My Super Estate

Chapter 211: Masters from the Green Gang

Chapter 218 Masters from the Qing Gang

"No, you can't. You can give you shoes and clothes, but the team can't.

This is my big brother's, and it's not mine, certainly not."

****All eyes are red.

At the age of seventeen, because of poor grades, school at home, originally, under his conditions, the future life, the most ideal, but to find a better job, most, also learn a technology, want to be in this turmoil Society, a good life on earth is simply impossible.

Now, the older brother is willing to give himself a chance, and let himself help manage the cucumber planting, he must do well, and he must do well.

"Dare you refuse me?"

Wang Yang's reaction changed Zhuang Cheng's face.

Before, as a kind gentleman, he immediately turned into a gruesome monster.

"You thought, you refused to be useful?"

With that said, he reached out and grabbed Wulin.

Looking at its actions, it should be trying to get **** in hand.

In the way of being weak and unable to resist the wind, if it is Zhuang Cheng's opponent, if there is no accident, Zhuang Cheng's shot must be within reach.

However, accidents always happen inadvertently.

When Zhuang Chengshou was about to catch ****, suddenly, **** pushed the trail.


**** Suddenly lost track, Zhuang Cheng's face changed greatly.

It is almost impossible to save people from such a short distance without the ultimate strength.

"Heilonggang, I haven't asked you for trouble, but I didn't think of it, you jumped out on your own, well, very good!"

From the forest, Wang Yang clapped his palms and walked out calmly.

There was a smile on his face, but there was no slight smile in his eyes, and some were just angry and murderous.

Because of the Black Dragon Gang, he is still in the martial arts system and is carrying a blood kill list.

Of course, for now, this blood kill list has always been useless because of the existence of the contribution list.

However, for Wang Yang, it is always a trouble. If it can be solved, he decides to solve it.

The dust-free road leader is known as dust-free, but in fact he still holds a whisk.

Just now, it was he who shot and saved ****.

"It's you."

The enemies were extremely jealous when they met. Heilonggang was a disgusting fly for Wang Yang, but for Wanglong, Wang Yang did not share it.

Recalling the road of Wang Yang's rise, almost all stepped on the shoulder of the Black Dragon Gang.

In front of Wang Sunshine's Ronghua, the Black Dragon Gang was already scarred.

Of course, these were all found by the Black Dragon Gang. Wang Yang himself did not take the initiative to find anyone's trouble.

He has never changed his position. He is a farmer and a vegetable grower.

"Yes, it's me."

Wang Yang looked at Zhuang Cheng with a complex expression.

It can be said that it was the first time to meet Zhuang Cheng.

However, the grievances between them are already entangled.

"It's time to end."

Wang Yang suddenly felt this when he looked at the bare-footed man in his ragged clothes but full of energy.

"Yes, it's time to end. You shouldn't show up. You shouldn't give me a chance to kill you."

Zhuang Cheng has always been very confident in his own strength.

If it hadn't been for a long time, he was stared at by the Wu family, and he believed that the kid in front of him had already been solved by himself.

In fact, although the law is very strict, it is really easy for a guru to really kill someone and leave no trace.

Just like this.

I saw Zhuang Cheng suddenly broke out and punched Wang Yang with a punch.

He believes that with his own strength, a warrior who has just broken through the level of Mingjin training can't resist.

Exactly, for the time being, Wang Yang is not in the sight of the Wu family.


Mouthwatering, full of killing intent.

"Good job."

In Wang Yang's pupils, he shines brilliantly.

Bronze divine light shrouded in the whole body, just like the god of the world, the divine power is like prison.

"This, this is spiritual coercion?"

Feeling the heavy pressure that shrouded himself, the monk looked at each other with a shocking look in his eyes.

"No, this is Longwei, the real Longwei.

I once heard my father describe it, saying that this kind of coercion is in the Dragon God.

Yes, it is the coercion of the Dragon God alone."

Bai Yu was of extraordinary origin, but he was the parent of the son of Shushan. He once heard the description of the dragon, the god and the dragon from the leader of Shushan.

That's why he was so surprised.

The dragon god was eating the dragon grass by mistake, what is he doing?

"Can it?"

He suddenly thought of the information about Wang Yang in his memory.

In the Shamen Longmen auction, he shot an Hualong grass.

A spiritually dead dragon grass.

Suddenly raised his head and looked in surprise at the youth like a god.

Wang Yang did not know that through his powerful Longwei, Bai Yu guessed so many things.

Now he is only between full attack.

The power of the dragon claw hand undoubtedly shows that in one claw, the strong wind is like the claw of steel. Zhuang Cheng feels very difficult every time he resists.

"You, how are you possible?"

There are claw marks all over the sturdy body.

It is really hard to believe that this is just the fierce man who, like a god, can push the big truck to stop with human power.

"What's the barrel?"

Wang Yang glared and shouted loudly: "Do you think that as a guru, is it remarkable?

I tell you, your end is here."

Ziyang Boxing!!

In Claw Skills, Wang Yang punched hard and smashed hard.

Suddenly changed, Zhuang Cheng couldn't respond at all, and still responded to the boxing with the means of coping with Claw Skills.


Being hit with an iron fist and hitting his chest fiercely, Zhuang Cheng couldn't bear it any more. He couldn't hold a fresh blood pressure and spit out directly.

"you you……"

He vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Your death is over."

Wang Yang's eyes are cold, his face is cold, and his heart is cold.

From the beginning of the battle, Wang Yang had already decided that this time, he must be resolved in one fell swoop, and then Zhuang Rong would be resolved.

Only in this way can the blood kill list carried by oneself be truly removed,

"You can't kill me."

For a short time, Zhuang Cheng had calmed down the restless mood, feeling the cold killing intention in Wang Yang's eyes and laughing out loud.

"Are you talking about the law?"

Indeed, the law of the earth, the earth is absolutely not allowed to kill.

But then again, if someone really killed someone, as long as they were not accused, who would know?

"Humph, do you think I came alone?

I tell you, behind me is the Green Gang. This time we shot because of the Green Gang’s order. Do you think you can kill me?"

Zhuang Cheng's gaze to Wang Yang was ridiculous.

He knew that this time, if Wang Yang could not be shaken, he would die.

Yes, he is now expecting that Wang Yang was shocked by the Qing Gang.

The Qing Gang, one of the top three Chinese in the world, and one of the top ten in the world, is such a huge force that the Wu family wants to confront head-on and must weigh it.

"Really, it's a pity that no matter how powerful the gang is, it's not in sight at this time, you still have to die."

Wang Yang stepped in step by step.

"Really, I want to see, who dares to kill my youth."

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