My Super Estate

1987 The Power of Rules? I have it too

The power of the first eight hundred and eighty-ninth chapter rules?I have it too

"give up!

Under my rules, you can't escape!!"

How proud is the Black Bull God King?

Even if it is just a doppelganger, he is also a god king who is above the sky and equal to the heavens. He opens up a world in endless chaos. He is the deserved master of the world.

In the mortal world, people often refer to those who have great luck as the arrogants of heaven.

However, as a peerless master, he is the real master of the world. Those so-called arrogants of heaven and earth, invincible in all directions, sweeping all directions, and worshiping all peoples are his sons.

The terrible power of peerlessness can be seen in general.

What about avatars?

Under the rules, all people must die.

God wants to die for me, why?

"Huh, the rules? Could it be that only you have it?

If you are the deity, you still have to be afraid of you by three points, but if you have a avatar in your area, even if you get the blood of 10 billion creatures, how much power can you get?

Today, and see how I break you?!!"

Feeling that he is really powerless, Wang Yang finally no longer hides.

Isn't that the rule?Isn't it only you??

"Gravity, break me!!"

Under the rule of the sky, there is nothing to escape, even dense blood, which disappears quickly under such a gravitational force.

After opening his eyes again, he found that he was standing there intact, with no scars on his body, but on the ground, there was already blood.

"Is this spiritual power?"

Wang Yang was shocked.

Just now, I was clearly intact, but, indeed, blood flowed all over me.

I am pregnant with an emperor's body. A drop of blood is enough to transform into a vast ocean. How powerful is hematopoiesis?Even if there is more than blood flow, for thousands of years, it is impossible to truly bleed to death.

However, feeling the weakness in his body, Wang Yang knew that he had almost bleed and died.

"Someone will ****, today, I set a precedent, it is directly bleeding and dying."

Of course, Wang Yang knows that one body and the three spirits and spirits complement each other. As long as the spirit power is controlled, even if the spirits and spirits switch between each other, there will not be too much problem.

"You, how could you have the power of rules?"

Staring at the eyes, the Black Bull King was almost not scared to death.

The reason why people are superior is that they think they are superior and superior, no matter how struggling you are, they are under their control. Naturally, no matter what happens, they are all right.

However, when things are beyond their control, all disdain, the so-called high above, the so-called indifferent place, everything, all collapsed in an instant.

How proud of the former Black Bull God King, Wang Yang had no say in his eyes. Wang Yang wanted to speak. He just snorted and wanted his life.

Where else would you think that such a human race is so different, just the sage has already controlled the rules.

"In this way, it is even more interesting."

In addition to interest, more, but endless killing intentions.

Between man and demon, there is no common ground, Qiu deep like the sea.

A sage who has mastered the rules, then, will he be far away from him to become the supreme supreme?

"Magic Sky..."

As a demon, there is no strong field, is it still a demon?

Endless blood, I don't know where it came from, endless blood evil, breed from the blood, and finally, the whole world, turned into a sea of ​​blood, endless blood evil, but also turned into an endless army.

The Black Bull Divine King, who broke the way with blood to become the supreme, was terrible at first shot.

The endless blood evil, the endless change between the truth and the reality, rushed towards Wang Yang.

The looming, in a flash, must move some blood in his body.

A blood evil is not terrible, and the endless blood evil, even if it is an iron man, cannot be supported.

At this moment, Wang Yang seemed irresistible.

"Huh, the realm? The realm is not owned by your family."

What do you mean?

Could it be that you still have no means?

Capturing Wang Yang's psychological activities, the Black Bull God King was shocked.

I saw another force on Wang Yang's body. In a blink of an eye, it immediately turned into a boundless fire.

The golden magic fire, like the supreme sun, the boundless solar power, surging from all directions, in a short time, around Wang Yang, has become a sea of ​​fire.

Between rules, there are only strengths and weaknesses, and no difference between rules.

For a time, the sea of ​​fire and the sea of ​​blood were constantly fighting each other, and between Wang Yang and the Black Bull God King, each occupied half of the sky.

"A strong family!"

At this stage, even if the Black Bull God King is extremely proud, he has to praise it. The human race in front of him is really strong.

As for the way of blood, the Black Bull God King studied very deeply, far from being comparable to Wang Yangchu’s rules.

The so-called days are just rules.

In the eyes of Peerless Power, the sky is already very different from the sky in the eyes of ordinary people. The sky in the eyes of mortals is so unattainable, but the sky in the eyes of Peerless Power , But it is already a rule.

Because, in the eyes of others, they are an unattainable sky.

One of the blood is really deeply studied by the Black Bull God King, even if it is a rule, he can be burned with blood flames and turned into his own nutrients.

The so-called Yidaozhendao.

Absolutely not a joke.When the strength is strong enough, a rule is enough to suppress all.

"Huh, you are just a doppelganger, and you want to be a good one? But dreaming!!!"

How proud is Wang Yang?

In one thought, there was another breath of supremacy rising from his body.


Wang Yang once again activated a rule.

This is Wang Yang's cultivation into an emperor's body, which is directly one of the ten rules of magic engraved on the emperor's body.

I saw that the endless power of the sun, like the center of the universe of heaven and earth, all the power of the sun in the heavens and the world came together.

The Sunshine Technique absorbs the boundless solar power, and the realm of fire is directly transformed into a raging fire. The fusion of the two directly produces a chemical reaction, which releases this endless power of the fire to a limit.


Between the rules, it is definitely not as easy to merge as the peerless supernatural power, otherwise, there is only consumption of each other, and there will be no bonus.

The tiger eats people, and as the master, he will naturally kill the tiger to avenge him.

The extermination of tigers is general, even if the tigers are fierce, they will be extinct.

The tiger is on the verge of extinction. In order to improve the perfection between the species, it is directly promulgated a decree to classify the tiger as a first-level protected animal, and hunt and hunt will be banned since then.

The rules are the same, the human race and the tiger are the same, but the rules are different.

But what is going on now?

King Black Bull is suspicious of life.

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