My Super Estate

Chapter 2204 Three Nine Demon Lords, Die! !

Chapter Two Hundred Sixteen Chapter Three Nine Demon Lord, Die!!

Opening the door of the star field means that the war between the Quartet star field and the battlefield star field has begun.

This is a full-scale invasion war.

In the past, every time I watched that big movie and watched those intruders, Wang Yang was always full of hatred in his heart. He even wished to smash all the intruders to death.

However, when this invasion war, which was presided over by himself, appeared for one month, Wang Yang had already been cold-hearted.

"Well, now Mo Jun has really cultivated a qualified army.

The effect of this military training has already been revealed.

This war can also be over!"

Standing at the gate of the domain, Wang Yang's eyes looked at the entire Battlefield Star Domain.

The strength of the old devil in the battle is very strong, but, in contrast, he is not looked at by Wang Yang and others.

The entire Quartet Star Zone, in addition to the details, is extremely terrifying. The characters known as human geniuses in the Quartet Star Zone seem to have no money.

The Star Wars of the Hundred Battles, because of the old devil of the Hundred Battles and the Lord of the Three Nine Demons, in the holy battlefield of man and demon, broke the prestige of Noda, and in the time of extreme knowledge, the huge accumulation has made it reach the promotion of the upper star. The edge of the domain.

In fact, there is only one magical avatar for the old devil in the battle, and the three-nine demon lords, because of the ten great magical abilities, all cultivated into their own martial spirits.It was this strength that made them wanton on the battlefield of man and demon, faced with the three big cities of the human race without fear, and even destroyed a big city, and even destroyed two big cities.

In contrast, Sifang Xingyu, the strength must be too much too much.

Wang Yang is already practicing to become the third magical avatar (Ziyang magical avatar, black lotus heart demon avatar, and Shenlong avatar), dragon lord, light god lord, Wu Tian emperor lord, wolf lord, which of them is not a genius?One by one, at least are all cultivated into eight magical avatars.

In addition, the ten small children of the former Shenshui manor, now the ten masters, the six pillars of the Shenshui manor (except Wang Yang, and Wu Xiaohong on top), one by one, who is not cultivated into his own Supernatural Doppelganger?

Even, Sirius five team, in addition to Sirius, the other four, who has fallen behind?

What's more, there are sword masters who have been in the front in the third heaven, when the human race is the most vulnerable, king of strong ape, king of invincible guns, king of purple thunder god, god of purple sky, etc., one by one, there are Which one is not invincible?

It can be said that in addition to the top-level host, the entire strength of the Sifang Star Zone is too strong and too strong, even in the face of the Sifang Star Zone, it is not afraid at all.

"This training has already achieved initial results. Then, the old demon of the battle, that is, there is no need to exist.

Even the entire Star Wars domain has lost its value of existence."

A star field containing billions of creatures has lost the value of existence in his mouth.

In fact, the human race and the devil race, at first, there is no dispute about who is right or wrong, because, in the eyes of each other, they are each set to be the food to help their promotion.

In the past, the Demon Clan had no way to hunt and kill the Ten Thousand Clan to promote themselves and plunder the Quartet.

However, when entering the Highest Heaven Realm, the ancestors of the Ten Thousands live together, it is difficult to separate each other, and the two sides are clearly separated.Between each other, only you die.

In fact, at present, the entire Hundred Battles Star Zone, under the crush of the army of the Quartet Star Zone, has no resistance at all.

The Sanjiu Demon Lord is the only force with a trace of resistance. At this time, Mo Jun led the guards to suppress them.

In the top power, the old demon of the hundred battles has no resistance, and having 100,000 demon masters in vertical and horizontal directions is also difficult to help.

I saw that whenever there was a scale of the devil, suddenly, there was a supreme deity, coming out of the air, or punching the sky or breaking the palm.

As soon as there is an army of demons with more than 10,000 people, there are dozens of invincible gods appearing suddenly, and a bloody massacre is launched directly.

The entire battlefield is rich in background, however, such a deep background is difficult to resist.

"Haha, Sanjiu Laomo, you are exhausted, just grab your hands!"

Another shot directly killed the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

Even though the Nine-Headed Demon Lord has nine lives, it is difficult to resist their consumption.

Mo Jun laughed for a while.

Whether it is Sirius, grass wolf, snow wolf, wolf, etc., no one uses any magical avatar.

However, in spite of this, it is only the battle front that unfolds and the military soul manifests. One field directly covers all the soldiers.

Once, Wang Yang led a million troops in the Purple Thunder God Realm, and then entered the Black Bull Demon Realm. Once there was a terrible army, which was used to run the Black Bull Demon Realm.

At that time, the field of military souls had the dual supernatural powers of suppression and promotion, but now, it is just promotion.

However, such an effect is enough.

Only 10,000 emperor-level soldiers form a military formation, and they can bless Mo Jun, let Mo Jun's strength, from the Lord of Thousands of Thousands, become the Lord of Stars.

If it is the Lord of Ten Thousands of Thousands, is it possible to give Wang Yang, or Dragon Lord and others, directly blessing to the upper star level?

If, coupled with their talents one by one, one by one, it is directly cultivated into a magical avatar, and ask, with such magical power, who can be the enemy?

Finally, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and the Nine Heads were all exploded. The Nine-Headed Devil Lord with nine lives was directly killed locally.

Jiu Youmo and Jiuying Demon Lord, several times want to escape, but, where can they escape?

Whenever they want to escape, the horizontal air is a rash rod, and it is fiercely smashed. The two have been on the battlefield of the devil, and once in the human army, the blood of the nine ghost demon masters and the nine tassel demon masters have even been connected. It is difficult to escape, it is directly blocked in the starry sky, witnessing the Nine-headed Demon Lord has nine lives, and is still being killed alive.

"Ah, I fight with you!"

Seeing that he would have to escape to death, all of a sudden, the Nine Nether Demon Master was cruel, and he rushed directly towards the Blood Mist formation.

"No, he wants to explode!!"

Feeling the difference in energy of the Nine Spectral Demon Lord, Sirius was shocked and quickly screamed.

However, if you want to shoot, it is too late.


The Nine Ghost Lord, directly before the formation, blew himself up, the terrible power, the starry sky was directly broken, and the thunder rolled, covering the entire area.

The Nine Talent Lord turned and fled.

It was just that, in his imagination, the human race army had been killed, and suddenly appeared, another big stick that swept through the sky and smashed hard.

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