrible.

However, the spiritual power derived from the soul has never been valued by Wang Yang.

This time, I have eaten a hidden loss. If it can't be solved, I'm afraid that there will be less trouble.

"Huh, this is a good way!!"

Between turning around, Wang Yang thought of a good way.

Will derives spirit, and spirit derives spiritual power.

It can be said that the spirit of the will is one, and it can also be said that the spiritual will is also one. Once the mental power consumption is extremely large, then the spirit of the soul will be greatly damaged. Finally, even the glory of the will will be greatly affected, even Just when the glory of will goes out, it is definitely not without problems.

In this case, how can Wang Yang indulge?

The soul world, if there is no repression of will, only fear that it will be truly broken.

"Spiritual Tree of Souls, this domain of ten thousand ghosts, is, in the final analysis, just a domain composed of spirits. Perhaps, it is very good to devour the power of the spirits of others to grow oneself, but it will not change at all.

As long as I plant the Tree of Soul Calming, I am afraid that no amount of ghosts will be suppressed."

So, Wang Yang was overjoyed.

He did not expect that there was such a good way at this time.

The so-called sedative spirit tree is itself a kind of sedative tea tree.

However, because of its effect of calming the gods, Wang Yang occasionally conducted an in-depth study, which directly cultivated a special power tree from it.

The Soul Calm Tree was originally a very common elixir. It was only after Wang Yang's cultivation that he had such a magical effect. Wang Yang wanted to replant it, and naturally there was no problem.

Under the unfolding of Wan Guiyu, Wang Yang was completely trapped in a ghost domain.

Similar to the field of magic fire, it is such a space, extremely solid, with Wang Yang’s strength at this time, it is impossible to break, unless his spiritual world is restored, he can use all the power, otherwise, he will not may.

However, in such a field, there is also the sky and the land. Wang Yang took out the seeds and planted them directly on the ground under the Shenhuo field.

Even under the general divine fire, even the seeds of divine medicine have been destroyed.However, such a black seed directly absorbs the rich vitality in the field of Shenhuo.

Planting just planted the ground, it is directly to sprout roots.


Suddenly, Xuanyin old ghost shouted suddenly.

"You, what are you doing?"

Pointing at Wang Yang, the old ghost of Xuanyin shouted in horror.

Because, he found that his own domain of ghosts was quickly drawn power.

How is it possible, but this is my own field, how can anyone take power?

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