My Super Estate

Question 2205

Chapter 2171 The Great Battle of Star Wars

The Three Nine Demon Lords and the Ten Great Supernatural Powers all cultivated to the third level, which can be called a generation of magic masters.

However, this is a generation of magic masters, who are hacked to death.

At this point, the entire Battlefield Star Zone can hardly be resisted at any point.

The entire battlefield is full of stars.

The human race was crushed by the strongest man in the front. Once, on the battlefield of man and demon, the invincible and majestic battlefields of the hundred battles were truly moving towards the future.


Trapped in the Ten Thousand Palace Diagram, the old demon of the Hundred Battles felt his luck greatly reduced, and finally felt a trace of confusion.Even fear.

This is not a lamb in his imagination, but a fierce monster, even if it is a demon, they must be swallowed up by them.

"All people, give me all your strength!"

Sit back and wait, that's the real death.

A desperate attempt may result in miracles.

For a while, all the demon races, no matter where they were, or what they were doing, even in the battlefield, even on the battlefield, even if they waited, there would be swords and soldiers of the human race. All sitting cross-legged on the ground, or in the air, all the body, all the power, all burned.

Even the entire Star Wars universe is shrouded in endless magic.

It seems to be that there is an invincible devil who is about to come. The domineering magic will bring together the entire battlefield and all the power.


In the battlefield, no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, all in the ears, in the mind, in the soul, are all overbearing magic sounds.

Yumen Gate has a palace that does not know how many miles.

This is the base camp of the entire Quartet.

Suddenly, five figures suddenly appeared above the endless palace.

But it is not the five domain masters of Wang Yang and others, who is it?

"That old devil can't sit still!"

Overbearing magic sounds, earth-shattering, the entire star field is shaking, hundreds of thousands of demon worlds are moving, the entire battle star field, all the demons, all burning themselves, all the power, all towards the battle demon Come together.

The people present, there is no change, just across the starry sky, looking at the ten thousand palace.

I saw that above the starry sky, there was suddenly a palace that didn't know how many thousands of miles in length and width, and it had completely become the center of the entire battlefield.All the power came.


The domineering magic sounds are continuous and rolling, like thunder.

Finally, from the palace groups that do not know how many thousands of miles, Ren Kong stepped out a peerless devil with a height that was not known.

Daqian Demon Realm is like a satellite arch guard, revolving around him.

The tall and majestic body filled the entire star field.


Power, I feel endless power!!!"

There is a madness in the laughter, which is simply unable to suppress.

That's the kind, the perennial pervert, who was imprisoned for thousands of years, suddenly saw the crazy meaning of the peerless beauty.

"You are dead!"

Across the starry sky, the gaze of the old devil in the battle, straight, is looking at Wang Yang.

Wang Yang laughed and said, "Now it seems that you are a little bloated."

Wang Yang's voice is a military horse, but he believes that he can definitely hear his own words.

"court death!"

Across the warm and starry sky, the old devil of a hundred battles directly grabbed in one paw.


Dragon Master Jianmei raised her eyebrows and took a step forward. She wanted to shoot and kill this thing that did not know life and death.

"Haha, Lord Dragon, this guy, let me deal with it!"

"it is good!"

The Dragon Lord returned.

The huge energy never represents a strong strength.

Gather all the power of the entire battlefield, but how much can you exert?

Without powerful magical avatars, what's the use of gathering so much energy?

Wang Yang's whole body exploded spontaneously, and the terrifying momentum shocked the entire star field. Layers of thunder and sky came naturally and completely separated the entire star field.

Various visions unfolded behind Wang Yang. One terrible god after another stepped out from unknown places and merged into Wang Yang’s body, so that the vision on him was raised layer by layer. Finally, a kind of Know how terrible it is.


Facing the magic hand that filled the entire battlefield, Wang Yang greeted him with a punch.


The old devil of a hundred battles doesn't know how many people are tall, and can cover the sky with one hand.

Wang Yang is no more than seven feet tall, a fist, but the size of an apple.

Wang Yang's fist, which was not the size of an apple, smashed towards the hand that was enough to cover the sky.


But the apple-sized fist directly smashed the cover-up demon hand.


As if it were a deflated balloon, the old devil screamed, and his whole body fell quickly.

Actually, his physical body could not withstand the power of the entire Hundred Battles Starfield, and was punched into the palm by a punch of Wang Yang. All the power, like the flood of the levee, was quickly vented with the entire palm as the center. And furthermore, the bang just exploded.

It turned out that the physical body was inadequate and it was difficult to accommodate such a terrible power. The whole demon body was directly exploded into fragments by such a terrible power explosion.




In the entire star field, all are screaming.

The entire Star Wars domain, all the demons, all the hopes are all gathered on the war monsters.

It is easy to say anything about the victory of the old devil in battle, the most cost is very great, the whole body is weak, and the foundation is broken, but as long as it can defeat the strong enemy, then the merits afterwards are enough to make up for all this.

However, when the old demon of the battle is killed, then all people are suffering.

Even the devil star, the origin of all battles, was completely destroyed in that terrible explosion.

Without the support of the demon star of the battle, the entire battlefield is completely destroyed.

"It seems that we are about to shoot, otherwise, all the soldiers, I am afraid, in such a big destruction, a lot of damage will be done."

Seeing the great destruction of the Star Wars, Wang Yang said so.

"Okay, then, let's go!"

An extremely terrifying momentum suddenly broke out on the dragon master, and various visions were unfolded behind him. Then, one could see that a supreme deity, who did not know where he came from, stepped out of the void and quickly integrated into the dragon Within the main body.

"come back……"

With a loud shout, the voice contains the sound of calming gods, because the entire star field is destroyed and the panic of the human race is one by one, all calmed down, and then, you can see a big hand who does not know where it came from , Directly is to fish out the entire battlefield, all the strong human race, all were recovered.

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