My Super Estate

Question 1927

Chapter 1839 fights against time

"Damn, what should I do?"

The flowers are in full bloom, and the flowers will be ripe.

Do you really want to give up the flowers because of such a little time and only absorb the essence of flowers?

At the end of the incident, Wang Yang hesitated.

Hundred flowers bloom, it means that the flowering fruit will definitely mature, as long as it is mature, perhaps, your injury will be a step in the sky, directly recovery.


Wang Yang hesitated again, looking at the five giant demon giants who were guarding him.

"However, if they can become a devil giant in such a cruel Devil Realm, they must be extremely talented talents.

As long as they are given a chance, will they not succeed?

As long as their great supernatural powers can really practice successfully, as long as one person can cultivate into two peerless supernatural powers, will they still have a chance to live under the fusion?"

Devil is born to be the king of Taoism, and there is no such thing as physical talent, because, they don't need it at all.

"No, these bastards are indeed extremely talented. They deserve to be the ones who can create great magical skills on their own and practice successfully."

Wang Yang can no longer hesitate, because he saw that the old ghost of Xuanyin had already created the'Devil's Roar' who cultivated the old devil.

In the ghost domain, there are endless ghosts, and no one knows how many ghosts this Xuanyin old ghost has raised.

Even if it was Wang Yang's Soul Relief Tree, it was directly suppressed and absorbed a part of it. However, the number of ghosts recovered quickly in a very short time, and the number is still increasing.

No one knows how many ghosts are gushing out in such large quantities.

The most important thing is that in this Ten Thousand Ghosts domain, some different patterns have appeared.

These patterns are directly integrated into those ghosts.

All kinds of shouting ghosts, Wang Yang's cracked soul world, even in a faint, came a cracking voice.

"Damn, this damn Xuanyin old ghost, he even roared the demon god of the old demon head directly into his own field."

The corner of Wang Yang's mouth began to bleed.

This is because there are flaws in the spiritual world, and there have been some criticisms about the adjustment of the mana in the body. The three great supernatural powers have merged with each other. Injured the internal organs, some blood, and simply could not stop.

"No matter what, I can't recover anymore. Perhaps, I will be unable to fight back."

At the moment, Wang Yang has no choice but to give up.

Hundred flowers classics, if you don't, don't have it!

Doing two things with one heart is the most basic operation for the supernatural powers.The spiritual world is open, and the spiritual power is strong, even if it is versatile, there will definitely be no problems.

While Wang Yang controlled the Shenhuo Realm to resist, he sat cross-legged in the Shenhuo Realm and absorbed the essence of the hundred flowers.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being cultivated by the essence of ghosts, which has a great effect on the restoration of the spiritual world.

Wang Yang's spiritual world is extremely huge. In this spiritual world, there are various wonders. Some are what Wang Yang sees and hears, and some are some ideas in his mind.

Even, it can be seen that different people are not practicing different martial arts, and finally, practicing different martial arts.

However, these different martial arts, if you look closely, you will find that these different martial arts, in fact, have a commonality.

That is, the cultivation of the divine power of the sun.

That is to say, in this spiritual world, there are endless creatures, but they are always practicing the Ziyang Divine Skill, or they are studying the use of the sun's divine power.

When Wang Yang truly opened up the world and achieved a truly peerless power, perhaps this spiritual world will naturally merge with the newly opened world, and then all the sentient beings in Wang Yang’s spiritual world, perhaps, will be there. Born in the opened world, finally, following Wang Yang's ideas, continue to study the application of the sun's divine power, finally, continue to develop, continue to research, continue to in-depth exploration, and finally, help Wang Yang to perfect his own Ziyang magical skills.

This is a process out of nothing.

This is also the reason why Peerless Power can be called Peerless Power.

In a single thought, it can affect tens of millions, and even the truth you think is very likely to be a thought of peerless power.

Therefore, in this world, there are idealism and materialism.

In the field of ten thousand ghosts, a number of fields are superimposed, and a variety of scary creatures are constantly shooting. The pressure is extremely great. Suddenly, various creatures are constantly merging.

Each creature represents a field.

The fusion of various creatures seems to represent a progress in their unique magical skills.


Suddenly, the whole area of ​​Godfire is constantly shaking.

This is the first time since the expansion of Shenhuo realm was shaken by external forces.


The Shenhuo realm is itself controlled by Wang Yang’s spiritual power. The entire Shenhuo realm was greatly shaken. Suddenly, Wang Yang just felt that the entire spiritual world seemed to be smashed by a heavy hammer. a bit.

It was originally a spiritual world full of rifts, almost not torn apart.

Fortunately, a very special kind of pollen was born naturally in the spiritual world, and quickly integrated into the crack.

Pollen seems to be a powerful agent, even if it is greatly shaken, under the action of such a pollen, the spiritual world that will be torn apart is actually safe.

"it is good!"

Wang Yang was overjoyed.

There is such a good thing, it is simply a surprise.

At the shock just now, Wang Yang only thought that his broken spiritual world, I was afraid that he really could not support it, but now, it seems, thanks to his decisiveness.

"Just, it's a pity that the hundred flowers!"

Just the blooming flowers have such a magical effect. So, better than that, I don’t know how many times the flowers of the flowers will have any magical effect?

Instead, Wang Yang looked forward to it.

"Look, we've been shaken in the field of supernatural fire.

The human race has been seriously injured and is totally defended by the Shenhuo field. Otherwise, we have already killed him.

Now, the realm of fire has been shaken, indicating that our direction is correct.

Come on, everybody!!"

Seeing the Shenhuo realm shaken, Xuanyin old ghost shouted with joy.

They are demons, and where can they really be happy?

Each seems to have come up with their own unique skills, but in fact, no one has come up with the most core things.

Now that there is a common enemy, what about in the future?

Everyone knows that the old ghost of Xuanyin is hope, and he can really leave him alone.

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