My Super Estate

Chapter 1991: Supreme Third Level

Chapter 1903 Highest Third Floor

No one knows how many layers there are in the Highest Heaven Realm.

However, in legend, such a legend, the Highest Heaven Realm, is a Chengxian Road, which leads directly to the Fairy Realm.

In the countless years of the world of the heavens, there has never been a lack of real arrogant characters, and how many outstanding people, in the world of the heavens, to open up a one-sided world, just to make yourself stronger, only to fear that you will become a fairy dream.

However, in countless times, among the chaos, there are countless worlds, one side and one side, in order to achieve the world of thousands and chase in chaos.

All of this is just for a legend, a Chengxian Road that only exists in the legend.

The Supreme Heaven comes from this.

Even, in the legend, the Highest Heaven Realm encompasses the entire endless chaos. Among the endless infinite chaos, there are countless worlds. Only the real world (three thousand times more than the ordinary) can be truly integrated into the High Heaven Realm.

The third heaven and earth of the Supreme Heaven Realm is composed of such a large world.

In such a large world of thousands, there are demons, demons, Buddhas, and Daomen, as well as sword realm and thunder realm.

However, no matter what kind of world it is, there is a common place, that is man and demon.

The entire Third Heaven and Earth is composed of nearly three hundred such worlds, and this number is constantly increasing.

Devil world, all energies are all negative energy, any creature, long-term survival in the devil world, will be quickly demonized by the energy of the demon world, and finally, become the most pure Devil race.

The opposite to the devil world is the most pure positive energy.

Positive energy does not mean that there is no evil, just because positive energy, pure and gentle, is not as violent as evil spirits.

It's just that there are more than three hundred worlds, but there are more than two hundred, and they are completely covered by negative energy. Moreover, this trend is constantly improving.

The so-called positive and negative energies are generally referred to as God Realm and Devil Realm.

Zixiao God Realm and Black Bull Demon Realm are at the junction of positive and negative energy.

Suddenly, half of the territory of the Black Bull Demon Realm, all of which is adult, all the negative energy is quickly transformed.

The entire Black Bull Demon Realm is covered by a golden cloud of merit.

In the past millions of years, God Realm has always been covered by the Dark Road of Devil Dao, and then, it means that one side of God Realm was slaughtered by Devil Realm.

Today, everything has changed.

For a time, it immediately attracted the attention of the most top-notch existence in the entire Third Heaven.


Since the disappearance of the ancestors, the human race has been at a disadvantage. This trend has lasted for more than a million years.

Never before has God Realm been beaten down by Demon Realm, and today, there is God Realm who beat down Demon Realm.

I can't believe it.

Among the nearly one hundred god realms, there is a supreme god king. He sits high and high on the god realm. For the entire time, it seems to rotate around him.

When the Black Bull Demon Realm was covered by a vast cloud of merit, he opened his eyes that had not been opened for thousands of years. For a time, the endless thunder among the gods quickly evolved into a complete Thunder World.

"Zi Xiao, good..."

It was just such a whisper, and then, his eyes were closed, as if it were, all this in front of him would not be valued by him.

However, a supreme will directly covers the Black Bull God Realm.


With a cold hum, the endless thunder raged.

In the void, the three wills were directly blown out by the Thunder.

"Purple Thunder King, you wanton!"

The three demon god kings, one by one, manifested the demon body in their will, staring at a pair of violent eyes, and screaming at the suddenly appearing purple thunder god king.

"Hum, dare to take another step, this seat will cut you off!!"

What an overbearing Purple Thunder King, facing the three Demon Kings, did not flinch at all, and was even extremely strong.

"Hum, so bold!"

As a demon, for millions of years, the gods of a realm, under the ravages of the devil's army, is directly destroyed. It has already made the devil's mentality self-respecting. When did the clan dare to be so arrogant?


The three demon god kings, one by one, were all slaying towards the Purple Thunder King.

It turned out that, with three hits and one hit, there was no idea of ​​leaving hands to try.


Suddenly raised his head, Wang Yang stared at the sky, covered with endless merit golden clouds, so that the entire Devil Realm, there is no more violent, evil, obscene, confusion, killing and other negative energy, only a real gentle Pure sunshine feeling.

It was as if from the previous peerless world, overnight, came to a paradise.

"what happened?"

"On top of our heads, there is a war."


No one dares not pay attention to what Wang Yang said, and no one dares not believe it.

"It won't be the demon!"

At this time, if something changed, perhaps the golden clouds of merit and virtues were to dissipate.

"Hard to say.

Perhaps, the merit Jinyun refused to come down because of this!"

Previously, in the Yinyue Dynasty, there was experience. After praying, it was the golden light of merit, and then it was shot quickly towards the owner, very fast.

However, the Golden Cloud of Merit has covered half of the Devil Realm, but the Golden Cloud of Merit has never meant to come down, and Wang Yang was not very happy in his heart.

"Then, what shall we do?"

If such a great merit can be obtained, then his own strength will be greatly improved.

The greatest function of merit is enlightenment, and comprehension of your own peerless supernatural power is the greatest help.

"Boy, you are good.

However, this is the Devil Realm, and there is already the power of the Mozu in front of him, and he will open the teleportation gate and will have a powerful army of Mozu to kill!"


Wang Yang was surprised.

Someone even put sound into their ears?

"General Chen..."


"The whole army is preparing for war!"


General Chen Da moved quickly.

If it is someone else who dares to order like this, General Chen Da will fight him without even his mother knowing him.

You have just won a great victory, and it is time to reap the merits of the sky. How dare you tell me that we need a full preparation?

Ah, don't kill you, you are capable.

However, this person was ordered by Vice-Chancellor Wang, so there must be no mistake.


As an emperor, a roar is directly passed into the ears of all people, even if there are millions of troops, there is no problem.

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