My Super Estate

1964 Demon Abyss

Chapter 1876th Demon Abyss

Finally, the magic snake was finally suppressed by Wang Yang, a phantasmagoria strain, and finally, all Daoyun and Great Supernatural Powers were all transformed into his nourishment, and the phantasmagoria strain was the result of being the most determined. Foundation.

In the same way, the phantom snake dies, and the phantom realm loses the control of the phantom snake. Even if it is magical, it is also destroyed by Wang Yang. Not to mention, the white snake beast emperor, won the phantom snake inheritance, and even together with the inheritance of the phantom god strain, all obtained. There is no difficulty in controlling these remaining illusions.

"Me, am I dead?"

A squad leader with the cultivation of the emperor Laozi slowly opened his eyes and touched himself up and down to determine whether he was dead or alive.

"Here, I'm really not dead, really not dead?"

The existence of a level of the heavenly king has already reached the peak of the general, or, it is already free of the level of the general. Of course, he will not be unaware of his own living conditions.

"Lao Zhang, Zhang Laosi woke up quickly, Lao Zhang."

The next best brother on weekdays was Li's third brother, who was holding on to him, and he was still calling, and finally, even shaking.

Zhang Laosi was confused, and his eyes slowly opened, looking at Li Sansan next to him suspiciously, and said, "Sir, what are you shaking?"

"Lao Zhang, your dog day, you haven't woke up yet!"

"Huh, what's going on?"

Finally, Zhang Laosi also discovered the problem, as if he had been sleeping for thousands of years in his mind.

Even, there are still memories, which are slowly clearing up.

"No, I remember that in the Demon Realm we were killing the Quartet, and in the end we fell into merit. My strength, with the help of merit, was elevated to the level of God Lord.

Why is my strength still a level?"

"I don't think you are awake yet!

Don't you feel that we are always dreaming?

Could it be that your strength is greatly improved in your dreams?

In other words, are you just daydreaming?"


When Li Laosan scolded him like this, Zhang Laosi immediately reacted: "That is to say, all of this is fake, and all of us are dreaming.

Moreover, all of us are in the same dream?"

This is a world of supernatural powers, the so-called impossible in the world, facts have proved that all of these are possible.

In other words, all of these people are supernatural.


Even though Zhang Laosi is already a level of the king, but thinking of this terrible possibility, he still feels that his throat is difficult to swallow.

"No, even the great magicians such as Vice-City Lord have been encircled by this dream?"

Zhang Laosi suddenly awakened and yelled.

In fact, the whole scene at this time was very chaotic. Those with firm will, the illusion was just shattered, just like Li Sansan quickly awakened. The impact of illusion and reality made them confused and the whole scene was chaotic. stand up.

For Wang Yang, such chaotic scenes made him extremely dissatisfied.

"What a mess?"

Wang Yang's eyes widened, standing in the sky: "Is it possible that I still do not wake up in my dream, or that you are still addicted to the Devil are silly big men, and we have beaten more than a dozen cities in succession, there is no reaction at all, let us strength Step by step?"

Saying that, Wang Yang's breath was wide, his eyes glared, and the power of will was directly imprinted in all hands to the soldier's mind.Turning into a supreme god is directly suppressing everything.

Sure enough, soon, the scene was just a mess, and it was quiet again.

"Huh, return a million troops, also plan to build meritorious service, and also plan to get rid of the Demon Guard Road. Even when it is calculated by someone, you don't even know, you are still talking about it.

What to discuss, what do you discuss?Anything to discuss?"

Sure enough, Wang Yang was reprimanded, and all the people were quiet.

Even if it is Wang Yang, it is directly imprinted on the world of millions of hearts. It is also extremely great for the consumption of spiritual power. Seeing that all people are consuming Jing'an, they immediately withdraw their will.

"Vice-City Lord..."

The owner of Nangong looked at Wang Yang, and he was embarrassed. The masters of the four emperors were only themselves. In the illusion, they were directly slaughtered.

If it wasn't for the deputy city master's means, he broke the fantasy world of the illusion snake, and I was afraid that he would die completely.

"Vice-City Lord..."

Looking at the intact Nangong head, the East head was most guilty. When he came to Wang Yang, he slapped hard, directly on his face.

Wang Yang frowned and shouted, "What are you doing?"

The Eastern housekeeper bitterly said with a bit of bitterness: "Before, in the illusion, you should not suspect the Deputy City Lord, this slap, then I will pay the Deputy City Lord!"

"Haha..." Wang Yang laughed for a while and said, "Sin?

Why is our human race different from the demons?

Devil races are also demons. They used to be humans too, but why not now?

Not because they have been transformed by magic energy, but because they have lost their roots."

Wang Yang took a deep look at the Eastern head of the house and said, "In the mortal world, for some money brothers to turn their faces, even swordsmen and soldiers are definitely not in the minority.

Even for the sake of some small money, there are not many people who are old and have no contact with each other.

How can I blame the two of you, the masters of the two great emperors, for the friendship that you used to maintain until now?"


Looking at Wang Yang and feeling the sincerity in it, the Oriental owner also grinned: "Yes, people are human because we have our own spirit of the human race.

Our human race, born weak, depend on each other for solidarity, rely on each other to help each other, we can come together to this day.

However, many people just forget their roots. When they succeed and retire, they always become famous. They always forget how they grew up step by step with the help of others when they were weak.

They even forgot how much danger there is beside themselves, what kind of demon lurks in the end, they always see a little bit of achievement in front of them, and finally, a little bit, directly pull themselves into the devil deep."

The owner of the East has a very deep understanding of the root of man.

"Speaking of Mo Yuan.

Just now, Emperor Nashura once said that outside the Demon Emperor City, a Demon Abyss was shrouded.

Now, the demons in the dozens of cities in front are afraid that they have all migrated.

Next, if we continue to go deeper, I am afraid that the first thing we have to face is this Demon Abyss."

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