My Super Estate

1992 Battle of Mighty Power

Chapter 1904 Battle of Power

Above the Devil City, all the terrible demonic qi that once enveloped it has long since disappeared. At a very fast speed, all the negative energy has been transformed into pure vitality. The once dark sky has been covered by a layer of bright sunshine All covered.

For almost ten thousand years, I haven’t seen the Devil Emperor City in the sky, and finally restored its former appearance.

The golden cloud of merit, covering the sky and the sun, even carried out a thorough baptism for this dark magic land. Under this cloudy baptism of merit, all the monsters that are difficult to transform are quickly becoming real. Fetish.

Under such a big change, if there is really a demon unwilling to be a demon, they can all be transformed into human races in a very short time.

It is like, when a human race enters the demon world, it has no strong strength, and it will always be transformed into a demon race at a very fast speed.

It's just that such a transformation is definitely not without cost. The consumption of that kind of virtue is even more terrible.

However, at the upper level of merit cloud, at this time, it has four supreme wills, which is directly endless war.

"Sanyin Demon, you are so brave.

Is there really no one in my human race?"

Hum, seeing that one side of the Devil Realm will be quickly transformed into a holy place in the world. Even the Demon Race can do it, and even want to break this transformation directly, and even want to kill the soldiers who opened up the territory for the human race.

Is my humanity really nobody?

Purple Thunder King shot decisively.

"Haha, human race?

After the disappearance of the ancestors, the human race is nothing but blood and food!"

The sneer is constant, the three yin demons, one by one, have high strength, high strength, great magical power, and in one thought, there is an endless magical energy surging away, even though the golden cloud of merit, under the erosion of such magical energy, is still Transform very fast.


The golden cloud of merit is rewarded by the human race's heavenly path, it is a mark to record the human race's credit, and it is also a reward to the human race heroes.How can it be eroded by the demons?

"Haha, when our three brothers are afraid you won't succeed?"

A King of Purple Thunder, whose strength is serious, faced the three great demons and attacked bravely, never retreated.However, the Sanyin God King, also the peerless power, dominates the realm between heaven and earth, is the real power of the demon world, how can he be afraid of a human race?

The will manifests, the space allows them to cross, and the world is already created by them, but can they stop them from acting?

All of a sudden, it was clearly thousands of miles away, and the terrible boxing power had already approached.

The so-called space seems to have been ignored by them, and the distance has no meaning in their hearts.

It turned out to be supernatural.


A loud shout is a manifestation of the rules. The sky, the mountains, the rivers and the water, and in a blink of an eye, it turns into a magic land.

In the devil's earth, whether it is grass or wood, or even a small bug, in a very short period of time, it is directly transformed into a demon clan. For a time, the grass and trees are all soldiers. Whatever they pass, destroy everything.


Demonstration is overbearing. Wherever you pass, you die.

Even the God of Purple Thunder, in such a demon realm, is naturally suppressed, and everything is completely isolated from itself.

Once it cannot be broken through, it will inevitably be trapped and difficult to escape.

"Well, King Zixiao dares to be trapped as King Black Bull, today, you will not leave this will!"

It turned out that he wanted to trap the will of the Purple Thunder King directly.

The will is the master of all spirits. All existence and will can become a true soul. Once the will is trapped, then even if you have the most powerful physical body and the most powerful soul, it is no more than a living dead, but a stone. In addition to being motionless, there is no more power to do.

The will competition is the most thorough and the most fierce.

The same physical warfare body, once the will dissipates, even if it is immortal, the will will be spawned again in the endlessness, and it is definitely not an original soul.

The zombie family is the most obvious proof.


The Purple Thunder King is worthy of being the most powerful god king of the human race. In an instant, the endless thunder, the words of the law follow, are directly spread throughout the demon earth, facing the three demons of the same level, they are absolutely not afraid of half.


The sound of thunder bursting into the void, so that this solid demon earth immediately became countless fragments, even if there are three great demon shots at the same time, there is no solid possibility at this time.

Obviously, the idea of ​​the Sanyin Great Devil trying to trap the Purple Thunder King has not been realized.

"Your courage!!"

Another supreme existence, betting on his eyes.

"Dad, are you okay!"

The coming person turned out to be the son of King Zilei.

"Relax, these guys, but the younger generation, how can they become fathers?"

The Purple Thunder King is worthy of being the Purple Thunder King, and it is extraordinary to regard the Sanyin as the younger generation.

"It's you, very good!"

King Zixiao smiled and said, "Father is over-rated.

In this battle with the Black Bull God King, although he was temporarily trapped with the help of the mountains and rivers, it was extremely difficult to decide whether to win or lose.

It's these little guys who are so courageous and help me a lot."

King Zixiao bowed his head and looked down at the Devil Emperor City, especially when he saw that one existed, and even smiled.


The Purple Thunder King is also looking towards the Devil Imperial City.

I saw that there was a large army of human races, and there was an invincible sage.

Under the leadership of such an invincible sage, it directly broke the Devil Imperial City, exterminated all Demon Races, and recovered some of the Endless Blood Debt for the Human Race.

"Haha not bad."

The more you look, the more joy you feel in your heart.


If someone is happy, there will be anger.

The two fathers and sons of Zilei and Zixiao laughed there, but the Sanyin demon on the opposite side was cold.

A cold hum, a thunder.

"you dare!"

The Purple Thunder King is furious, and the endless thunder turns into a thunder spear, which is attacking the Sanyin Demon.

It turned out that the Sanyin Demon just snorted, and turned toward Wang Yang below.

It turned out to be a secret hand.

"In front of my own face, even daring to give a yin hand, it's just to death!!"

The Purple Thunder King gritted his teeth, and the endless thunder quickly condensed into a real thunder spear, all of which attacked the opposite Sanyin Demon.


Looking up at the sky, Wang Yang suddenly felt that if there was an atomic bomb exploding in his own spiritual world, the entire spiritual world seemed to be turned over.


If it is someone else, in the face of such a situation, of course, no one dares him to despise it. Even, even the emperor is attacked by such a force, it will immediately be hit hard. Unfortunately, all this has come for Wang Yang who has a strong willpower. Say, it is nothing at all, it is directly suppressed.

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