My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1928

Chapter 1840 breaks the game

"who are you?"

Li Xunhuan stared cautiously at the man in front of him, his figure was somewhat embarrassed, and there was this tiredness in his expression. The flying knife that had been cut off in his hand was still kept in his hand by him. See him like this, no Too much preparation to give up.

A little bit bloody, it seems that it can't be washed away, and even his favorite small jug is gone.Long hair that was once elegant and chic, at this time the mess is like a call for flowers.

The old middle-aged handsome man has changed a lot, it seems that he is a beggar who eats hundreds of meals alone.

But the man in front of him was wearing a crown, wearing a black robe, with high forehead and wide cheeks, and with his hands down, he looked into the distance.

It seemed to be that in his eyes, there was only that day and no more.

"Ben Wang Xiangyu."

Xiang Yu's voice was not very loud, but he felt a sense of heaviness, as if it were, his words were truly worth a thousand words.


Li Xunhuan was surprised,

This is a terrible existence, the bravery of overlords, famous in the world.

Legend has it that his double pupils are invincible in heaven and earth, and his strength is unparalleled in the world. His domineering is beyond heaven and earth.

Such a peerless existence, will appear here?

Hey, right. Legend has it that Overlord didn’t really step into the world of peerlessness?Why is he still here?

"Overlord, Li Xunhuan has seen here!"

Whether it is right or not, people save themselves, but it is an indisputable fact.

"I heard, Bawang, once opened up to earth, now this is it?"

Between heaven and earth, there are always some celestial wizards who, in a very short and very short time, walk out of the height that others have not reached for thousands of years.

Wang Yang, who I saw before, is one of them. The overlord in front of him is even more so.


The overlord snorted, the world was shocked, the situation was changing, the thunder was rolling, and the cracks in the void were in this cold snorting, which was directly to appear.


Overlord's strength is really terrible.

"Your little friend, a lot of trouble at this time."


Li Xunhuan was shocked in his heart. He almost forgot that he was with the kid.

"No, Wang Yang was badly hit. Before that, he tried everything. He directly hit the will of the demon world. He himself was in a bad situation.

Now, he must have been entangled, no, I have to save him."

Li Xunhuan was so anxious in his heart that he didn't even care about the overlord, but turned around and walked towards the direction of Moyang City.

Is Moyang City safe?

Bullshit, Moyang City is now the center of the storm. I don’t know how many giants of the demon world are gathering. Even some giants that are not hidden in the world are very likely to come out.

At this time to go to Moyang City, it is to find death.

Didn't Li Xunhuan discover all this?No, he has noticed, even, he has guessed, but he is still looking back.

"Are you afraid of dying?"


Haha, in these worlds of heaven, I have traveled a lot of places, and I have seen a lot of things. In my heart, there are always some conjectures.

Wang Yang's ability to hit the will of the demon world seriously means that he is an indispensable part of the future.

My human race, being repeatedly slaughtered by the demons, has always been bullied by the demons repeatedly. Now that I have this opportunity, how can I retreat because of fear?"

Li Xunhuan looked at him, still a little embarrassed, but at the moment, he looked extremely tall.


Wang Yang was a little surprised. Under the powerful effect of points, Shenhuoyu quickly improved, and even reached the most critical step of condensing momentum.

As long as this step is taken, then you can have a magical power of metamorphosis.

In fact, the Shenhuo domain at this time did not really integrate other great supernatural powers, which is the key to Wang Yang's weakness.

As long as it is transformed, then all kinds of supernatural powers can be perfectly integrated, and then the strength will definitely rise.

However, at this stage, Wang Yang actually suffered a great suppression.

It seems that in this world, there is a great will, which is always suppressing yourself and not letting you make a real breakthrough.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Wang Yang was shocked in his heart: "Could this be the reason why there are countless demon powerhouses, but no one can always practice the magical powers?"

On this day, Wang Yang encountered a lot of Mozu strong.

However, no matter who they are, they do not appear to have the magical avatar of successful cultivation.

"Isn't it, that's the first place, the ring space, the biggest role?"

The hunch in Wang Yang's heart became more and more serious.

He increasingly believes that in this world of heavens, there is an invisible big hand that has been dominating all this.

In other words, this supreme heaven has always been dominated by people?

"No matter who you are, we will always meet."

The entire Supreme Realm seems to have been fully controlled by people.

Even, many people are all led by their noses. Of course, Wang Yang is extremely dissatisfied. However, at this time, his strength is not as good as people. If there is any dissatisfaction, there is no way.

But wait!

"Haha, it's done, the old ghost, my ghost and roar, finally it's done!!"

Suddenly, the old ghost of Xuanyin laughed, and in his tone, he was full of excitement, as if it had been a dream for many years, and finally he succeeded.

I can see that there are countless ghosts in the domain of Ten Thousand Ghosts. Although there is still some distance from the Divine Fire Realm, it is also like an army, which surrounds the Divine Fire Realm.


The voices of ghosts and gods are often gloomy. No one has ever known. It turns out that ghosts and gods can still be so masculine.

Ten Thousand Ghosts is a place to raise ghosts. All ghosts can be promoted quickly in such a field.

It can be said that in this domain of ten thousand ghosts, although the number of ghosts and gods at the level of the emperor is not too much, for the level of the sage, it is called a terrible.

If it is only a ghost and god of a sage level, Wang Yang will certainly not care too much. As long as his masculine blood is released, all ghosts and gods must be burned to death.

However, in these tens of thousands of ghost domains, the number of ghosts and gods is really too much, as much as ants, even if Wang Yang is an elephant, it will be eaten by countless ants.

The roar of ghosts and gods has just been successfully cultivated, and it is directly integrated into the countless ghosts and gods, and toward the Wang Yang, there is a roar.

Although it was only the fusion of two great supernatural powers, but the number was too much, just a roar, Wang Yang's seemingly undefeated Shenhuo realm, it was directly broken.

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