My Super Estate

2301 The Disaster of the Earth Sha

Chapter 2204 Disaster

"Do not!!"

In the void, there was suddenly a bleak cry of utter despair.

The voice was sad, as if he had seen a loved one and was beaten to death. That kind of pain was heartfelt.

"No, this is San Ge's voice.

The third brother and the elder brother and the second brother are fighting the troll, how could the third brother be so sad??"

Three respects, each one is a big shock in my heart, as if I saw the death of my own brother.

"No, it's definitely the second elder brother and the elder brother who are in trouble. Let's go quickly!"

Wang Yang grabbed it in the past and directly took the two Demon Races and directly captured it. Such an amazing record was enough to shock.

However, the battlefield is changing too fast, the sound of congratulations has not yet been exported, and he has not even asked how these two demons should deal with it. On the battlefield over there, the sound of wailing from No. 3 Disha came.

This is absolutely not allowed.

"Please also ask this brother to help my third brother with us!"

The strength of the troll clan, one of the top powers in the ancient soul universe. According to legend, he is only a slight difference from practicing a magical avatar. The most important thing is that he has cultivated into nine martial spirits. Coupled with his powerful physical combat body, even in the face of human geniuses, you have to be careful. A little carelessness is directly overturned by his ditch.

The No.1 Desha, No.2 Desha, No.3 Desha, and three people are among the most powerful, and the three of them are already the most important.

However, even so, it has already turned over.

"Go away!"

Only true powerhouses will be more prosperous.

Participating in the war between man and demon, it is nothing but merit and luck. For this reason, even if the hands are endlessly bloodied, there is no hesitation.


No. 2 Devil, do you have today??"

Trollte was very proud and laughed loudly.In his hands, only half of his body was left, which was left by No. 2 Di Sha.

"The second one!!"

On the 1st, the sorrow and anger roared, and the chopping magic knife in his hand was constantly chopped out, turning into an endless awn, and attacked toward the troll.

However, all this is so futile.

As a world demon, in that highest heaven, but the demon body is huge, but it is also within a range, and it can not exceed that limit.

However, when he is in the starry sky of the universe, that is the real Big Mac. Walking in the starry sky of the universe is a sun.

The strength of No.1 Disha is extremely weak, without the fate of that genius. However, the strength is extremely amazing. Looking at its swordsmanship, it has at least seven or eight kinds of spirituality.

However, this is the case, the sword that cuts the galaxy, can't leave any little injuries on the troll.


No.1 Dessert, do you think that your strength can help me?

Ten Martial Souls are perfectly integrated with each other, just like a doppelganger, even if you practice eight Martial Souls?

Before you, not my opponent, now you are more like a waste, vulnerable."

The troll stands in the starry sky of the universe, that is, a round of the sun. Naturally, it exudes endless gravity, and its strength is weaker. It is directly that even the body can't control it. It must be attracted by his natural gravity. .

Even if you want to escape, it is impossible.

"Ah, damn troll, you die for me, die!!"

The No. 1 mad attack.

"Youngest, you leave faster, hurry!!"

No one thought that this giant monster would have a breakthrough in its strength. Ten kinds of peerless supernatural powers were all cultivated into martial spirits.

Before, there were obviously only nine martial arts souls, and obviously there were only nine martial arts.


Do you think it is possible to escape?"

Troll was so excited in his heart that he never thought that this sudden battle would be his greatest chance.

To thank you, today, I want to tear you to pieces.

The troll is excited in his heart, but has a very powerful killing intention. He wants to tear all the human races in front of him into pieces to celebrate for himself.

The sorrow of the same race?

What the hell is that?Is it even better to have your own strength?


It is indeed impossible to escape, a troll, just kill it, and there is nothing more fearful."


Who is it?Didn't see the strength of the uncle, is it now what it is now?Are you afraid of death?

"Don't call it that big, you are a troll, you have a huge body, just open it, it's also thunder rolling, and then open it loudly, it's really amazing, the sky is about to collapse.

do you know?

If you do this, it is easy to be killed."


Killed?Who can kill Uncle Ben, fight out, fight Uncle Ben, and show Uncle Ben, even the son of Turtle, dare to be so entertaining Ben?"


Like Tianyin, a big palm covering the sky, I don't know how many stars are covered, trolls, and no matter how huge the demon body is, it's hard to escape with wings.


You, who are you??"

With just a breakthrough in strength, how can such a powerful and terrifying monster suddenly appear at a time when you are complacent?

The troll was so frightened in his heart that he wanted to escape, but it really seemed that the sky had been covered. No matter how he escaped, it seemed that he was within the giant palm.

No matter how you escape, it seems to be back to the original point.

"Here, where is this power?"

Such a strong man is terrible.

No. 2 Dexa, among the 72 Dexa, ranks second in strength, and it is already an extremely powerful presence.

But even so, in the hands of this troll, like a cooked duck, it was just a duck, and was torn into pieces.

But now what is going on, how can such a strong person suddenly appear?Under the palm of your hand, like a big hand, you can't escape wherever you want to escape.


"Brother, how is the second brother?"

"Yes, what's wrong with the second brother?"

The No. 1 Dexa is still not good, but in his ears, the sound of the three Dexa's questioning sounded.

"It's you?

What are you doing here?The strength of Trollte, and some breakthroughs, the second child was directly torn by him. You are not going quickly, do you want to die?"

No.1 Shasha pointed at the three devilshakes and scolded.

"Boss, we have moved to rescue the soldiers, it will be fine, the troll is dead."


No.1 Disha seemed to be listening to the heavenly books, staring at the eyes, looking at the three Disha, some could not believe it.

How powerful is the Troll?Who gave you a face and made you so confident that you dared not to put people in your eyes?

No, that big hand!!

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