My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1962

The first eight hundred and seventy-fourth chapter illusion, killing Xiu Luohuang

"how about it?"

Obviously, the powerful magical soldiers have great consumption of mana. Even the powerful presence of Shura Emperor cannot support it.

"You, are you okay now!"

The phantom sound is always so beautiful.Seeing that there was no blood in front of him, even Shura, the mana fluctuations were extremely low and very low, even if they were still talking about each other, at this time, they were a little surprised, especially when they saw the sky above. There is also an extremely terrifying golden clock, and its heart is even more worried.

It is a phantom snake. In addition to illusion, other means are extremely low. Even the most basic and powerful physical warfare of Warcraft is not available. If there is no Shura Emperor to bear it, then, after the illusion is broken, the basic In fact, its strength can be abolished.

"Mana is too expensive."

At this time, Emperor Xiuluo seemed to be a mortal who had not eaten for seven days and seven nights, his breath dropped to freezing point, and his strength declined seriously.

"The fusion of the twelve great magical powers is already at the level of peerless power, and my mana cannot be supported at all."

Emperor Shura was very bitter at this time.

He just wanted to kill the enemy in one fell swoop, even if he consumed a lot of mana, he felt no loss.

But now, what is his mother's name? It broke out all mana, just because this human race in front of me is a little bit strange, and wants to compete for his power at one stroke, but who can tell me, I broke out of peerless power Strength, why can't even a human race be beaten to death?

"You are an emperor, you broke out the twelve supernatural powers, and broke out the strength of peerless power. Even you can't support it, how can the human race support it?"

"You ask me, I ask who will go!"

Emperor Shura was extremely depressed.

I have cultivated six types of peerless supernatural powers by myself, and I control a set of magical soldiers in my hands. I can also burst out six types of peerless supernatural powers. Under the fusion, I can even burst out the strength of peerless supernatural powers.

With such strength, which emperor could not be beaten to death?

However, what's going on here!


Wang Yang laughed, withdrew the golden clock, looked at Emperor Shura in front of him, and said, "Haha, thank you!"

Thank you?

I thank you for a big head ghost.

If the eyes can kill people, then at this time, the Shura Emperor will definitely kill Wang Yang with his eyes.

It is a pity that Emperor Shura of such great magic has not practiced, and even his mana has been exhausted.

"who are you?

Zixiao God Realm, there is absolutely no you."

Peerless power, open up the earth, merge into the third heaven, and naturally open up a godland, the devil.

The Black Bull Demon Realm and Zixiao God Realm are closely connected to each other. As the center of the Black Bull Demon Realm, the Devil Emperor City has excellent control over all the information of the Purple Xiao God Realm.

For the number one person like Wang Yang, it is certain that he has never seen it.

"Haha, who am I? It doesn't matter for the time being. What's important is that the entire Black Bull Demon God has been trapped by the King of Purple Skies with mountains and rivers.

Your Black Bull Demon Realm will no longer be a threat to my human race."


As a demon, it has always been only a bully. When did it turn to get a human to enter the devil so wildly?

Emperor Asura almost did not get angry.

Originally, the mana was extremely expensive, and even with it, the breath dropped extremely badly.

After being so angry with Wang Yang, Emperor Shura really almost didn't give up.

"You are the arranger of the illusion!"

Asura is not angry, Wang Yang doesn't care, but you are a phantom snake, and almost didn't kill all of us, all can be considered bullish.

"It seems that as long as I kill you, I can save my million troops.

Exactly, I also have a snake emperor, since it is so destined, then you can complete it!"

Phantom snake's illusion has already been seen, and he has gathered most of the power in the profound city, and he hasn't been completely defeated by it. Such strength is really terrible.

Exactly, the White Snake Beast Emperor has all been loyal to himself. If the White Snake Beast Emperor ate the magic snake, what will happen in the end?

Moving in my heart, a phantasmagoria plant directly fell.

Sure enough, the terrifying fantasy just now was directly suppressed by the Ten Thousand Fantasy Gods, as if the flame had encountered water and was naturally restrained.

In the end, the Ten Thousand Fantasy Gods directly produced countless roots and directly plunged into the magic snake body.


Although it is a snake, the sound of the phantom snake looks like an ancient beast, which is extremely scary.

However, no matter how struggling, under the suppression of the Ten Thousand Fantasy Gods, there is no resistance at all, and there is no such thing. It is directly the death of the suppression.

"Hey, what kind of tree is this?"

The mysterious snake is terrible, but the Master Xuanzhong has seen it.

In front of the phantom snake, these people, even if they have no resistance at all, just hit a net.

However, such a magic snake was even suppressed by a god tree.

"Vice City Lord, what kind of god tree is this, how could it not be known at all?"

"Haha, in the mortal world, in my homeland, there is a knowledge called TCM.

In fact, the so-called Chinese medicine is the study of various organisms.

The human body is sick, whether it is serious or urgency, but there is always an herbal medicine between heaven and earth that can be cured.

The reason why there is an incurable disease is only because we have not found that kind of herbal medicine, or that kind of herbal medicine has been extinct.

In fact, in the world, all kinds of plants have their own characteristics.

Many of these characteristics have been ignored, or have not attracted attention.

However, for those of us with great magical powers, if we observe carefully, we can find that if we magnify this characteristic indefinitely, then for these characteristics, it is a peerless great magical power.

For example, the illusion snake, the most powerful magical power, is illusion, but in the world, there is always a kind of god that can restrain illusion and even use illusion as a nutrient. Then, for us, as long as this The traits rise to the maximum, then, it is a natural killer of all illusions."

"Yes, is that true?"

It makes sense.

But how can this feature be amplified?

Xuanzhong City Lord looked at Wang Yang's eyes, but they all felt a little respectful.

The feeling is like seeing a real god.

Everyone knows this kind of truth.

However, it is really necessary to study, then, that difficulty is too great.

Seeing the magic snake struggling, in the end, in the struggle, it was directly swallowed by the phantom god strain, and the kind of worship in the eyes of the master of Xuanzhong City was really full to the extreme.

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