My Super Estate

Question 1930

Chapter 1842 is surrounded

The two magical avatars merged together, and their strength has more than doubled?

Under the eruption of powerful forces, even if the five statues are known as the giants of the demon world, under such an outbreak, the fissures of the Ten Thousand Domains are all over.

"Don't let him escape, everyone, otherwise none of us can live!"

Feeling that the domain of Ten Thousand Ghosts is broken, the old ghost of Xuanyin is very nervous, and the field is broken. At that time, all the people are directly facing this terrible human race, how can they be opponents?

"No two, three!"

The integration of the two magical avatars, the strength has improved more than two or three times?Even if the five demon giants join forces, they are crushed, but, at this time, the five demon giants, they even communicate with each other, they all tell each other that they created the peerless supernatural powers, maybe, some reservations, but, some Jingyi, but all told.

As a result, they have successfully cultivated the second peerless supernatural power, and even naturally integrated into their own fields.

As a result, under the attack of Wang Yang, their domain was severely damaged and even cracked, but the domain itself was not directly destroyed.

However, all this, when Wang Yang revealed the third magical avatar-hitting the ant, they were completely desperate.

"Ah, no, no, impossible, absolutely impossible, impossible impossible..."

This blow is really too great. The strength of a human race in the other party is so terrible?


Regardless of whether Xuanyin's old ghosts believe it or not, there is also a sound of broken glass in Wangui's domain."Boom", a loud noise, the entire Wan Guiyu, directly exploded.

Although the five giants join forces, in the final analysis, Wangui Domain is the foundation. The other four giants are not master domains themselves, they can bless, but they are simply Wangui Domain.

Ten thousand ghost domain exploded, Xuanyin old ghost vomited blood on the spot, the whole body breath, fell quickly, there is no longer the feeling of controlling everything in the world.

The other four lords also retreated together, breathing a little, falling slightly.

The devil world is always so dark, even the sun is also a dark purple glow.At this time, the sky above Moyang City, more and more powerful demon races, the atmosphere of the sky, stirring the demon world, all kinds of visions, all show their magical powers, even if they can’t be transformed into the world, they are also terrible, All kinds of vitality are sealed.

Wang Yang suddenly appeared over Moyang City, and he saw such a scene.

"Where to escape!!"

One after another, people were trapped in the field, that is, the Buddha was on fire, not to mention, he was still human.


Seeing that Wang Yang was surrounded by heavy encirclement, how dare he dare to kill himself in the face of these people and kill his own giant of the devil world?

At the moment, more than a dozen Devil Emperors appeared, each occupying one side, and surrounded Wang Yang heavily.

"Huh, it's up to you?"

Wang Yang looked at it coldly, and the three magical avatars were directly integrated into Wang Yang's body.

The deity is the weakest, surrounded by heavy enemies. Wang Yang did not dare to use his mind to control the magical powers to fight. With a slight change, his own deity will be directly exploded.

What's more, the current spiritual world hasn't recovered yet. It's basically supporting the consumption of a large amount of spiritual power. Once it can't bear it, I'm afraid that I really can't be saved anymore.

Admiralty exercise, this is Wang Yang's best method against the enemy.

The Admiralty of Great Admiralty can use its power to help itself to practice physical warfare. However, the Admiralty of Admiralty’s main defense, mind control is okay, it can be directly transformed into a force and integrated into other supernatural powers, but, If the Admiralty of Admiralty is integrated into its own body, then it has only one role, that is defense.

In such an environment, surrounded by many, lack of power, even if you have the greatest defense, it is difficult to save life.

At this time, we must be deterrent.


A sharp sword appeared in Wang Yang's hand, and it was a swipe directly toward the dozen or more demon races in front of him.


A Venerable Devil Emperor is just an ordinary Devil Emperor, and there is no such peerless magical power. In the face of the fusion of three great magical powers like Wang Yang, the strength is more than ten times different?

In just one round, more than a dozen Devil Emperors directly hit the explosion.

Sure enough, Wang Yang's eyes swept upwards. Sure enough, the points that had just bottomed out rose another 130 points.

Thirteen devil emperors, one hundred and thirty points, each demon emperor, ten points.

This is the most basic point. After that, every devil emperor controls a peerless magical power. The point is several times higher.


Xuanyin old ghost stared wide eyes.

With a sword cut, is the thirteen Devil Emperors killed?

How could there be such strength?

Even if he is a giant of the devil world, in the face of more than a dozen devil emperors, even if the strength is enough to crush, even annihilation can be achieved, but, to say, it is really possible to achieve a sword kill, it is simply a dream.

"Huh, do you think you can still live?"

Despite being surrounded by a lot, Wang Yang's eyes are still locked on the five giants such as Xuanyin and the old ghosts.

"Everyone, Demon is destined to kill all invaders. Do you want to wait for this human race to break me one by one?"

Among the shadows, someone suddenly shouted so loudly.

Sure enough, dozens of Devil Emperors appeared, among them, a few people, the breath was terrible.

"Huh, want to kill me in front of us, and kill the demon giants, wouldn't I take my devil and other tribes too seriously?"

The power of these demons is extremely terrible. Even if it is the Xuanyin old ghost of the demon giant, it feels like this to Wang Yang. Moreover, it must be the Xuanyin old ghost who has now practiced the roar of the devil.

In other words, this guy successfully cultivated two peerless supernatural powers.

However, this is not enough, far from enough.


Suddenly, Wang Yang gave a slap and pressed down fiercely toward the front.

A palm is a mountain.

I saw that with Wang Yang's palm, it was directly suppressed by a majestic mountain.


Wang Yang's terrible palm, like a majestic mountain, turned toward the front, it was suppressed, and the magic eagle was shocked in his heart, and he stepped back and forth, because he found that he couldn't take it.

The magic eagle almost didn't go mad. Anyway, he was a person who cultivated into two peerless supernatural powers. How could he be defeated so easily by a human race?


Losing the support of the magic eagle, even as many as dozens of people, one by one, were shocked.


The Magic Eagle just regretted it, but in his ear, he heard the scream.Quickly turned his head, and at a glance, it turned out that the old ghost of Xuanyin and the devil had been strangled by Wang Yang.

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