My Super Estate

Question 1956

Chapter 1868 The city lord cannot sit still

Xuanzhong City is very different from before, because no matter who it is, you can feel a depression.

The four gates are all under martial law, and the investigation is more serious. Even in the past, it was only controlled by some kings. Now, the sages have personally guarded the gates.

"What is this? The sage, who is not a kind of elder of a party, how can he personally guard the door?"

Wang Xiaolu is just the most common people in Xuanzhong City. He has entered the fifth day of the road to the strongest, and can also be regarded as the third step of the great magician.

Today, when he came back from hunting wild beasts in the wild, he suddenly found that in the past it was only the gate guarded by the king, but now, he is already guarded by a sage.

"Xiao Luzi, you don't know, I heard that in our Xuanzhong City, there was a deputy city host with terrible strength.

Before, demon siege, you know!"

"Nonsense, don't you know? That time, I almost didn't scare me!"

"I heard that at that time, the deputy lord of the city shot, which directly suppressed the Seven Nights of the Yinyue Dynasty."

"What, the seven nights? The deputy town master killed?" Wang Xiaolu was a little shocked, saying: "Brother, don't you lie to me!

The terrible strength of the Seven Nights Saint King, legend has it that none of the city masters met opponents.

Can Vice City Master be an opponent?"

"Aren't you nonsense? The city owner is not an opponent. Last night, the Seventh King Sheng personally led the team. You think, how can we protect the Xuanzhong City?"

"Ah, is the Deputy City Lord so powerful?"

Wang Xiaolu was shocked. He had no idea that the strength of the deputy lord was so powerful!

"No, the Vice-City Lord is so powerful that even the Seventh Night King has been killed by the town. Why is it still like a big enemy now?

Could it be that the Yinyue Saint Emperor and Nayin attacked later?"

Xuan Chong City and the Yinyin dynasty have been in constant battle for years. Wang Xiaolu is very clear about the two devil heads of Yinyue Saint and Yinyin.

If they were to attack, that would be a lot of trouble.

"No, I heard that the Vice-City Lord has led a million troops to the Yinyue Imperial City directly.

The deputy city lord said that in life, when the world is standing tall, he will dare to siege them, and we will dare to siege them."


Did the Deputy City Lord really say that?"

"Of course, would I still lie to you?"

"Roar roar! The deputy lord is good.

Our human race has always been invincible, and whoever dares to kill us, we should kill them.

Mozu, how about Mozu?

Are they stronger than us?"

As a human race, it is still at the forefront of the human race. It has been fighting against the demons all year round.

Is it only allowed him to shoot towards us?We are not allowed to kill them?

There is no such reason.

there has never been.

"Yes, Vice-City Lord is good. When are we humans afraid?

I want to say that the city owner is too conservative, and he should have hit him on the Yinyue Imperial City long ago."

Wang Xiaolu was so excited, and finally, finally waited until this day.

No, our Xuanzhong City has already started to counterattack, I will also go to join the army, I will also go to his demon to kill one or two times.

Above the city gate, where Wang Xiaolu did not see, there were nearly ten people standing there.

If Wang Xiaolu sees it, then he will find that there is his most respected dean, as well as the founder of Xuanzhong City, Xuan Da Emperor.

"President Lu, that is a student of the college!"

"Yes, the city master forgives sins. He is too young to understand the city's pains."

"Perhaps, the city master is really wrong.

I heard that the Yinyue Imperial City has been broken, and the Yinyue Shenghuang and Yinyin have been beheaded by the deputy city master.

At that time, most of the soldiers and soldiers of the Celestial King's merits and princes were directly on the spot to make breakthroughs, and their strength was greatly improved.

I heard that General Chen Da has already begun to practice the third peerless magical power!"

Peerless supernatural powers are definitely not so good to practice.

"In the legend, the ten great peerless supernatural powers are merged, and the power can raise a level. You said, how strong is the deputy city master?

"This one……"

No one answered this question.

Because, the strength of the deputy city lord can be seen by people with clear eyes, that is the eighth sage.

However, the deputy city master only covered the sky and suppressed the seven night sages who had been cultivated into four peerless supernatural powers.

The strength of the deputy lord is always a fan!

"You said, if we follow him, will our strength be greatly improved?"

As a warrior, there is no one who does not want to increase in strength.

As a human race, there is no one who does not want to stand up to earth.

As a city owner, there is no one who does not want his city to grow stronger and stronger.

"Xuanzhong City, I am the city owner. I can't let the people live alive. My city owner is not qualified.

Vice President Wang, he has absolutely no objection to this.

In fact, he sealed my strength.It made me see some things more clearly.For example, he could kill me, but he didn't.

For example, he can abolish me, but, again, he does not.

He led the Black Armored Army and entered the Demon Realm. As the city master, I stayed in the city."

"City Lord!"

The big housekeeper hurriedly spoke up to stop the city owner from continuing to speak.

"Don't speak.

I am the master of Xuanzhong City, and I have my responsibility to lead Xuanzhong City to become stronger, open up the world, and open up more territory for our human race.

I have been promoted to the ninth step. It has been 10,000 years. For 10,000 years, my strength has never improved.

I have been sticking to it. I always thought that my choice was right.

However, the appearance of the Deputy City Lord now seems to be telling me that my choice seems to be wrong."

"City Lord, you, your choice is not wrong!"

The big housekeeper was an emperor and one of the eight great giants, but at this time, there was a trace of tears in the corner of his eyes.

The boy did not flick with tears, but it was not time for sadness.

Over the past 10,000 years, only the city master knows how hard it is.

Xuanzhong City is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more human races. However, when you visit the Devil Realm, you are always facing an attack from the Devil Realm. An inadvertent, billions of human races may be slaughtered by the Mozu.

All of this is pressed against him.

The lord said he was wrong.

But what's wrong?

"Yes, Lord Lord, your choice is not wrong."

Dean Lu spoke.

Over the past ten thousand years, how many times have they faced the attacks of the Demon Race, it is only they who know best.

Without the city owner, the three billion human races of Xuanzhong City have already been slaughtered.

"Have you felt it?

The Tao in our profound city is even clearer."

The words of Dean Lu and the big housekeeper were not denied or confirmed by the city owner.

He is the city owner, shouldering the safety of three billion people in a city. Right and wrong are not judged by others. Only he feels it.

"The rules of our Xuanzhong City are more clear. In the future, perhaps, in our Xuanzhong City, there will be a lot of Tianjiao."

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