My Super Estate

Question 2329

Chapter 2232 is just you

The stars are turning, and the endless power of stars gathers quickly.

It is also worthy of being the demon overlord, and one shot is a devastating extinction.

The previous great demon will be shot, the dazzling magic knife, spanning half a galaxy, endless shadows, plundering all the creatures in half a galaxy, so that half a galaxy is directly transformed into a dead place.

The lord of the universe of all demons is even more incredible. With one shot, it is not just looting creatures, but more excessively, looting the entire starry sky. I don’t know if it is covering all the planets of the entire galaxy.

All the energy was looted by him, and turned into that strongest move towards Wang Yang, which was a crit.

I can see that at this moment, I don't know how many planets entered the aging period in advance, nor do I know how many stars, from this moment, directly into the half-aging state.

In just one shot, most of the galaxies are directly ruined.

Such a magical power of the Devil race is really beyond reason.

"Devil seeks death!!"

Wang Yang was furious.

This is the Ancient Soul Star Zone, the place where the Quartet Universe will be located. How can he be so destroyed?

"Shenhua Shenlian!!"

At this moment, Wang Yang went all out.

Hei Lian avatar, after promotion, took his first shot.

Once shot, it is an incredible sensuality.

I saw a black lotus that does not know how many light years to enclose. Among them, there is an endless amount of creation light.

Wherever the God of Light has gone, among the stars of the universe, hundreds of millions of planets, great earthquakes, and in the void, there was a burst of cheers, constantly ringing.

As if it were, the desperate traveler in the desert saw the endless grasslands and countless clear springs during his life and death.

At this moment, it is clearly at the time of life and death, but it is a sudden eruption of endless divinity, and then call for life.

Many stars that were just about to be completely destroyed because of being plundered by the lord of the universe, suddenly burst into indescribable power.

Under that great power, there are bright and majestic stars divine light, all into the black lotus.

In the starry sky, in the countless years, all the negative energy accumulated in the ancient soul star area seems to have found a vent, and the black lotus has swallowed up.

The black lotus is a celestial demon, formed by the heart and demon ancestor. As long as the power is enough, it is the ancestor of the devil. Under the black lotus, all the devil, all instincts, feel In the spiritual world, a black lotus is slowly blooming, drawing its own magic energy and succeeding.


At this moment, I don't know how many demons are crying out in despair.

Even the nine demon generals, and even the ten thousand demon universe rulers, one by one, have changed their complexions.

Such a terrible magical power?

"You, how could you cultivate such a terrible magical power?"

This black lotus, cultivated with magic energy, is a natural nemesis for the devil.

The most terrible mention is that this kind of black lotus, even containing the way of the devil, is rooted in the soul and absorbs all the dark and negative energy in the spiritual world. The stronger the magical thought, the more frightened it is.

"You, you are nothing but the new cosmic kingdom, even, your cosmic kingdom, has not yet fully formed.

How could you have such an incredible magical power?"

The Master of the Universe Kingdom suppressed the slowly blooming black lotus in the spiritual world, and felt very difficult.Staring at Wang Yang is like seeing the most incredible devil.

How could there be such a terrible supernatural power in the world?

At this moment, the Lord of the Magic Universe feels that this time, I am afraid that it will be the most incredible opponent he has encountered.

Wang Yang smiled slightly, his body jumped lightly, directly across the endless distance, and came to the Lord of the Demon Universe Kingdom.

The lord of the universe, although he is the lord of the universeThe strength is the most powerful and terrifying. However, his height is not too high. At least, for Wang Yang, such a height, his own slap, just can be drawn.

"I heard that you are the overlord of the universe?"

Wang Yang came to the head of the Ten Thousand Demon Universe Kingdom, looked up and down, and said with a smile: "I heard that the cosmic overlord, in one thought, can move from star to star, and the universe flips.

You said, what will happen when I slap it?

With a slap, can you be killed?"

With a slap, the most magical thing is that it is drawn on the face of the universe overlord.


"It is worthy of the face of the universe overlord, even slaps, that voice is actually loud over there."

Wang Yang raised his palm, a small face, all of which was a deep sigh.

It seems that a patient with a profound scientific research has finally verified a certain conjecture in his heart, that kind of full satisfaction.

It is simply that there is no pleasure to be more profound.


In the eyes of the Lord of the Devil Universe, all are terrible and malicious.

"You, you ass!

Do you think that you are the overlord of the universe, do you have a particularly big face?

Lao Tzu tells you that today, I played, and it's a cosmic overlord like you.

Why, you have a species, you come to bite me when you have a species!!"

The arrogant and arrogant way of Wang Yang, who pointed to the lord of the universe of all demons, behaved so much.

"Not to mention, the face of this cosmic overlord is not the same. With a slap, maybe the whole universe can hear it!"

It seems that to verify a certain conjecture, a slap, and so miraculously, fell on that'Cosmic Overlord's face' again.

This slap is particularly heavy. This slap fell on it. It turned out that there was really a very loud voice.

The most frightening thing is that the sound is directly integrated into the void, using the void as a proton, and I don't know how far it has spread.

At least, Wang Yang can be sure that the echo of the echo can be heard across the galaxy.

At this moment, it seems that it is really very quiet. It seems that the entire universe is directly suppressed by the applause of applause.

No matter what kind of voice, it seems that it can't be made at this moment.

Nine Demons will stare at a pair of magic eyes and look at the scene in front of them.I just feel that the world and the world are already collapsing.

Lord Tian Gang opened his eyes and wondered if he was in a dream.

Who is that?

That's the overlord of the universe. What kind of person can do such a presumptuous thing?

Okay, at this time, there is nothing unpretentious and unpretentious, and there is not that happy smile that makes people laugh.

Only, why can't I laugh?

This in the end is why?

Lord Tian Gang seems to have discovered a very profound problem.

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