My Super Estate

Chapter 2302 That crap stick.

Chapter 1205 The crap stick.

"who are you???"

In the void, only Troll Te was unwilling to torture. As for the Devil's body, which had the size of a sun-sized Troll Te, no one knew where it had gone.

"You, your strength??"

No.1 stared at his eyes, looking at the young man in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes.

too young.

For Peerless Power, they are slender and long-lived. After 100,000 years, they can still maintain their youthful appearance, but they can't keep that old heart.

The spiritual world is constantly growing, constantly being washed by time, and being washed by all things in the world.

So, many people say: You look old.

The aging ones are not their bodies, but their hearts.

However, the young man in front of him is very young. All this can be affirmed.

"Fortunately, just like everyone, the master of the upper star domain."

Hearing his words, he turned his eyes wildly on the 1st.

The master of the upper star field, the strength between each other, that is also a gap of thousands of times, can you say it easier?

One is only in possession of a kind of supernatural power, and even the transformation is impossible, not to mention condensing martial spirits and practicing body formation.

Such a high-level star domain lord, I am afraid that in the face of the geniuses of the great thousand lords, it is impossible to beat the enemy.A genius who is a genius avatar who cultivates into a magical avatar is the most likely to face a cosmic sovereign who has not cultivated a magical avatar.

The gap between them is really too big.

"Thank you Sifang Domain Master for coming to help."

No important information can be found, but thanks in person, it is necessary.

"It's all right.

However, it is a pity that if I can come earlier, maybe the No. 2 Disha will be fine."

Seventy-two terrestrial evil, thirty-six days Gang, very interesting, because they have no special name at all, only a code name.

In fact, between heaven and earth, they are commensurate with each other as brothers, and often intersect with the soul.

The purpose is to blend the soul and cultivate into a powerful battle formation to completely crush the ancient soul universe.

"It's okay, the second child's last wish, we will definitely help him realize it.

We have always believed that I will succeed."

Intersect with each other's soul, everything will only be cultivated into a powerful battle array, and the No. 2 land will fall away. Naturally, there will be replacements.

This is an inheritance, a dream, and they are all a group of dream chasers.

"Everyone, but is there any special contact information?

Now, the Lord of the Ancient Soul Universe has been led away by the Lord of Tiangang, which is a great opportunity for us to break through the Lord of the Ancient Soul Universe.

Guys, what are you waiting for?

The opportunity is rare, and Mo has to miss it."

"it is good!"

No.1 Dexa is worthy of being No.1, not only is it so powerful, but also has a deep state of mind.

It was just hit by the trolls, and even No. 2 Desha was beheaded.

However, when Wang Yang talked about breaking the ancient soul universe, Cang was still the first time to fight the spirit and firmly agreed with Wang Yang.

The heavenly universe kingdom and the ancient soul universe kingdom are above the lord of the kingdom, and down to the most common lord of the great thousand.

Today, it is really a decisive battle.

The devil's personal strength is indeed extremely powerful, and the extinction is obviously in quantity, with the Tiangang universe being dominant, the Tiangang earth, 108, all of them are the masters of the upper star domain.

In order to cultivate Tian Gang and Sha Sha, the master of Tian Gang spent extremely amazing.

However, even so, in the face of the masters of the ninety-three demon superstars, they were beaten.

The first No. 3 Dexa is the strongest Dexa. In the face of the troll, it is directly destroyed.

The first three days of Tian Gang, facing the magic flame demon Venerable, is also helpless.

The three great gangs, among the thirty-six heads and three of the gangs, are true genius characters, one by one, at least all cultivated into a magical avatar.

However, with such strength, they could not enter the face of the Demon Flame Demon Venerable.

"Boss, what shall we do?"

In the face of a demon flame deity, the three great tiangangs, there is no way to say that no one will believe it.

"The magic flame and deity are too strong. The ordinary sky and earth is definitely not his enemy.

In any case, we must keep him here."

The magic flame deity turned into three magical avatars, which is beyond everyone's imagination.

This kind of strength, ordinary Tiangang Disha, is not his enemy at all. Once let him escape, I am afraid that Tiangang Disha, all people, all add up, he is not alone.

The green magic fire of the magic flame and deity's body burns very high, the terrible high temperature, even the starry sky can't bear it, even if it is a distant, planet, naturally, it is a burning fire. .

The entire starry sky seems to have entered a large furnace.Whether it is a person, a demon, or a planet, it is quickly burned under such a magic fire.

Here is the real universe, there is no such rule that does not allow self-killing. As a demon, selfish and self-interested, as long as you can win, the vertical and horizontal is to wash a thousand demon worlds, and no one will dare to say Not a half sentence.

Sure enough, I saw that from all directions, a lot of green magic fire suddenly appeared, and behind the magic flame deity, gradually condensed into the fourth magical avatar.

Although, all of this is very short-lived, the price is extremely alarming, just a short moment, it can burn all the mass in a light year.

Such a price is really too panic, even if it is a Mozu, it is absolutely not dare to play around.

However, all this, for now, is very good.

Because, Mo Yan Mo Zun was originally only three magical avatars, and now, he already has four.

"it is good!"

Seeing that the strength of Mo Yan Mo Zun once again improved, No. 1 Tiangang almost did not jump anxiously.

Relying on the battlefield, which is not too mature, the three Tiangang, just a supernatural doppelganger, can actually confront the demon flame demon.

This is already amazing.

However, seeing the strength of Moyan Demon King climbed again, No.1 Tiangang almost did not cry out.

Which is this bastard? At this time, there is still a mood to drink for Mo Yan.

That terrible magic fire is simply not such a semi-finished battlefield that can be confronted.

"who is it??"

At this time, I dare to be so relaxed, and dare to drink well with myself, really guts.

Needless to say, such guts must have a good look.Mo Yan Mo Zun has endless hostility, he wants to let this bastard truly understand what is the horror of Mo Huo.

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