My Super Estate

1958 Illusion

Chapter 1870 The Fantasy

"City Lord!"

General Chen Da looked at Wang Yang, expecting him to come up with an idea.

There are countless monsters in front of you, and you can't see any margin at first glance.

"A dozen cities in front, all the demon army, I am afraid, add up, there are not so many!

Is there such a large army of monsters in Devil City?"

Looking at the endless army of demons in front of him, General Chen Da was a little frightened.

Among the dozens of cities in the front, there are already demons slaughtering nearly 10 billion. All of them feel that their strength is increasing.

Looking at the army of millions of demons in front of me, including General Chen, and even the master of Xuanzhong City and the big housekeeper.

"City Lord, how do I look at this situation, something is wrong!"

Finally, the head of the Nangong family, looking at the situation in front of him, frowned gently, and said: "We Nangong emperor, in the bloodline, there are several ancestors who are proficient in illusion.

In the bloodline, although he has not inherited the way of illusion, he has also introduced some common sense."

"What do you mean?"

Wang Yang looked at the front and smiled, "It seems that the Demon Race can not be underestimated.

You said, what kind of adversary would we be without any illusion?"

"City Lord, you mean!"

General Chen Da was shocked and glared: "Here, are we caught in the demon trap?"

However, we have not noticed anything along the way, such an illusion, hiss..."

This kind of guess is not only General Chen Da, but even the Master of Xuanzhong City, is also shocked.

As for the question of General Chen's title, he doesn't even care about it now.

"City Lord, what should I do now, what can you say?"

Since Xuanzhong City Lord has come, then it means that he is a qualified city owner.

Now in the third heaven, it is obvious that the magic is strong and the person weak.As long as he dares to attack the Demon Race, then it is enough to show that he is a qualified city owner, and the necessary respect must be given.

"No, the current expeditionary army is headed by the deputy lord, and the lord is only the soldiers under the deputy lord's charge!"

The lord is a soldier?

Of course, Wang Yang does not think so, but for Wang Yang, as long as the city master gives such a meaning, then it is enough.

"Very well, since someone welcomes us so much, then we can't disappoint!

You said that the situation here is so realistic. So, are these monsters in front of them real or unreal?

In other words, are they real or unreal to the person behind the scenes?"

Since it is an illusion, then of course it is illusory.

But is it really an illusion?

Can let us sacrifice to heaven, and even attract golden glory of merit, then, is all this true?

That being the case, then, in the end, how was it done?

"City Lord, do you mean?"

"Haha, do you think we will kill all these demons, and finally, what will happen?"

In fact, Wang Yang has planted a seed directly on the earth.

For Wang Yang, planting is the best way to fight the enemy.

All kinds of seeds are essential artifacts for Wang Yang.Great magical powers such as illusion are necessary for Wang Yang to guard against. There is no powerful illusion, even if the will is amazing and the power is strong. However, no one can be sure that he can support it.

However, if you have a god tree that specifically restrains illusion, then for Wang Yang, it is fearless.

Ten Thousand Fantasy Gods is such a congenital creature.

A large number of fantasy plants are a kind of psychedelic plant that Wang Yang obtained from the world. After some activation and cultivation, it is really a successful cultivation.

In fact, a large part of these seeds are hosted by the research department of Shenshui Manor. Wang Yang’s task is to provide golden blood.

It can be said that the Shenshui Manor at this time has long been a behemoth, and its research department has followed Wang Yang's will to carry out special cultivation.

The great strength has created researchers, very deep wisdom, and even terrible energy.

In the usual days, a researcher who does not eat or drink for one day may not get up the next day. However, for a real supernaturalist, not eating or drinking for a month is a very simple and easy thing.

However, in many cases, inspiration is often in a blink of an eye. If you grasp it, you must concentrate on specializing, otherwise, it is very likely that the so-called inspiration has been lost in a very short period of time.

It is precisely because of this, and such artifacts as golden blood, even though Wang Yang has not been at Shenshui Manor all the year round, he has never ceased research on various artifacts.

What's more, Wang Yang's avatars were staring at all times.

Such a phantasmagoria strain was cultivated under such conditions.

"City Lord, you, what are you doing like this?"

No one knows exactly what Wang Yang is doing. However, the million-strong army attacked the demon army there, but no one falsified. On the contrary, it also fought fiercely.

"Fantasy, you see, these human races are really stupid. Until now, they haven't even found the existence of the illusion."


No one knows what kind of illusion is. Even, he made a sound, but no one knew.

The sound seems to sound in the void, but if you look closely, you can find that there is a very mysterious mist there.

In such a cloud of mist, as long as you watch carefully, you can see the best side of your heart, unconsciously, it will fall into it.

In front of such a mist, there is a very terrible and terrifying appearance, with a height of ten feet, but it has six arms, and each arm is holding a giant sword.

It turned out to be a Shura demon.

"Emperor Shura, could you not believe my magical power?"

Illusion is very proud, even if facing the Shura emperor who is famous for his killing, there is no trace of respect.

On the contrary, in his tone, he revealed a high above.

"Huh, these human races who don't know how to live or die, dare to go deep into my demon world. I will let them live in fantasy forever. I want them to die completely in my fantasy."

Illusion is the pleasure of manipulating the human soul. As long as the spiritual world is broken, even if there is a powerful magical power, it will die.

Illusion has already figured out how to let all this clueless human race die.

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