My Super Estate

Question 2317

Chapter 2220 The Devil's Pressure

In the end, Wang Yang’s remuneration, whether it was the sovereign of Tiangang or the golden bull, was very satisfied (in fact, it was not satisfactory).

Satisfied, Wang Yang is of course entering the Qingyang Universe, and entering the original main star. The sealed Qingyang Universe is directly blood sacrifice in front of the Qingyang original main star.


Here, Wang Yang has just made a move, and there are a large number of powerful shots immediately.


Wang Yang, who suddenly appeared strong, did not know very well, but he knew three of them.

"Master of the universe of all demons? Lord of the universe of flames? Lord of the universe of big clouds? How dare you appear again?"


The Lord of the Flame Universe laughed and pointed at Wang Yang, saying: "What a arrogant humanoid kid, the Lord of the Universe of the Demon Dominates one side of the star zone, but it is the real universe overlord, and is really on the road of the avenue. Not short road.

Nowadays, the Lord of the Demon Universe has personally shot, how dare you still be so arrogant?

But don't know how to write dead words?"

The laughter of the lord of the flame universe shakes the universe starry sky, and the entire starry sky seems to be burning.

"What's more, nowadays, the Wanmoxing District is coming out of the nest, how dare you dare to speak so loudly?"

"Master Wang Yang, the problem now is very serious."

The twelve statues of heaven and earth, with a demons of a million feet tall, have already stood in the stars and surrounded Wang Yang and others.

Lord Taurus was frightened at first.

Of course, no one knows whether it is frightened or not.

"Yes, the Lord of the Universe, it's the real universe overlord, we are not opponents.

What's more, they have twelve demons, and we are already extremely deficient in number."

Lord Fire Phoenix also has a retreat: Anyway, the origin of this rule will not have our share. How can we want to let us contribute?

"Everyone, this is the time when we left. This human race has very good strength, but it is definitely not as good as that of the Ten Thousand Demon Universe Lord.

We are leaving now, is the most suitable.

Moreover, the origin of this law has been opened, whether it is a human race, or a demon race, you can enter.

These demons are obviously calculated."

"Yes, the place where the law originated has just opened, and no one can enter, anyone can enter.

These Demon Races haven't been here for a long time, they haven't come for a long time, but they want to come here at this time."

In this world, there are rules for everything, but outside the rules, there are loopholes.

Between the same race, the luck is connected, and they fight each other. Even if they are alive, it is absolutely impossible to open the source of the law (from this, it can also be seen that all kinds of rules are artificially formulated).

However, after the origin of the law is opened, it is not entered by people for the first time, then during this time period, any creature can enter without any obstruction.

With the entry of the first batch of creatures, the place where the law originated, naturally was controlled by this creature, and no one could enter without his consent.

With all these rules, the Lord of the Golden Cow, Lord of the Fire Phoenix and others, have a clear mind.


Now, it is the time when the Lord of Ten Thousand Demon Universe is attracted to the place where the law originates.

For a time, the Lord of the Golden Cow, the Lord of the Fire Phoenix, the Lord of the Black Dragon, the Lord of the Qingliu, and the Lord of Jinpeng, all left quickly.

Sure enough, they left, the Lord of the Universe universe, there was no resistance at all.

Even the other cosmic sovereigns have no movement at all.

One by one, all staring at the place where the law originated.

"Don't you leave?"

All of a sudden, they just moved in and out, and even joined forces with their allies to leave.

"Huh, you think, I don't want to leave?"

The Lord Tiangang was extremely angry.

He was not a good person, otherwise, before, he would not be so perturbed by the fairy device that Wang Yang might have, and could not bear the greed in his heart.

"We are all human races, how can I give up on you so much?"

Lord Tian Gang has been scolding his mother for a long time, but on the surface, he has to act with awe and arrogance.

There is no way. I have vowed to the human race Tiandao to jointly deal with the lord of the universe.Nowadays, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Universe has come in person and fled, and it is impossible to say that it can never escape the investigation of Heaven.

"it is good!"

Wang Yang was very'satisfied' and said: "This is my role model."

"Haha! Human race, do you think you can enter?"

The Master of the Universal Demon Universe laughed and said: "Before, I heard that you only use the absolute quantity and the impact of the strong soul to capture the Qingyang Universe.

Exactly, it is now that we have the absolute advantage, so let's try it out, is such a spiritual shock really powerful??"

With the order of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demon Universes, suddenly, one by one, there were powerful projections of the Universe Kingdom behind them.

"Slow down!"

The scene in front of me is really too familiar. Before, I used this trick to win the Qingyang Universe Lord. Now I have to face this trick again.

This is simply a modern newspaper, not so fast.

"Oh, what more do you want to say?"

"Don't forget, who is my teacher? Do you dare to shoot me, are you afraid of my teacher?"

At this time, he could only bite the bullet and pull up his teacher's tiger skin, hoping to scare him.

"Haha, do you think that your teacher can scare the host?

Exactly, the host also wanted to see, did your teacher dare to show up??"

This one?

Wang Yang was dumbfounded.

What on earth does this lord of the universe of the devil mean?

Why is there something that I don’t understand?

The teacher dare not show up?

Emperor Ziyang's true existence of that kind of evildoer reached an incredible level in a very short period of time.

Before, facing the lord of the universe of the universe and the lord of the universe of ancient souls, it was just a photography, and it was directly to repel them.

Now, what is the bottom card that supports the Lord of the Devil Universe?Even let him not put Ziyang Emperor in his eyes?

"How to do?"

Even the teacher of City Master Wang Yang couldn't bear it. This accident shocked the Master of the Gang of Heaven.

In fact, the origin of this rule is really good, but the effect is somewhat similar to that of the fruit of creation.

Therefore, at this time, Wang Yang simply did not bring the many powerful players in the Quartet.

Even the lord of Tiangang is also alone.

In other words, at this time, there were only two people, Wang Yang and Tian Gang.

"Since, you have no other last words to die!"

Under the order of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Universes, twelve souls slammed towards the Lord of Heaven and Wang Yang.

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