My Super Estate

Question 2203

Chapter 2115th Military Soul Shows Power

"Brothers, now is the time for us to show our majesty.

After this battle, perhaps, everyone will take a big step forward. Then, the Quartet City is the time for us to cross."

Mo Jun's voice was very loud, and with the blessing of the formation, the entire Battlefield Star Zone could be heard.

It can be said that at this moment, Mo Jun felt that he was truly invincible.

In particular, he can clearly feel that the blessing of the military formation is to upgrade his life level and the overall strength.

Even, he can feel that as long as he wants to be covered by blood mist, all the sergeants will naturally be affected by the formation.

This is terrible.

Even if each sergeant can only lead ten soldiers, that is a hundred thousand army.

One hundred thousand army, facing the million demons?What are you afraid of?


In his heart, he was so courageous, looking at the Sanjiu Demon Lord, he felt much more lovely.People always feel that if they are not killed, they feel uncomfortable.

"Where to go?"

Being able to train a qualified army is already a pleasant surprise.How come more?

Therefore, Mo Jun simply did not think of any idea of ​​leaving the Three Nine Demon Lords to train others.

The same method is simply not possible.

"Two, we can't leave."

The Three Nine Demons fled in despair.

They knew that the human race army behind them was extremely terrible, and even the Nine-Headed Demon Lord had failed. Even if the two of them joined forces, it would be impossible.

"What should we do now?"

The Three Nine Demon Lord escaped desperately, but the army behind him has been chasing behind him, and is still approaching.

"This is a human lineup, a real army of great magical powers, forming a lineup and fusing into a military soul. The strength is extremely fierce. If we want to defeat them, it is impossible."

"So, what should I do?"

The Sanjiu Demon Lord is very embarrassed, and while escaping, he must pay attention to the attack from behind.

Even if it is just an attack, it is extremely difficult to block it.

"Since that is the case, then we have exploded their formation.

Without the blessings of the army, they are a group of sheep."

The Nine Ghost Lord said so.

"Okay, that's it!"

If that is the case, then, just give it a try.

There is really no way, perhaps, this is the only way to live.

At this moment, the Sanjiu Demon Lord turned around halfway.

"Human tribe, dare to be so presumptuous? Today and let you know that my three nine devil master is not so good to deal with!!"

The man is still halfway through, and the sound of the Sanjiu Demon Lord has already sounded in the void.

At this moment, the two demon masters Jiu You and Jiu Ying are joining forces to kill Mo Jun, but the nine-head demon master is killing the 10,000 emperor.

The Nine-headed Demon Lord is worthy of the name of Nine-headed, even though Mo Jun has broken his fusion supernatural powers, but he is now back to his original state.

In fact, only the Nine-headed Demon Lord knows that every time he breaks his fusion supernatural power, he kills himself.

Before, it had been killed once, but this time it was killed again. Nine lives, there are only seven.

Such a deep hatred, even if you dare to chase it down, how can you spare you?

"Haha, come on well!!"

It’s okay to run away honestly, but dare to turn back?I just don't know life and death.

However, exactly, just formed a military formation, it was the time when the experimental military formation was so powerful .

"Look at the gun!!"

Mo Jun is a practitioner of boxing, which can be described as everyone.

However, his marksmanship is also extremely terrifying. At this time, he was blessed by the army, his life level was greatly improved, and his strength was more fierce. It was a good time to test his strength.

I saw that in the face of the two demons of Nine Nine and Nine Tassels, it was just a shot.

He even used the gun as a stick and swept the two devil masters with one stick.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Dare to be so contemptuous?

The two demon masters of Nine Nine and Nine Tales were furious and shot with all their strength.

Even if you want to sweep two with one stick, you just don't put yourself in the eye?How can you do it?

One fights with fierce force, and one fights with no death. The two are like a collision between Mars and the earth.

In fact, with their strength, the mortal planet has long been unable to withstand their blows. However, at this time, their power to fight against each other is not at all a concern for many demons in the entire battlefield. difference.


Mo Jun shouted, and the power of the spear was greatly improved. Suddenly, the power broke out, and the two devil masters were directly pumped out.


Even the starry sky is unbearable. It is directly shocked by the violent force, revealing the thundering thunder sky.

Even one side of Starfield couldn't bear the aftermath of their war.

Similarly, the Nine-headed Demon Lord had already arrived before the formation, and when the two Demon Lords entangled Mo Jun with the help of Jiuying and Nine You, they decisively attacked the formation.

I saw that the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, the nine heads, each had supernatural powers, or fire, or flood, or extremely terrible gang wind.

All kinds, maybe just ordinary great supernatural powers, but for the Nine-headed Demon Lord at this time, it is no less than the level of the domain master.

It can be said that such a supernatural power, even the peerless power, the Lord of Thousands, can easily drown it in all kinds of supernatural powers.


Go to die, go to die!!"

The Nine-headed Demon Lord laughed and said so.

However, no matter what they do, in the face of such terrible great magic powers, all the soldiers have no change at all, just a layer of blood mist, directly blocking all magic powers.


The excited Nine-Headed Demon Lord seemed to be pinched by his stomach, bulging his eyes, and did not believe for a long time.

How could this happen?

The Nine-Headed Devil is unwilling to believe.

However, what is in front of you is not true. What can you do?

Regardless of whether he believed it or not, the spear that came out of the sky was completely intolerant, and it was directly stuck on the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

To pick one out of two, there may be some powers that are not at heart, but it is extremely sharp to face a nine-headed devil alone.


The Nine-headed Demon Lord exploded.

It turned out that it was directly hit by this gun, stuck in his own deity, the gun body shocked, even if the nine-headed demon master was very powerful, at this time, Kong Ming could not escape the end of the physical explosion.


All exploded flesh recovered quickly.

It turned out that the Nine-Headed Devil really had nine lives. Even if he was killed, as long as he had enough power, he could recover quickly.

The price paid is to lose another life.

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