My Super Estate

Chapter 230 Soul Wear

Chapter 238 Soul Wear

Explaining clearly to everyone, Wang Yang came to Houshan alone.

Look at the flat peach core that gradually exudes colorful details.

"Hurry, soon, you will be well."

After such a long period of time, the Peach Core has become more and more vigorous.

Flat peach, even in myths and legends, is also the top god fruit. In the legend, the flat peach, once ripe in nine thousand years, can be long lived by mortals.

Wang Yang has always been hoping that the day when Peach grew up, even if it can't live forever, but for parents who are still in the mortal stage, it is an absolute gospel.

Of course, if there is time, he drops a drop of bronze blood directly, and the peach core will germinate immediately.

Unfortunately, he is not allowed to do so in time.

Bronze god blood is impossible, but Ziyang Spirit Liquid is no longer restricted.

Before, the Peach Core was cultivated, with occasional interruptions in the middle, and the vitality was inherently insufficient.But for him, it is no longer a problem at all.

Fifty drops of Ziyang Spirit Liquid were dripped in succession, watching the dim colorful auspicious light blooming again as it should be, and a smile hung on Wang Yang's face.

Walking down the back mountain with confidence, Wang Yang came to the fish pond.

The fish pond in front of him has been shrouded in a layer of mystery.

Except for some disciples of Shenshui Manor who come to fish for lobster every day, no one dared to go into the water easily.

Even the cooperation with 18 hotels is gradually reducing the supply of lobster.

Lobster, for Shenshui Manor, can already be regarded as the only one.

"I'm coming, come out!"

Wang Yang came to the fish pond and looked at the front, loudly.

The sound is not very loud, but it is very loud, and the echo echoes between the world and the earth.

"You came!"

In the fish pond, it is silent, shaped like water, condensed into a shadow.

"Planar Will?"

Looking curiously at the person who formed a shadow in the water, his face was full of curiosity.

According to legend, is all natural heaven and earth in heaven and earth, is this will to be called the heaven and earth?

"how should I do?"

"Crossing your knees in the water, I naturally have a way to let your soul out?"


Wang Yang's face is now puzzled, but he didn't ask too much, stepping into the water one step at a time.

If it had been before, Wang Yang could never have possessed such a means, but today, he walks on the water without sinking, making him like a fairy.

Sitting cross-legged in the water.

"Next, what do you do?"

"Concentrate on meditation."

Wang Yang did what he said.

Meditation, eyes closed, everything seems so natural.

Suddenly, it seemed that he was being pulled by a mysterious force. The clear blue water of the fish pond, a light-colored whirlpool, formed silently and naturally.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Yang no longer heard anything, just like a dead person.


"Father, rest assured, I will definitely avenge you."

After the death of Zhuang Cheng, the Black Dragon Gang collapsed overnight.

It’s not that the Black Dragon Gang mostly help a lot of people, but they all know that the Black Dragon Gang has provoked an unstoppable enemy, no matter who, inheriting the Black Dragon Gang, will face the attack of the enemy.

Overnight, from the Crown Prince to a desperate man, Zhuang Rong seemed to grow up suddenly overnight.

Most of the huge wealth plundered by the Black Dragon gang fell into his hands, giving him the greatest protection and causing him endless trouble.

The huge amount of wealth, without the behemoth, will surely be attacked by many hounds.

Now, Zhuang Rong is in such a situation.

"The Green Gang no longer blesses me. The Black Dragon Gang has fallen. The world is so big that there is no place for me to settle?"

Zhuang Rong was very sad and angry.

Reaching out from the small clothes, opening the mouth with the rice, the life of the Crown Prince, gave him great enjoyment, and likewise helped to boost his greatest pride.

Suddenly, the sky collapsed, and the former superior life left him overnight, and for a time, he could not survive in this world.

"Yes, now Shenshui Manor has attracted the attention of the whole world. As long as I go to Shenshui Manor, anyone will be attracted to them.

That's right. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. That's the truth."

Finally, the survival of the Black Dragon Gang taught him how to use his brain.

Hiding in Tibet, Zhuang Rong entered the boundary of Shuizhuang for the first time.

"That's the legend, Shenshui Manor?"

Looking at the big building, building after building, combining modern style and retro style building, even the knowledgeable Zhuang Rong was shocked at this time.

So shocking.

If it weren't for his thorough investigation of Shenshui Manor, he would never believe that all this was just the result of the construction in less than half a year.

"Then, is that?"

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed suddenly, what did he see?

Wang Yang actually sat on the water?

This, such a strength, is difficult for Grand Master!

It's one thing to have good performance, but if you have good performance, it doesn't mean you can sit on the water~!

"Could it be anything special about this fish pond?

Yes, Wang Yang's strength has improved rapidly. Could it be that he got adventures from this fish pond?"

For a time, Zhuang Rong opened his brain and consciously gained insight into the mystery of Wang Yang's strength improvement.

"Looking at him, it seems that he is in cultivation. Otherwise, I will try it. Maybe, I can also get such a adventure."

Hold on to the daring, starve to the timid.

Wang Yang would never have thought that when he was just quietly on the water, someone was hiding in the dark.

Witnessing Wang Yang stepping on the water, sitting on the water, and finally, a vortex appeared on the water.

Opportunity can't be lost, never again.

Zhuang Rong was also out.

Don't want anything, just rush towards the fish pond.

Very miraculously, Zhuang Rong stepped on the water, and even walked on the water, not falling on the ground.

Zhuang Rong believes that he has discovered the mystery that Wang Yang's strength has risen so fast. For a time, the fierce color in his eyes flickered and he rushed towards Wang Yang.

He would take this opportunity to kill the father and the enemy.

Even, he thought of the kind of euphoric feeling of revenge when his dagger penetrated Wang Yang's flesh.

For a time, he was stunned.

"As long as you die, your secret is mine. By then, I will be able to build a stronger black dragon gang."

Thinking, looking at his dagger, he was getting closer and closer to the enemy's neck. He was ecstatic in his heart, and was even fantasizing. When he inherited all the adventures of Wang Yang, he became famous in the world.

The joy in his eyes was even more unabashed.

However, he didn't find the pale whirlpool in the water and gradually disappeared.

So, a very strange scene appeared on the water.

Wang Yang sat cross-legged on the water, with a dagger on his neck. The dagger was held in the hands of a young man. The young man bowed forward with one foot, and raised slightly with one foot backward.

In this way, two people who hated each other, wear their souls.

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