My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1929

Chapter 1841 Strange Effect of Soul Calming Flower

In the field of Shenhuo, Wang Yang quickly absorbed the essence of a hundred flowers. At a very fast speed, the spiritual world was quickly forcibly bound together by a layer of strange power.

"It would be great if the flowers were in full bloom and the flowers were ripe."

Wang Yang made such remarks more than once.

"Again, again, a flower must be planted. Perhaps, my soul world will really recover like this."

Wang Yang has made up his mind. If there is such an opportunity again, he must plant a hundred flowers.

As a matter of fact, the potpourri, also called fig, is the essence of blooming flowers when blooming. Under the forging power of the Soul God Tree, it naturally condenses. It itself does not have anything like mustard.


Wang Yang was shocked in his heart, and I saw that it was still as steady as the Mount Tai's Shenhuo field, and was suddenly broken by a terrible force.

Correspondingly, a force of anti-bite directly hits Wang Yang.

The domain of Shenhuo, that is controlled by Wang Yang, is controlled by his mind. The domain of Shenhuo is broken, and the primary impact is directly the spiritual world of Wang Yang.

"not good!"

The spiritual world is broken, can it survive after being hit by such a force?


It seemed to be a torrent, wave after wave, striking toward the broken spiritual world.For a time, in the spiritual world, the wind was surging, the thunder was rolling, and the whole seemed to be the end of the world.


A terrible voice came from the purple sun high above.

For a time, all external forces were suppressed, all were broken up, and all were purified.

This is the powerful will power to suppress everything in one word.

"Huh, there is nothing in the spiritual world, nothing."

Wang Yang was overjoyed.

At this time, it doesn’t matter what the Shenhuo domain is. If it doesn’t have a lot of golden blood consumption, it just condenses the level of Shenhuo domain. With Wang Yang’s current strength, there is no use for fart at all.

The current effect can only be achieved because a large amount of golden blood burns and gathers the terrible solar power to stay strong.

Therefore, it is no surprise that the Shenhuo field was broken.On the contrary, the spiritual world was so shocked, but it shocked him and almost didn't scare him to death.

"Haha, soothing flowers, the effect is really good, haha..."

"Broken, this damn godfire field is finally broken, everyone, everyone, let's go and kill this human race!!"

Cultivating ghosts and gods roaring, Xuanyin old ghosts are extremely proud and overjoyed.

Even, he already thought, led everyone to work together to suppress the human race.

As long as this human race has cracked down, I believe that Motian will definitely have Tianlei's reward.By then, as a leader, will there be fewer benefits?

The field of Shenhuo was broken, and his first one was to attack Wang Yang.


Countless ghosts and gods roared towards Wang Yang.


A big bell covered all the sound waves, all were blocked.

The most important and most important thing is that in this domain of ten thousand ghosts, there are also many Shura swordsmen, and even a lot of demon gods, fire gods, thunder gods, all of them were killed by Wang Yang.

It can be seen that these existences are very similar to those of their own spiritual world, only because of their own spiritual power, combined with the special power in this field, can be born.

Suddenly, Wang Yang could clearly feel that all these existences, one by one, had a different meaning.

"Dare you dare to use Lao Tzu as a test stone?"

Wang Yang has clearly felt that all these monsters are under the control of the five giants.

The five major giants are worthy of the name of giants. Naturally, there is no weak one.Xuanyin's old ghosts, within a very fast time, cultivated a great magical power like the Demon God Roar, and they merged with their own ghost domain to increase their power.

The remaining four giants have obviously achieved great results, and their self-confidence has been greatly improved.

"Huh, do you even want to use me as a whetstone?"

Wang Yang sneered. If it weren't for his own encounter with the will of the demon world, these guys, although one by one, are known as the giants of the demon world, but they were really not put in the eyes of Wang Yang.

"Dare to take me as a whetstone, just right, then now, I will blow you up!"

Feeling the strong bond between the cracks in the spiritual world, Wang Yang felt confident.

Four so-called Devil Giants, look at Lao Tzu today, I will not kill you!!

"Zhe Tian Yin..."

The cloud of endless visions unfolded, and a supreme god stepped out of that vision.

"No, this, this is magical avatar!!

Every day, how can there be magical avatars!!"

All the people who watched the supreme deity appearing in that guy, including Xuanyin Old Ghost, were screaming in horror.

Five of them, are usually giants of the devil world, one by one, extremely powerful.

However, they have cultivated their great magical powers, one by one, to a limit. It is only one step away from the realm of transformation.

However, because of such a step, they are always stuck.

What do we see now?When I saw the magical avatar, it was really a magical avatar!!

"No, impossible, absolutely impossible, how possible, how could there be magical avatars!!"

Xuanyin old ghost was killed, but also unwilling to believe.

A field of magical fire, because of some kind of treasure, can cross the level and resist the joint efforts of its five giants.

Well, there are many babies, and they are also willful. There is no way for anyone.

However, now you are like this, but there are some bad rules, how can you have a magical avatar???

The dream of magical avatars appeared, which had severely broken their arrangement.

It must be said that with the strength of these people, Xuanyin and Old Ghosts, how could they not have encountered the great existence of practicing magical avatars?

However, those are all the roaring existences of people from all walks of life, such beings, even if they are themselves, are absolutely afraid to provoke them.

Originally, it was a sheep. Suddenly, it turned into a evil tiger. There was a strong contrast that no one could afford.

"The Epee is like a mountain!!"

It seems to feel that the impact on these demon giants is not big enough, and another peerless swordsman appeared, towards the countless ghosts and gods, and now it is a sword.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

The terrible sword light, crushing everything, whether it is a ghost emperor or a ghost saint, is under this sword, and it is directly exploded!

"Also, there??"

There is another peerless swordsman?

God, what monster did you encounter?!!

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