My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1963

Chapter 1857th Emperor Snake Beast Emperor

The Magic Snake has been suppressed by the Ten Thousand Fantasy Gods, but Emperor Shura has not yet been slaughtered.

"Go, now the illusion snake is not enough, but Emperor Shura is seizing the time to restore mana.

Now, let's kill him!"

At this time, Wang Yang, in fact, should have already run out of oil.

However, his background is extremely deep, and every day, as long as there is time, he will always practice the Ziyang Divine Skills, without interruption throughout the day.

His cultivation base has already entered the third day of the Xeon, and his strength cannot be broken. The cultivation base is impossible to break through, and he has no certainty to enter the thunder world. Then he is to die.

For Wang Yang, the most common practice of the Ziyang Divine Skill is to accumulate golden blood.Under the condition that there is no shortage of Divine Crystals, for the practice of Ziyang Divine Skills, basically, he will not have any problems, quickly accumulate golden Divine Blood, or store it, or pass it into the world, and give it to the Divine Divine to let God The Water Manor is functioning normally, and it has accumulated a lot of magic crystals for itself.

"You, do you dare to kill me?"

Emperor Asura was too weak.

He is not Wang Yang, and his mana is consumed, but there is no point that he can recover quickly, and he can only rely on time to recover.

Peerless power, at the level of life, has been equal to heaven and earth, mana is boundless, even if it erupts continuously, there will not be too much problem.

However, Emperor Shura was just an emperor, and suddenly, he suddenly broke out of the strength of peerless power. It is still good to kill people. If he can't be killed, he has already fallen to the brink of semi-death.

"and many more!!"

"What else do you want to say?

Or, you have to talk about, what kind of dad do you have in the Devil Emperor City?

Or, you want to say, you are a descendant of the Black Bull God King?"

"You, how do you know?"

Emperor Shura froze.

He just wants to say that he is the descendant of the Black Bull God King, the magical soldier in his hand, or the Black Bull Demon God.

But did you say it yourself?

It should be no!

For a time, Emperor Shura stayed for a while.

"Haha, King Black Bull has been trapped by King Zixiao.

I have already invaded in a big way. If the Black Bull King is really out of trouble, do you think he will let me go?"


This is my biggest backstage, so it was scrapped?

"Your name is King Shura?"

"Yes, I am Emperor Shura."

"In the Devil's City, are you honored?"

To kill Emperor Shura is very simple, but for the Devil Emperor City, you need to have a certain understanding. The Shura Emperor in front of you is a very good choice.

"Hey, do you want to talk from Ben's mouth?"

"Hirok Shura is really smart. I have seen a little bit of it.

So, are you talking about it or not?"

"What do you think?"

Looking at Wang Yang, Xiuluo sneered for a while.

"Yes, you shouldn't be able to say it, but if you don't say it, you can't help you!"

Unconsciously, in Wang Yang's eyes, the magic mist is entangled, and there is a terrifying demon roaring in the faint.

Emperor Shura did not know when, in his eyes, there was already a mess.

"Speak! What kind of powerful people are there in Devil City?"

For great supernaturalists, there is no strong military soul, no matter how large the quantity is, without quality assurance, it is impossible to have any effect.

For Demon Races, their superiority is only superior in quality, but some military forces are all a group of bravery.

This is also the reason why the human race and the demon world continue to confront each other, and have never been completely dominant by the devil.

"There are seven emperors in Demon Emperor City. Niu Demon Emperor, Dark Demon Emperor, Gemini Demon Emperor, Demon Emperor, Me and Emperor Emperor!

The entire Devil Emperor City is also guarded by our seven emperors."

"So, of your seven devil emperors, who is the strongest?"

In the Devil Emperor City, there are even seven Devil Emperors.

Such strength, even Wang Yang, was almost scared to death.

The strength of this Demon Realm is really too great!

"It should be the twin emperors.

Secondly, it is the Bull Demon Emperor, and the others are comparable to me!"

Wang Yang and Master Xuanzhong looked at each other.

"Vice-City Lord, such strength as Mohuang City, we..."

Xuanzhong City Lord, almost not scared to death.

A phantasmagor, almost letting these people out of the net, a Shura emperor, directly erupted the terrible power of peerless power.

There are seven monsters in such a monster in the Devil Emperor City.

Even the Emperor Huang and Shura Emperor are not the strongest in the Devil Emperor City. This is simply the real Longtan Tiger Cave. Even a real dragon lives in it.

"Are the lords going to retreat?"


Faced with Wang Yang's questioning, Xuanzhong City Master was somewhat hesitant.

"In the face of such a strong man, I don't want to retreat.

But, basically, they are all the strength in my profound city.

Once they are damaged, I am afraid that our profound city cannot be recovered for a long time."

"So, what do you want to do?"

"If, I mean, if we can wake them up, let them all go back."

This is since the expedition, Lord Xuanzhong once again opposed Wang Yang's opinion.

Last time, Wang Yang wanted to counterattack the Yinyue Imperial City, but the city owner opposed it. Finally, Wang Yang gave him a strong suppression.

However, this time, Lord Xuanzhong again opposed it.

One million troops, the battle of the Yinyue Imperial City, although victorious, but also suffered great losses, and nearly one hundred thousand troops have been permanently damaged in the devil world.

Known as the million-strong army, it is necessary to include the disciples of the four emperors brought by the master of Xuanzhong City and the students of Xuanzhong Academy.

This is because everyone is a great magician and can't go down the line of fire with minor injuries, otherwise, I'm afraid that I have to do more than half the damage.

Just the Yinyue Imperial City has already suffered such a huge loss. What should I do once I encounter the more incredible Demon Imperial City?

"talk later!"

Xuanzhong City Lord is indeed a qualified city owner. He always remembers his own residents in his heart.

Watching Emperor Shura, Wang Yang slapped it and he was killed by him.

Then look in the direction of the magic snake.

There was no magic snake, just a snake-shaped fruit.

Even if it is a fantasy plant, it will disappear.

"This, this is..."

Looking at the snake-shaped fruit in front of him, the Eastern Master was shocked.

He almost didn't fall into it.

"This is the magic fruit of the magic snake. It contains all the magical powers of the magic snake."


Is the Magic Snake Strong?

In the presence, no one dared to object.

As long as you get this illusion, then you will immediately have the magic snake-like strength.

As long as you think about it, there are a lot of people.

However, it was soon to endure.


If these guys don’t know anything, Wang Yang definitely doesn’t mind shooting. Now, it seems that their minds are okay.


When a person sends it, he directly sends the white snake.

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