My Super Estate

212 Elder Ma Nine

Chapter 219 The Elder Ma Nine

"Really, I want to see, who dares to take action against my subordinate forces."

In the plain voice, there is naturally a momentum.

This is a powerful position that has been cultivated naturally all the year round.

"who are you?"

Holding Zhuang Cheng in one hand, Wang Yang turned his head to look at the coming person.

I saw the person, a middle-aged person who was not very young, with a gray robe, but quite an old style.

"The ninth elder of the Gang, Ma Jiu."

The ninth elder?

At Wujia Manor, Wang Yang had already inquired Wu Xiaobing.

The high-level youth gang, with the lord as the lord, is the deputy gangster in the next count.

Helping the Lord is the elders who are too high, and then the elders.

"I heard that the gang helper of the gang is most likely to be a Hunyuan Realm Venerable.

On the surface, the deputy gang leader headed, and the elders assisted the elders.

The last time I came to Shashi was Wang Ming. This time, I was Ma Jiu again.

In this way, within the gang, it is divided into several factions.

Last time, that Wang Ming obviously didn't give Zhuang Cheng a face. This time, he found the backing behind him."

Thinking like this, Wang Yang suddenly felt relaxed.

"Hey, it turns out to be Elder Nine. I don't know what Elder Wang Ming is ranked?"

In the youth gang, we rank in terms of strength.

Ma Jiu-neng is called the ninth elder, and his strength must be ranked in the elder youth association.

"Huh, do you think pulling out Elder Wang Ming would make you so arrogant?"

Ma Jiu stared, screaming angrily: "If you don't let go of Zhuang Cheng, do you want Elder Ben to take action personally?"

"Yo, Elder Nine is so angry!"

Wang Yang sneered.

Immediately, his face was cold, and he screamed loudly, saying: "You are a bit of a dog mongrel, count as a ball, I really think that I am the elder of the gang, that is, my son, I must give you face!"

Everyone was dumbfounded at the young man who was screaming and yelling.

No one had thought that he would dare to scold the young gang elders.

Is he crazy?

As one of the top ten gangsters in the world, the Qing Gang was extremely powerful. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Qing government overthrew the Qing government.

Such a behemoth, as an elder, is an absolute power figure.

Does this kid just ignore it?

Sure enough, he was scolded by Wang Yang, and Ma Jiu didn't expect it. When he responded, Wang Yang had already scolded.

"You have a son who doesn't give birth to anything. When the bastard came to grab my van just now, you didn't jump out, but now you jumped out. What kind of big tail wolf?

I really thought that this world is your young gang, even dared to come here to drink five or six, pretending to be like Chen Shimei, in fact, it is a **** raising thing!"

This, this...

Everyone was dumbfounded at the guy who was scolding and getting addicted.

Ma Qun even flushed.

"Ah, jerk, I'm going to kill you."

As an elder of the gang, when was this kind of scolded?

At the moment, you can't take care of anything.

This Ma Jiu is different from the original Wang Ming, but also from the original Sirius and others. He is usually in the green gang. Those are people with heads and faces and high weights. When have they been scolded like this?

Now in his mind, it is no longer for Zhuang Cheng to come forward, but to be endless with Wang Yang.

This shot shows the master's style.

As an elder of the gang, the martial arts he practiced were naturally much smarter than Zhuang Cheng.

A set of Hunyuan true merits, according to legend, was created by Hunyuan Venerable, all the way to Hunyuan palms, the combination of Yin and Yang, and the five elements gathered together, it is really majestic, even with Wang Yang’s strength, it is also somewhat unbearable .

"go with!"

Feeling the danger of life, Wang Yang decisively threw Zhuang Cheng in his hand.


"Go to hell!"

Ma Jiu had already been irritated by Wang Yang, and no matter what was thrown, he directly hit with violent palm power.

Zhuang came from a serious injury, and where can he withstand such a violent palm power, now the heart is broken by this palm.

At this point, Zhuang Cheng's life returned to the West.

He never thought of it. He invited Ma Jiulai to deal with Wang Yang. In the end, he was smashed by his palm and laid a life.

"Wow, you killed, you killed..."

As if something big happened, Wang Yang retreated while pointing at the downstretched Zhuang Cheng, screaming in horror: "It's killing, killing, come soon!"

"Fuck things, don't pretend to be crazy and sell silly, do you think it will be useful?"

"Huh, the evidence is so strong, do you still want to deny it?"

Wang Yang stopped calling.

He had just seen that Yue Qingshan took out his mobile phone and shot the scene abruptly.

It even captured all of his expression just now, as well as the side chased by Ma Jiu.

With this kind of iron proof, as soon as it is posted online, Ma Jiu is behind the green gang. Once the dragon team finds the door, it will definitely die.

"Student, that's hard evidence. I've collected it."

After Yue Qingshan had dealt with everything, Wang Yang was no longer frightened, and his face was bloodied.

"Since the evidence is left, then we will fight well."

Since Wang Yang practiced, relying on a powerful battle body has always been fighting against the strong. This time he can meet such a powerful existence as Ma Jiu, and he is naturally incapable of seeking anything.

"Watch fist!!"

The dragon claw hand is a martial art of capture. Although powerful, Wang Yang still likes to speak with his fists during the battle.

Ziyang boxing is itself a practice boxing method of Ziyang fighting body, not a real combat boxing method.

However, when Wang Yang practiced the bronze war body, the boxing skills of the training body also became strong fighting boxing.

I saw that Wang Yang's fists were purple and jade-colored, crystal clear, and punched out like a sun in the same round.

"Good job."

Hunyuan Gong was originally a combination of internal and external cultivation. It is famous for its powerful combat style. If Wang Yang wants to attack it, how can he not be surprised?

Seriously, the same shot with the Hunyuan palm.

This is to fight against it.


Compared with Zhuang Cheng, Ma Jiu's strength is indeed much stronger.

The powerful combat body gave him the greatest protection.

However, compared to the battle body, where would Wang Yang be afraid of?

In fact, in this battle, he also confirmed this problem. From the beginning of cultivation, the Ziyang Mantra has been based on the spirit of faith and originated from the body of cultivation. Where is the general body of war comparable?

Even in the cultivation of the realm, there is still a difference in level, but also played a chess drum.

"You, your strength is really amazing."

Seeing a trick against himself, Ma Jiu also had a constricted pupil.

He knew that he had met his opponent.

But, are you afraid?

No, that's impossible.

As the ninth-ranked elder of the youth gang, it may not be a big thing in the ranking of guru in the world.

The master, on the strength of true energy, discusses combat power.

However, the toughness of the war is absolute.

Whether it is internal strength or true energy, it is just energy, which can only increase the physical strength.

This is also the reason why each major faction must have a deep root when selecting disciples.

Similarly, it is also the practice of martial arts.

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