My Super Estate

Chapter 1957 Goal, Devil Imperial City

Chapter 1869 Goal, Devil City

"Is the inquiry clear?"

Three days have passed, millions of troops, all people, all have greatly improved their strength.All the savings seemed to open a crack and finally burst out.

"The lord of the city, it has been cleared.

In front is the Devil Imperial City.

I heard that at that time, Yinyue Shenghuang was kicked out from the inside.These people, the Yinyue Saint Emperor's goal, has always been to return to the Devil Emperor City."

General Chen's eyes were sharp.

The strength of the Yinyue Saint Emperor, he saw it with his own eyes, that is called a powerful, such a strength, even if he is now cultivated into the third peerless magical power, it is definitely not an opponent, even if it is combined with the military soul, it can compete with it , Are already the biggest expectations.

Such strength, but, in that magic imperial city, was even driven out, then, how powerful that magic imperial city is.

What's more, until now, the Yinyue Saint Emperor and the Qiye Shengjun helped each other after the Yin, but they still did not go back.

"Magic City, the birthplace of Yinyue Saint Emperor, how do you think they will be strong?"

In the message of the Yinyue Saint Emperor, the ancestral land is behind the Demon Emperor City. To enter the ancestral land, one must pass through the Demon Emperor City.

Human race, deep into the demon world, after passing the devil city, will the devil city turn a blind eye?

"Urban Lord, I don't know this question."

It is not their own million-strong army that can destroy the Yinyue Imperial City. In fact, when the strength is so strong that the so-called army has, in principle, lost its checks and balances.

Unless the quality of the army is very high, and there must be a strong commander-in-chief, and even the army must be cultivated.

"However, there is a letter from the city owner, the city owner and the big housekeeper, and the masters of the four major families, all of them rushed over."

Then, General Chen Da looked at Wang Yang carefully, paying attention to his expression.

In attacking the Devil Realm, the city owner is against it.

At this time, the city owner came to stop it?What will happen to the deputy lord if the lord insists on preventing it?

These issues are what General Chen needs to consider.


The city came mainly and brought five of the eight giants. The camp was huge.What if they insist on preventing it?

Nobody knows?

In the field, many generals in the army, one by one, were a little worried. They wanted to see the deputy city host express his attitude.

However, the deputy lord was too quiet.

It's just'I know'.

What does it mean?

"Vice-City Lord."

"Uh? You still have things?"

"No more."

"No, then, go ahead and prepare! Tomorrow, we will start."


General Chen Da led many generals, but left, they need to make the best preparations.

"Tomorrow, what will we encounter again?"

Wang Yang looked forward to it.

The time passed quickly, and there was not much time until departure.

General Chen Da arrived again.

"If you are ready, then go!"

"it is good!"

General Chen Da did not leave, just looked at Wang Yang, and hesitated.

"Say something, just say it!"

"The city lord they have already come."



General Chen Da dumbfounded. He looked at Wang Yang, but he didn't know what to say.

"You still have nothing?"

"No more!"

"No, just go out!"


General Chen Da left.

However, the door that had just been closed was opened again, and five or six figures came in.

"We will also participate in this action."

It turned out to be the master of the city and the Quartet, as well as the big housekeeper.Unexpectedly, when the city lord came, he even asked to participate.


Wang Yang did not have any objections to the request of the city master. Similarly, there were no inquiries. Just nodding his head, he agreed.

"You, did you agree?"

"What else do you want?"

"Okay, no more."

With that said, the city master led the big housekeeper, and all the lords of the Quartet, all left.The entire hall was quieted down completely, as if everything was quiet between heaven and earth.

Devil Imperial City, in legend, is the oldest imperial city in the Black Bull Demon Realm, even older than the Black Bull Demon Realm.

According to legend, there are ten devil in the Devil Emperor City. Whenever the Devil Emperor is approaching, the Shi Da Devil will start the most fierce competition. The loser will leave the Devil Emperor City and the winner will be A generation of magic emperor.

Ten thousand years ago, Yinyue Saint Emperor, he left from the Devil Emperor City.

The distance between Mohuang City and Yinyue City is not too close. Even the speed of the army must take three days.

On this road, there are many large cities.

"Vice-City Lord, we are extremely close to the Devil City.

Only, in front, we seem to have encountered the enemy."

Along the way, Wang Yang let the Mozu truly realize the horror of the human race, and told the demon a truth, killing is not just the devil. For the sake of benefit, the human race sometimes does it more thoroughly.

Along the way, the three big cities and the ten cities of the magic city were all slaughtered and sacrificed to the world, with nearly ten million miles of territory, all the land of the adult race, all the demonic qi, all were eliminated, All the magic land, all purified, all the magic road, all replaced.

As long as a certain amount of time is given, such a piece of land will surely give birth to many strong human races.

The war between races is not only a war between interests, but also a battle between living spaces.

While the Black Bull King was banned by the Purple King, it was the best time to plunder.

Wang Yang will not miss this time. On the contrary, their actions must have been paid attention to by King Zixiao.

He believes that King Zixiao will do everything he can to delay this time longer.

"it is good!"

Wang Yang took ten steps, and within a few steps, he had reached the forefront of the army.

Sure enough, there was already an extremely large number of magic troops.

All kinds of demons, strange and strange, the number will not be less than three million.

It's so scary.At a glance, there is no end in sight at all, all covered with magic mist.

However, millions of troops could not conceal the front figures.

Wang Yang knew that the most forward figures were the most critical beings.One by one, looking at it, it gives people an endless and dangerous feeling.

This is the real demon powerhouse.

"You dare to dare to go deep into the devil world?"

"Haha, Demon Realm is not a Longtan Tiger Cave.

What's more, with our current strength, even if it's Longtan Tiger's Cave, if we want to break into it, I'm just afraid to try it out. What can you fear in the devil world?"

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