My Super Estate

1924 Hundred Flowers

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Sixth Chapter Hundred Flowers

Xuanyin Nine Ghosts, known as the Devil Realm in the World of Ten Thousand Ghosts, competes for hegemony in the Demon Realm, and its strength is unknown.However, his Ten Thousand Ghost Realm is a famous name, once equal to the realm of green robe ancestors.

The green fire ancestor's field of magic fire has been broken by Wang Yang. Can Xuanyin old ghost and his ten thousand ghost domain take Wang Yang?

This problem is not just a calculation in the mind of the old ghost of Xuanyin. Similarly, many of the demon emperors gathered in Moyang City, one by one, are curious.

Whether Xuanyin Old Ghost gets the nickname, or the ancestor of the green robe worthy of the name, these problems are the most concerned issues of many rookies in the devil world.

"Huh, the name of the green robe ancestor Hehewei, his field of magic fire, the name of the realm of the devil, is considered a giant by the demon world. I don’t think so. The human race, but the sage, even, looking at his spirit, obviously There was a wound. His green robe, the ancestral hall of the devil giant, could not win it. I think it was his magic fire city. It should be the Lord."

There are three hundred and sixty channels in the demon world. Each channel has a big city. Each big city is a big force in the demon world. Even the top ten of them are all giants.

Such a ranking not only represents the reputation of NuoDa, but also represents great temptation and the benefits of Tianda.

With the power of the innate demon clan, carry forward its own inheritance, such a huge temptation, the new demon emperor of the devil world is all hot.

Now, the ancestor of the green robe faced a sage of the human race and suffered a big loss. Who can't be bothered?

"Yes, it is also known as the devil giant! I think it should be the shame of the devil!"

The demon world has never lacked the unruly big head, the so-called Yangtze River front wave pushes back wave, and the latter wave dies on the beach.A demon giant, occupying huge cities, they rarely have a day in their early days, and now they see fatigue.How can you not try?

The ancestor of the green robe is extremely ugly. The two bastards in front of him are very impressed in his heart. They are the two terrifying existences of the Devil Realm in the past two years. If he is in peacetime, he will never put these bastards in his eyes. , Really beating, just stepping to death.

However, now that the fire in the body is raging and all the energy is fighting, it is so humiliating that these two assholes!

"Asshole, you two assholes, wait for the ancestor, and wait for the ancestor to come back and see how the ancestor will deal with you."

The Demon Race has always been cruel and fierce, and it dare to be so humiliated that it must not be let go.

"The Soul Calm Tree, also known as the Hundred Flowers Fruit Tree.

As long as the flowers are open, there will inevitably be ripe flowers."

In the field of Shenhuo, Wang Yang planted the Tree of Soul Calming, and you can feel that in the field of Shenhuo, a very strong vitality is quickly absorbed by the Tree of Soul Calming.

Correspondingly, Wang Yang must burn the golden blood of the gods quickly, otherwise the vitality will be truly cut off.

This is also that Wang Yang is not strong enough, otherwise, the field of Shenhuo will be expanded, and naturally it will be able to absorb the infinite vitality between the world and the world, without the additional expenditure of golden blood.

"Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, you must absorb a hundred ghosts and put them in peacetime. Such a thing, except the ghost domain, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to satisfy.

Nowadays, being in the realm of ghosts, it is God who helps me.

According to legend, the potpourri can hold the soul of the god, and the will is the root of the soul of the soul and the center of the soul.

There is bound to be tremendous benefits in the spiritual world to cultivate the soul."

Opening up the realm of Shenhuo, a drop of golden blood was quickly burned, and the Soul of Soul tree quickly grew.

In the end, the Soul Calm Tree quickly grew into a towering tree in a very short time.

"Haha, Wan Guiyu, haha... Today, let you see the power of my Soul God Tree!"

Wang Yang laughed, very proud.

Wan Guiyu is extremely heavy, even ordinary sages, even if they are in the millions, as long as they are enveloped by Wangui Yu, if there is no special magic weapon protection, extremely rich Yin Qi, a body of Yang Qi, will definitely be swallowed up And, finally, the body died.

Even if this is the case, the soul of the gods falls into the domain of the ghosts of the ten thousand ghosts, and will still be controlled by the domain of the ghosts of the thousand ghosts, and will be quickly assimilated by the rich yin gas.

It can be said that as long as it is enveloped by these ten thousand ghost domains, it is really better to die, from the flesh to the soul, and finally, everything is swallowed up.

Demon means can be seen in general.

Wang Yang's spiritual world is broken and there are countless cracks, even more so.

As a demon giant, how can it not be seen?

"Haha, the old ghost wants to see, how long can you support!!"

Of course, Xuanyin old ghost can see that Wang Yang is already the end of the strong crossbow, and the reason why he can always support it is only because he has a strange treasure and can always support it, otherwise, the realm of half-hanging gods has long been broken.

Evil ghost domain, a huge grimace appeared, looking at the domain of Wan ghost, independently supporting a field of heavenly fire, issued a horrible laughter, when men and women, when old and young , A variety of sounds, mixed together, makes this eerie ten thousand ghost domain more terrifying and scary.

Suddenly, the field of Shenhuo, which had been strong, disappeared naturally.

"Haha, you can't hold it anymore!!"

Seeing the disappearance of the Shenhuo realm, the old ghost of Xuanyin suddenly rejoiced. At that time, when men and women were old and young, they seemed to be a variety of sounds, like a mixed voice of tens of thousands of people.

The sound is mixed, but the pride is extremely prominent.

Wang Yang looked up: "Huh, I hope you can still laugh!!"

I saw in front of Wang Yang, the last golden fire, all disappeared, and a towering tree suddenly appeared.

There are countless ghosts in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Domain, all of which are the old ghosts of Xuanyin, and the result of burning and looting is his accumulation of tens of thousands of years.

Xuanyin's old ghosts and thousands of ghosts are well-known, and these countless ghosts are not unrelated.

Countless ghosts were flying fast in the Ten Thousand Ghosts domain. When Wang Yang's Shenhuo field scattered away, it suddenly seemed like a smell of flies. All the ghosts came rushing towards Wang Yang.

The huge and terrible yang of Wang Yang has become the most delicious food in the eyes of countless ghosts. They all come together and want to divide Wang Yang all.

Suddenly, a terrible breath naturally radiated out. Suddenly, the innumerable ghosts that had just flowed in just now seemed to have met the nemesis, and they all screamed in horror.

The sharp ghost screams, like a torrent, rolled up an endless wind, making the solid ten thousand ghost domain even unstable.Even if it spreads in all directions, even if it is the Ten Thousand Ghosts, it can't be kept under control.


In the city of Moyang, thousands of demons and sages all spit blood together and quickly backed away. They were horrified and looked at the dark ghost field.

However, no one knows what happened to that gloomy ghost domain.

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