My Super Estate

Chapter 213

Chapter 220: Hard Battle

This is a hard fight.

Similarly, this is the most powerful opponent Wang Yang has encountered along the way.

Of course, the elders who respect the poison and all poisons are basically excluded, after all, they are not on the same level.

Wang Yang's biggest reliance was the domineering bronze war body, pure physical strength, without losing the master's score, plus the blessing of the Ziyang Divine Skill in the body, the more and more fierce the Vietnam War, the battle with Ma Jiu actually had a tendency to contend.

If the bronze war body is the biggest rely, then Ziyang Quan is his most powerful attacking method.

Before Ziyang Boxing was completed, it was just a pure boxing practice. The attack power was very insignificant, and there was an outcast demon into the brain. If it was not good, it would get out of hand.

However, when the boxing technique is completed, it will immediately transform into a fierce attack magical power.

The fierce sun's true meaning gave it the most domineering attack.

Every punch hit like a sun hit.

Compared with Wang Yang, Ma Jiu has more obvious advantages.

The general martial arts masters come step by step, first to exercise the body, then to break through the twelve normals in the body, to practice internal strength, and after breaking through the master, the inner strength transforms into a more condensed true qi to break through the more difficult sacred eight pulse.

That is to say, when training a body, generally speaking, how much power it possesses. In the future, the realm of cultivation is based on this flesh body, plus the strength of internal strength or true energy, and a huge the power of.

This is also the reason why the general masters are based on the strength of true energy.

Compared with them, Ma Jiu's obvious means are more clever. He practiced Hunyuan Gong. He is worthy of the name of learning, both inside and outside. When practicing inner strength or true energy, strong true energy and inner strength will also affect the flesh. Carry out refining again and again. Under such circumstances, although Wang Yang's real war body is incomparable, but under the same realm, his strength is much stronger.

This strength was revealed to the fullest when Wang Yang confronted him head-on.

"How are you sure?"

With the exception of those drivers, only bystanders at this time were monk swordsmen and scholars.

The other Black Dragons helped many people and people, and they had already been cooked by the four of them.

"The grasp is not great.

Venerable Budo can't be easily revealed on the earth. Grand Master is the strongest person on the earth. Grand Master does not take action. This nine elder is basically called a top strong man."

The empty monk who also practiced physical exercises, looked dignified, looked at the nine elders who fought against Wang Yang, and shook his head gently.

Vajra is not a bad body. It is a truly top-level physical exercise method. However, the monk who is empty is too young to reach his home on the battlefield. If he really goes to the battlefield, he cannot withstand a powerful attack.

Before, Wang Yang broke his golden body like this.

"You said, what kind of martial arts did Wang Yang cultivate, how could he be so amazing?"

I don’t know. I have a comparison object. The four talents were surprised to find that Wang Yang was just on the second floor.

On the second floor of Neijin, he was able to fight Ma Jiu.

This can be called a miracle.

"Who knows, only knows, what he said was cultivation, what kind of bronze war body is probably a top-level body training divine skill, and he cultivated to a very high level."

The practice of the dustless Taoist has Yin and Yang eyes, and he can see through the nothingness. From the nothingness, he can feel a layer of extremely surging blood from Wang Yang.

This is a very strong physical body, a breath that naturally exudes. When you practice to the limit, the surging blood will probably condense into a golden body.

"Perhaps, the martial arts he practiced is in itself an extremely powerful physical exercise, and internal strength cultivation is only an aid."

Bai Yu said softly.

In the end, he is the son of the head of Shushan, and he has a vast knowledge.

Regardless of the four unscrupulous friends who were talking coldly, the battle between Wang Yang and Ma Jiu was very miserable.

The two of them couldn't be separated from each other, whether they were shoes or clothes, they were not protected. At this time, they were completely torn by the strong wind, which was even more embarrassing than Zhuang Cheng just now.

Of course, shoes and clothes are trivial.

The power of the two was too strong. The two fisted to the flesh, even though the fighting body was invincible. At this time, it was also puffy. Wang Yang punched Ma Jiu's left eye with a punch, and the entire left eye was violent.

After Ma Jiu was not satisfied, he slapped a hard hand on Wang Yang's chest. The overbearing and strange strength turned into invisible. The physical flesh was raging in Wang Yang. Wang Yang's internal organs were immediately injured by tremors and severe internal injuries. Nostrils around his mouth, blood flowing.

Seven bleedings are not enough, but three bleedings are facts.

This is also the master of the master master.

In the past, master masters, also known as masters of strength, said that the strength of the strength was ever-changing, and they could not comprehend the mystery of it.

In the past, Wang Yang always won with the mighty strength of the bronze war body, to suppress people, no matter how ever-changing, he could not withstand his overbearing power, he was defeated first.

However, in practice, he met his opponent. Ma Jiu's real body is very extraordinary. Although he is not as powerful as Wang Yang's bronze warrior, it is enough to keep him undefeated.

As a result, Wang Yang's weak battle was fully revealed.

For a time, the two battled endlessly, each with bruises and bruises. The swollen nose and blue face were all minor injuries. The real serious injury was still the internal organs being shattered.

Of course, Ma Jiu is definitely not upset. Wang Yang broke his leg and immediately interrupted one of his arms. Without half a year of rest, it is basically impossible to recover.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Yang's control of strength is very fine, thirteen consecutive punches, hammering hard in Ma Jiu's chest, and directly hammering his chest into a black pot.

The ribs have been broken.

Finally, between the two, the bitter battle has ended.

Wang Yang's five internal organs and his internal organs were too seriously injured, and it was difficult to breathe. No matter how powerful the force was, it was difficult to exert it.

It can be said that the two are completely defeated.

Of course, to say who is more seriously injured, in fact, no one can say.

It's just that Wang Yang has strength and is difficult to exert. Ma Jiu kept breathing hard and fought to death, and Wang Yang was also a deadly situation.

"Cough, you, are you still fighting?"

The injury was so severe that even speaking was unfavorable.


Ma Jiu defended his body with true energy, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

He is confident that he will continue to fight. The person who died must be Wang Yang, but when he saw four young people, he was shocked.

I just paid attention to the battle, coupled with my confidence in my own strength, I have never paid attention to the surrounding situation.

However, when he really saw the surrounding situation again, he really discovered that he had already fallen into such a desperate crisis.

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