My Super Estate

Question 2318

Chapter 2221 Vulcan Power


Under the order of the Lord of the Devil Universe, immediately, twelve powerful soul attacks attacked.

However, it was at this time that the top five alien cosmic sovereigns had just left Wang Yang.

It is the five major aliens such as Fire Phoenix and Black Dragon.


The sudden appearance of the five major alien cosmic protagonists has made the heart of the Tiangang nation faster.

Under the attack of twelve soul shocks, including the Lord of Ten Thousand Demon Universe, Tian Gang truly felt the feeling of dying.

Even, he has a feeling that, with a single blow, he will surely die.

However, he wants to escape, wants to leave, and is limited by the vows of heaven and earth, even if it is dead, he must bear it.

Now it seems that it is really a cold sweat.

"What is all this about?"

There was a cold sweat in my heart, and at the same time, there was a huge question in the mind of the Lord Tiangang.

These five different kinds of sovereigns really belong to the kind of rats. Where do they dare to meet the cats like the sovereign of the Devil Universe?

However, what is going on now has just left, and fled, absolutely unreasonable, it will come back at this most critical moment.

crucial moment?

"Yes, there is definitely a problem here, and the timing is too good.

Before, I have obviously felt a powerful crisis. I can be sure that if not five of them appeared, I would die.

Where are there so many coincidences between heaven and earth?Inside, there must be a mystery that I didn't know about."

Tian Gang stared at Wang Yang in surprise, and said: "What a big hand.

Five masters of the universe, unconsciously, was moved by him out of thin air.

Such a generous work, even if it is the lord of the universe and the devil, is absolutely not."


With such general thought, the Lord Tiangang really scared himself out of sweat.


The lord of Tiangang can naturally calculate such a result based on various kinds of information. As a party, where can the lord of the universe of the demon be unable to calculate?

It was possible to figure it out, but he was even more surprised.

"Who the hell is it? Give it to the owner of the country!!"

Looking at the superb power of the Demon Master of the Universe, it is very dangling, it seems that it is really fearless, and even dare to shout arrogantly, asking the strong man hidden in the dark to come out.

In fact, he was secretly vigilant, and gathered all the twelve demon universe masters.


Wang Yang laughed, pointing at the Lord of the Universe Universe, saying, "Don't the Lord of the Universe Universe, were you just very arrogant? Didn't you say you were not afraid of any existence?"

Why, now my teacher is not really showing up, are you so nervous?"

"Your teacher?

Impossible, your teacher is absolutely impossible to have such a means?Otherwise, before, how could the owner of the country escape??"

Such a perverted existence would be your teacher?

Don't you feel your face is very big?

The Master of the Universal Demon Universe stared at Wang Yang, with a look of disdain.

Your teacher must have such strength, before, can let me escape?

Well, for this question, Wang Yang doesn't know what to say. He is also the cosmic sovereign, and basically consistent in terms of life level.

What can be done silently at the same time is to move the five cosmic sovereigns who do not know where to escape. Then, it seems that there is nothing particularly difficult to shoot a cosmic sovereign who wants to escape.

The idea of ​​the Lord of the Universe of the Demon universe seems very reasonable.

It's just, if, not his teacher, then who would be behind this?

Could it be that there is a more terrifying horror behind him?

I don't know why, even the Lord of Ten Thousand Demon Universe felt that his breathing was fast.

What kind of powerful strength can it move the five cosmic sovereigns who have escaped silently at the same time?

The Lord of the Universe said that he did not know!

However, he is the cosmic overlord who dominates one side of the star zone, and has truly embarked on his own path. In this universe, it is already a top-notch existence.

Such strength, it is difficult to move a star field plan to a million miles silently, at least some movement must be made.

It is possible to move the five lords of the universe who have fled silently, so what kind of power is it?


The more I think about it, the more powerful the pressure is on the master of the universe.

Dog Day!!

Even the extreme fear in my heart has been scolded.

In the blink of an eye, the lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Universe, who was just Yaowu Yangwei, just left in an instant.

The real thing is not to come and not to come.


I originally thought that this time it was really dead.I didn't expect that, in an instant, it would be such a result.

"Master Wang Yang, before!!"


Perhaps it is a kind-hearted fairy road of my human race passing this temple!"

I believe your ghost!

Lord Tian Gang scolded in his heart.

However, when I thought about it, I was shocked: "Xiandao Mighty?

Was Xian Dao shot just now?"

Pass or not, this question, as long as you are satisfied.However, just now, is it really Xian Dao who can shoot?

Okay, whether it’s Xian Dao’s appearance or not, but at least, the lord of the Quartet Star Realm in front of him is really not easy, because, I’m not sure whether Xian Dao is capable, but he It is already certain.

This is a bit scary.

"You may need to give them five please now."

In fact, before, the twelve soul shocks directly bombarded the five alien universe masters.

At this time, they have broken their real spiritual world, which is when the vitality is hurt.

If, just now, it was not the unknown power of the Ten Thousand Demon Universe Kingdom that was directly frightened, the five of them might be really caught alive.

"Vulcan is really powerful.

Before, on the battlefield of man and demon, seek the opportunity of Vulcan's one shot, now it seems that this time is really worth it!"

Yes, the secret shooter this time was not the Ziyang Emperor who did not know where, but the fire god parasitic in the nine-color flat peach tree from the No. 1 hill of Shenshui Manor.

Once, it was also the biggest backer of Shenshui Manor.

Previously, on the battlefield of the demon, because of the reason of the fairy, it was once stared by the lord of the universe and the ancient soul universe. For the sake of insurance, Wang Yang once asked the emperor Ziyang for help. God seeks a shot.

This time, the life and death crisis, when even used.

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