My Super Estate

Chapter 220 Miracle

Chapter 228 Miracles

The operation named "Sandstorm" finally began.

The officers of the entire Northwest Corps acted in unison.

According to Wang Yang's request, dig a pit ten meters apart.

This is already done by Wang Yang. Wannian Song has a very complicated root system, but the shortest is not less than ten meters.

That is to say, ten meters apart, it can be called the safety distance.

"How are you sure?"

The pit has been dug. Is it really effective? Only if you have really tried it can you know.

"Submit the order and put a pine nut in each pit."


With wide eyes, Wu Xiaobing looked at Wang Yang. He wanted to make sure, was it true?

Of course, he wanted to protect Wang Yang.

This time, the chief instructor personally sat in the town and personally ordered the rank of major general. Once it really failed, Wang Yang would take full responsibility.

"Relax, as long as the morale is well controlled.

Everlasting Pine has only three essential elements—water, fertilizer, and sunlight.

As long as these three elements are complete, generally speaking, the problem will not be big."

"Okay, then I will order."

After getting an affirmative answer, Wu Xiaobing finally let go of his uneasiness.

After receiving the order, the entire Northwestern Army was in action.


Sirius Brigade, Wang Yang control.

After Wang Yang ordered it, they acted quickly.

"Yang Squadron, you said, what is this for?"

Looking at the team members, all went to action, Xie Feng was puzzled.

He didn't understand, what would he do in this action?

"Just watch it, you will always know."

Yang Guang looked at the earth pit seriously.

In the pit, there is a pine nut, there is a certain amount of water, and most importantly, there is sunshine.

Yes, there is sunlight, the pit is not buried, the pine nuts are outside.

However, just under his gaze, a strong beam of sunlight shone on the pine nuts.

Suddenly, a magical scene appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw the pine nuts that were just seeds. Under the sunlight, the pine nuts that were just green seeds suddenly burst into green buds.

The sprouts grow and the sunlight beam becomes stronger.

As if a chemical reaction had taken place, the green sprouts turned into a few thin roots and penetrated firmly into the soil.

"Hey, what kind of creature is this, how can it grow so fast?"

Looking at all this in surprise, Xie Feng suddenly turned his head to look at Yang Guang and asked, "Yang Squadron, can you tell me, what is this?"

The growth rate is too fast.

"Remember the news about Nan province some time ago?"

"Southern Province?"

"You mean, the Yangcun landslide incident?"

"Good, that time."

Xie Feng looked at the young seedling growing fast in front of him in surprise.

Half a month ago, there was a landslide in the village in the news of the South Province. At that time, it was an agricultural planter, a pine tree that was more than one foot tall, but it grew quickly in just three or two days.

At that time, it attracted the attention of the people across the country, that is, at the Sirius base, there were many people discussing this matter.

As an instructor at the Sirius Special Warfare Base, he was still discussing the truth with the players.

Could it be that this was recognized by oneself at one time, contrary to science, it could not be the real Wan Niansong, will you come to your eyes today?

It seems that he was really inspired by the idea in Xie Feng's heart. The tender seedlings in the earth pit are very magical. The severe sunlight has been completely bundled into a beam of sunlight, directly shining on the green seedlings.

For a time, there seemed to be a "miracle" in the entire northwest territories. The strong sun beam fell from the sky, forming thousands of beams of sunlight.

"This, this is!!"

The scene in front of me was terrible.

No one can believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes. This scene in front of him is actually true.

"Look, the green sprout grows fast."

Many people are paying attention to the beam of sunlight, and suddenly, a special team member screamed in shock at the ground.

Looking around, suddenly, there was another exclamation in the scene.

Similarly, instructor Xie Feng also saw a very magical scene.

In the column of sunlight, the Wannian pine, which was just a little bit sharp, had already grown a finger-high sapling.

If it had not been seen with his own eyes, no one could believe that this scene in front of him would be true.

"Yang, Yang Squadron!"

Xie Feng, the instructor of the courageous and fearless Sirius special operations base, suddenly became speechless.

Such a scene can only be achieved by legends such as ghosts and gods. Where can people have this ability?

"Be calm."

Yang Guang's eyes narrowed, looking around, and found that his team members had a look in their eyes that should not have existed-fear.

"Why, are you afraid?"

His eyes were as sharp as a knife, sweeping all the players' faces.

Yang Guang shouted out loud.

"Dragon God once told us that the mysterious environment is full of strange things, tigers with wings on their backs, giant elephants of the size of mountains, and turtles like islands, which can surround the world and connect pythons one after the other.

But you are afraid of a magical sapling. Then tell me, when you face these terrible beasts, how afraid?"

Yang Guang's words, like the morning bells and the drums, rang back and forth in the hearts of all the special team members.

"You tell me, what do you do when you encounter a legendary monster, is it a surrender?

Still treated as cattle and sheep to be slaughtered?

Or is it waiting for the Dragon God to rescue you?"

"Tell you, when you are faced with such a beast, you have the only and only choice, fight, pick up the martial arts in your hands, fight, fight, and survive in the fight.

But can you do it?

No, I don’t think you can do it. You are even afraid of a pine tree with strong vitality. When you face such a beast, can you still take the opening in your hand and fight it?"

"You tell me, are you going to be a coward?"

"Tell me aloud, are you going to be a coward?"

Yang Guang's eyes are not very present, but at this time, he is as big as a cow.

Yang Guang's height is not very high, in the special team; taller than him abounds, but now he is tall like a mountain.

Yang Guang stared angrily, including Xie Feng.

"War, war, war, war, war..."

Suddenly, all the special commanders shouted.

Yang Guang portrays a fantasy world, using the dragon god as a guide, to release the fighting intention in the hearts of the team members like fire, and to burn the weak fear in his heart...

However, Yang Guang is just one. In the Northwest, witnessing such a miraculous scene, there are tens of millions of people.

In the same way, such a scene was also filmed by countless people, sent to the network, and again on the network, causing a shock.

However, many people remember that half a month ago, the same scene also appeared in an ordinary and ordinary village in Nan province.

For a time, the name of'Shenshuwang' gained a great reputation nationwide.

Similarly, the mysterious'Shenshuwang' also attracted the attention of many martial arts people in the land of China.

Even the Shenshui Manor was dug up by most people. The cucumbers, watermelons, and other magical agricultural products of the Shenshui Manor all attracted the attention of the people of China.

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