My Super Estate

Chapter 1986 Demon domain

Chapter 1898 The Devil's Sky

Peerless power, this is the greatest respect for an existence that can open the earth.

In fact, their existence is indeed isolated from the world.

Because, heaven and earth are equal to them, although they are also spirits, they are naturally a level higher than ordinary spirits, even if there is no mana or strong power. Under the rules, they are also invincible.

Just because they are the rule-makers.


In Wang Yang's ears, only one voice could be heard.

Moreover, this voice, endless, seems to be that, between heaven and earth, all beings are all singing loudly.

The so-called'the sky is going to die you'.

Wang Yang now has such a feeling.

The blood in my body has been boiling, and the whole body is covered with a thick blood mist.

The blood mist is so thick that it sticks to Wang Yang and seems to be extremely strenuous.

Wang Yang wanted to adjust the mana within the collective, wanted to display magical powers, and wanted to defeat the enemy, but all of this seemed to be meaningless fantasy.

Because, whenever he wants to run mana, his only feeling is that kind of absolute despair, and a kind of vagueness.

"Hah, do you want to show me magic?"

Wang Yang's intention, like the moon in the night, was so bright, he told the Black Bull God very clearly.


The black cow god king sneered, Wang Yang has been unable to take care of that much. He knows that if he cannot break this rule, then his own strength will never be his own.

Like children, is definitely not the reason for your superb.

Love to eat meat is not an excuse for your extinction. Under the rules, no matter how powerful you are, you have to succumb.

Absolute strength can break the blockade of the rules. In the end, it will inevitably cause the entire world to resist, everyone will die together.

"Ah, break me!!!"

At this time, Wang Yang felt a sense of hatred.

However, no matter how he exerts himself, mana is still empty.

At this moment, Wang Yang seemed like a child who had drowned. Although he was struggling painfully, under such power, there was no resistance at all.

Looking at Wang Yang in front of him, the eyes of the twin demon emperors were even more frightened.

Wang Yang's powerful, they have a deep experience, but such a powerful Wang Yang, is actually so fooled by people, even no resistance at all.

At this moment, they are also desperate.

They are also the arrogant sons of heaven, how dare to be willing to be behind others?

They also hope that they will be able to open up the earth, and they hope to become an existence above others.

However, they know better that they are the twin demon emperors, and no matter how powerful they are, they must succumb to the black cow god.

At this moment, Wang Yang truly experienced the gap between man and heaven.

Heaven is there, and it will remain unchanged forever. However, when people have the power to regret the world, hate the heavens without handles, and hate the ground without handles, when the will of the world moves, people will deeply realize that ghosts abandon the gods and hates.

The rules are natural and the rules are fixed.

At this moment, Wang Yang had a deeper understanding of what rules are.

Because, no matter how he works his mana, he wants to perform great magical powers, and there is no response. Even if he merges all the magical powers, it has no effect, because his mana has lost all sense.

In his feelings, he is in an absolute ocean of blood.

Moreover, this blood ocean is still his own blood, and he is the weak child drowning in the blood ocean. Even if he is the child king of all children in the world, under such power, he is still There is no resistance.

This is the so-called crushing.

"Huh, I want to make a statement about my life and death, it's pretty beautiful!"

Feeling his own situation, Wang Yang now has to do his best.

At the moment, with your own mind, it is directly to activate your own physical body.


Among the heavens and the earth, only the roaring sound continually sounded, it seemed like thunder was rolling, and all the existence could feel the terrible sensation.

"Vice-City Lord..."

General Chen Da, who was already thousands of miles away, suddenly turned around and cried with a headache...

He is a soldier, and his duty is to fight in the battlefield.

As a general of the Xuanzhong City, he was always facing the attack of the Demon Race. What he could think of was just a resistance, just how to make his army as much as possible.

As a soldier, to fight in the battlefield and to open up territory, is the highest honor of a soldier.

However, as a general of the Xuanzhong City, he was only able to resist, only to resist, and save more power for himself.

This feeling of powerlessness has turned into a miracle mountain, which is always in his heart.

However, since the Vice-City Lord came, he found out that this Wanjun Shenshan, which had already crushed him, was moved away.

The whole person is uneasy.

As the general of the Xuanzhong City, the resistance is on the first line of the human line. He finally launched the counterattack for the first time, and he is finally no longer the only general who can only resist.

He can also attack.

However, now, he is leading a million troops, and when he wins, he chooses to be a deserter, leaving the deputy city leader who led himself to launch a counterattack, and resisted at the end alone, but he became a deserter.

Deserter... Deserter... Deserter...

Over and over again, it seems that it turned into a nightmare, constantly entrenched in the spiritual world, feeling the huge movement behind him, he completely collapsed.

Kneeling down to the ground, with the strength of General Chen Da, he was already tearful.

"General General..."

At this moment, not only the general but also the million troops behind him collapsed.

For thousands of years, they have been subjected to attacks by the Mozu again and again, and faced with the blood wash of the Mozu again and again. They carry too much blood debt.

The blood debts have even turned into a shackle, firmly locked in their hearts.

It was the one person who appeared that allowed them to break through the shackles, rise up, and launch a Jedi blow.

However, when he and others waited for the victory, they encountered the Peerless Demon, and they waited and abandoned the man and fled, becoming a real deserter.

No matter how grand the reason is, the deserter is a deserter.

As a deserter, I will never change the facts on the pretext.

"General, lead us to kill back!!"

I don't know who it is, and I shouted suddenly.

"Yes, General, lead us back!

Even if it is death, our human race is also a man of heaven and earth. It is definitely not a deserter who is afraid of death, nor is it a seedless species."

"General General..."

Shouting one after another, endlessly.

As a human tribe, how can we retreat because of fear?

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