My Super Estate

231 Lu Dayou

Chapter 239 Lu Dayou

Lu Dayou, the character in Jin Yong's famous "Swordsman", is the sixth disciple of the head of the Huashan School, Yue Buqun, and the disciple of Linghu Chong. Because he ranks sixth among the disciples of the Huashan School, he likes monkeys, so he is known by his nickname. For the'six monkeys', he died in the hands of Laudnor, the undercover of Songshan School.

After Wang Yang woke up, the first time, the relevant identity of the possessed person appeared in his mind.

"Six Monkeys, I didn't expect that I would be attached to him."

Attached to Lu Dayou, Wang Yang didn't care.

He entered the Xiaoaojianghu Lake this time with only two purposes.

Defeat the son of the plane, Linghu Chong; learn the earth-shattering lonely nine swords.

In fact, the two goals are the same thing for Wang Yang.

"This, defeating the son of the plane in the highest state, won the title of the son of the plane.

Success, you can get a skill of the plane's son, whether it is martial arts, or miscellaneous, get the plane's will recognition and help the plane promote.

Failure, withdraw from the world of Xiaoao River and Lake, from then on, completely lost the opportunity to enter."

"It's been a while since the plot opened, and I happened to be practicing.

Lonely Nine Swords has no moves to win.

If there is my body strength, no matter how powerful the sword is, I am not afraid. With the sharpness of the war body, I cannot break my defense. The sword is also useless.

It's a pity that in this world of Xiaoaojianghu, I can't have so many beliefs to practice the Ziyang war body, let alone the bronze war body after the promotion.

Fortunately, I asked the chief instructor for the magical power of the golden bell.

As one of the four great works of Shaolin, in this world, it must shine its due light."

Qingcheng sent Yu Canghai to send his disciples to Huashan, which means that the plot has not yet begun.

At this time, Wang Yang naturally wants to make good use of it.

The martial arts of the Huashan School, apart from the nine swords of loneliness, the most eye-catching thing for him is naturally Hunyuan Gong.

Xiaoaojianghu World is just a low-martial world, the strongest, undefeated in the East, and only a generation of guru. It is difficult to get out of the body, with sharp swords, amazing speed and victory.

In the world of the world, such a person, Wang Yang slaps, absolutely must shoot a piece.

However, after coming to this world, Wang Yang was very helpless to find that he was still just practicing the realm of the body, and the inner energy was not cultivated.

Being in the Huashan School, Huashan Hunyuan Gong naturally needs to practice well.

Originally, it was the master of boxing, Wang Yang would naturally not choose any swordsmanship.

Therefore, Wang Yang has made up his mind and will practice Hunyuan Gong from now on.

On the rivers and lakes, the Wuyue Sword School and the Demon Cult have endless battles.

After Wang Yang was attached to Lu Dayou, he concentrated on practicing martial arts.


All of a sudden, on the earth, a day has passed.

At this time, on the edge of the fish pond, many masters of Shenshui Manor have already gathered.

"Who can tell me what's going on?"

Looking at the dagger close to Wang Yang's neck, Luo Jian was furious.

After Wang Yang came back, he called everyone to a meeting and announced that the fish pond was divided into a secret area and no one was allowed to approach.

Who would have thought that when everyone got up this morning, somebody came to report that there was a big problem with the fish pond.

"Are we going to shoot?"

With that dagger in hand, Zhuang Rong stabbed at Wang Yang, and the fast knife Abin held the Tang knife in his hand and asked.

"No, in the fish pond, this time has been controlled by a mysterious force. It is easy for outsiders to enter, and it is difficult to enter. It may cause inexplicable changes, which may be harmful to Wang Yang."

Yue Qingshan blocked Abing and said.

Yes, yesterday, the four masters of the monk Taoist scholar swordsman came together.

"Yes, in the legend, the heaven and earth are all created by the mighty in nothingness. This time, Wang Yang entered the world of the so-called Xiaoao River and Lake. Perhaps, it will be a creation."

Bai Yu also agreed with Yue Qingshan's remarks.

Whether they are scholars or swordsmen, they remember the ancient legends in the school.

Ancient has great power, in the void, to open up the world.

Perhaps, Wang Yang is so creative.

Of course, at this time, Wang Yang is protected by the will of the world, and it is difficult for anyone to hurt.

"Aren't we watching like this?"

Luo Jian was unwilling.

His cousin was almost stabbed into the neck with a knife, and it was terrible to think about it.

"Perhaps, we left one or two people to guard here, the others still have to go back, Jiang Haihui, and the Green Gang, they are all very powerful forces.

They have already dispatched manpower to enter the boundaries of the southern province, and we must not be careless."

"Okay, let's go back."


One day in the sky, one year on the ground.

For the world of Xiaoaojianghu, the earth is heaven, and the world of Xiaoaojianghu is above earth.

One day outside, in this world of Xiaoaojianghu, it has been almost the past year.

In this year, Wang Yang's in-depth understanding of the war body with his deity, suddenly found that Hunyuan Gong is a method of low-level war body cultivation.

With the foundation of the Ziyang War Body and the Bronze War Body, it is naturally very easy to practice Hunyuan Gong.

Going through the five stages and cutting down the six generals, in just one year, he even practiced Hunyuan Gong to the twelfth floor, and became a first-rate martial arts master on the rivers and lakes, compared to Yue Buqun who practiced the secrets of Zixia, It's not bad at all.

It's just that Hunyuan Gong is still almost not enough to promote him to the Grand Master. It's just that he has got through the twelve normals in the body.

Suddenly, Wang Yang had a wonderful idea.

Hunyuan Gong is the lowest method of fighting body practice.

The so-called golden bell cover, the body is cultivated into a golden bell, is it not an alternative method of combat body cultivation?

Thinking of this, Wang Yang had a wonderful idea.

The method of combining the internal and external cultivation of Hunyuan Gong is combined with the top-level body-building exercises such as the Golden Bell, thus creating a top-level method of combat body cultivation.

The Ziyang Mantra is a very profound divine skill. It is precisely because of this that the cultivation conditions are extremely harsh.

In this world of Xiaoaojianghu, it is impossible to complete.

If you can create a magical skill unique to yourself in this world, is it not another way?

Out of this heart, Wang Yang, who marched into martial arts, entered cultivation again.

As a result, a strange phenomenon appeared in Huashan.

It turned out that the'six monkeys' who like to play with monkeys turned into a martial arts overnight.

Except for maintaining a close relationship with his brother Ling Huchong, he was basically practicing at other times.

It's just that in the Huashan Sword School, he didn't practice sword skills, but he practiced boxing every day.

Therefore, as a proselytized disciple, Yue Buqun, a master, has not summoned him once.

Obviously,'Lu Dayou' abandoned his sword and practiced fist, making Yue Buqun unhappy.

Finally, on this day, Wang Yang, who came out of the place of cultivation, finally heard the news that Qingcheng sent his disciples to Huashan.

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