My Super Estate

Chapter 221 Critical moment

Chapter 229 Critical Moments

"No good, abnormal air mass, complete riot, sandstorm is coming."

Outside was still exclaimed because of Wan Niansong's magic, but in the sky monitoring room, there was a burst of anxious cries.


Chief instructor Li Tangxing was shocked and hurriedly asked: "Did the soldiers of the Northwest Legion come back?"

At this time, the first thing he could think of was to ensure the safety of the soldiers.

"not yet.

Just now they sent me the information that they are planting the 492th row of pine noodles, which is eight vertical rows away from the estimated five million rows of pine noodles. retreat."

"Come back to me soon."

At this time, as the chief instructor, he could only do his utmost to ensure the safety of his soldiers.

"No, it's too late. The tornado has begun to take shape, and a very large storm is about to come. It's simply too late."


Li Tangxing was furious.

However, he knew that it was useless to be angry at this time. With his power, it was impossible to contend with this huge sandstorm.

"It is estimated that the ten-mile-wide shelterbelt will be established soon, shouldn't it be all right?"

The chief of staff of the Dragon Group came to Li Tangxing and comforted softly.

In fact, his heart is also anxious.

The entire Northwestern Army is all scheduled for this operation. Once something really happens, they will have to bear the responsibility, and they will not be able to afford it.

Think about the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Northwest Legion. Since then, the whole army has been annihilated and buried by the wind and sand. They feel a chill.

"Once something really happened, I must have Yu Zun bloody and bloody."

Li Tangxing's gaze was awful, and there was no peace of mind anymore.

At this moment, he is the undefeated warlord who leads the army, not a grandpa next door.

"Relax, I will accompany you when the time comes."

In the heart of the General Staff, he was also angry.

If you don’t provoke violence early or late, you must provoke such a huge sandstorm at this last time. This is the burial of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the northwest of China!!


"Boy, the sand is coming, how sure are you?"

Looking at the rows of soldiers standing in the Great Northwest during those few days, Wu Xiaobing looked at it, but he couldn't believe it. This scene in front of him would be true.

It's really amazing, it's called a miracle, it is absolutely veritable.

"When the order is passed, the wind and sand are coming. All the soldiers are all on the tree. They are trying every means to stabilize themselves on the fork.

This is a very large sandstorm. We don't know how thick the sand layer will cover after the sandstorm. Don't be blown away by the wind, but it will be covered by the sea of ​​sand."

This is already prepared.

No one knows when the sandstorm will come, and he has made the worst plan before trying his best to establish the shelterbelt.

"Boy, this Wannian Pine is catalyzed by strong vitality, so that it can grow so tall, not strong, can it withstand the destruction of super large wind and sand?"

It is a few tens of meters away from the ten-mile shelterbelt in the plan. It can also be said that it is almost done.

However, whether it is catalyzed by vitality is not natural growth. He is very worried about whether this ten thousand years of pine catalysis still retains the gritty characteristics that the pine tree itself has.

"Relax, there will be no problem."

Wu Xiaobing's question, Wang Yang's answer is very positive.

"Do not believe it, just try it. You see, this is a twig. If you try it, can you break it with your strength?"

After nearly ten days, Wannian Song has grown into a towering giant tree, and the thick branches of the baby's arms can only be turned into thin branches.

As it happens, on top of Wang Yang's head, a thick branch of a baby's arm grows laterally.

"Okay, let me try."

Wu Xiaobing nodded at the branches that were not tall and growing horizontally.

The strength of Wu Xiaobing, who is already a half-step master, is extremely terrible.

Stretch out your hands, vigorously with both hands, fold the branches hard.


After exhaling, Wu Xiaobing finally used his full strength, but he didn't break the cross.

"Hey, how is this possible?"

Such a divine power, even if it is a ten-year-old pine tree, is also to be interrupted. The legendary grandmaster is even uprooted, it is not difficult.

He did not expect that Wannian Song was so tough.

"Got it now."

Wang Yang laughed.

"Hurry up."

"it is good."

Wu Xiaobing will never worry again this time.


"got windy."

In mid-air, two people stood in the volley-Chief Instructor Li Tangxing, General Staff Liu Wen.

Seeing the gust of wind that swept through the desert, the two were respected, and they were also shocked.

"Now I can only live by my destiny."

Looking at such a scene in front of them, the two of them have been desperate. They dare not imagine what the final outcome will be.

Even at the last moment, they dare not contact the soldiers in desperation, they can only wait and see in the sky.

They are not timid, but they are helpless.

At this moment, the sky is dark, and the thunder fire sometimes tears the shady curtain.

The ground is dull, the overwhelming wind and sand, covered from the desert, the newly established shelter forest has become an undefeated warrior in the most forward protection.

The gusty wind swept through and was blocked by pine layers for ten thousand years.

"Look, the wind has weakened."

"There was no accident in the protection forest, and Wan Niansong was not uprooted."

"Wan Nian Song was not broken by the wind, Major General Wang Yang did not deceive us, all this is true.

Warriors, there is hope for survival and hope."

Pointing at everything ahead, General Staff Liu Wen screamed in surprise.

At this moment, he seemed to be a child.

Chief instructor Li Tangxing's eyes were wet, but a sincere smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, we still have hope, there is hope!!"


"Everyone should pay attention to the fact that sand and dust fall from the sky. You must protect your eyes. You must not let the sand fall into your eyes or look up at the sky."

The overwhelming wind and sand fell from the sky, Wang Yang took out his portable radio station, and gave orders loudly.

He also knows that this may be useless, but he knows that this is the only thing he can do for the generals at present.

This is a special battle, he will be in the trenches with these soldiers, at the forefront.

As the supreme commander of this special battle, he has responsibilities and obligations, and must do something for the soldiers.

Ten meters is not very big for the towering big tree. It is very likely that the horizontal branches grow three or four meters horizontally under the huge vitality. The longest one is intertwined with each other between the trees. , Frame a'overpass'.

Even when this'overpass' is entangled with each other, it is possible to divide the tree above and below the tree into two different worlds.

However, the sand is too small, and the branches and leaves are dense. When the sand accumulates into piles, they will naturally fall under the tree.

At this time, you must be careful.

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