My Super Estate

Question 2330

Chapter 2233: Nine Species

This scene is really amazing.

A cosmic overlord, with an extremely lofty concept, came to the star zone of a human race and wanted to slaughter a new cosmic kingdom.

As a result, it is very magical. It turns out that a magical power that does not know anything directly covers the entire starry sky. I don’t know how many demons that were once called horrors are all trapped.

Actually, there are people who dare to use the slap to pump the master of the universe.


Suddenly, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Universe shouted angrily.An extremely bright magic light erupted from his body, and the magic light turned into an aperture towards Wang Yang.

"not good!"

Wang Yang screamed badly, and he stepped back.

I saw, I don't know how many planets, under the sweep of such a magic light, it was directly cut in half.


The same is the sovereign of the universe, the sovereign of Tiangang feels that he must be a fake.Otherwise, how could the gap between them be so huge?


He has just erupted with the supreme magic power. The Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Universe has not yet had a real power of prestige. He directly feels that his own spiritual world is directly occupied.

This time, it was really a shock.

"Master Demon Fairy Help!"

At this time, even if the lord of the universe is the overlord of the universe, it is clear that he is really being crushed by the wind. If there is no powerful force to break this force, I am afraid that I will be like this. A force has really suppressed it.

Who can think of a magical avatar with such incredible power?


Wang Yang, who was just full of confidence, was immediately shocked.

Don’t tell me this goddamn universe master, he can’t beat it, just look for the backer!

Okay, Wang Yang was also scared.

Nine Nether Magic Fairy?

Is this a truly supreme demon?

how is this possible?Immortal, this is the world power that has already surpassed life and death. Such a terrible power, even if it is only a little reverence, I am afraid that I have to blow these people directly.

"Be careful yourself."

Under the present circumstances, it seems that it is useless to be careful. It is useless to be careful and hide in front of a fairy.

What's more, the laws of heaven and earth are omnipresent, even if it is the weakest virtual fairy, it also exists with heaven and earth.How can you escape between heaven and earth?


Wang Yang is still concentrating on alert, as if, it sounds like a sky sound.

Just now it was still on the starry sky, and in a blink of an eye, I didn't know what it was like, but it had already reached a piece of land.

Looking up at that day, Wang Yang felt that this sky, I was afraid, that was the real "sky".

The concept of heaven and earth, different people have different understandings.

The place where people step on in the eyes of mortals is the earth, and looking up, it is heaven.

However, to the level where Wang Yang is now, the heaven and earth in their eyes are the true rules of the avenue.

God, that is the true supremacy, where all sentient beings must pursue for life.

The earth is the road rule created by all living beings, and condensed on the contrary.

There are as many creatures as there are in this earth, there is no end, no limit.

Lowering his head and looking at his feet, Wang Yang has a feeling that this is the real earth, which can carry everything. No matter how it exists, it is impossible to leave any traces on this earth.

The earth has great virtue, bearing everything.

I saw that above the sky, there was a round of sun, really high above, exuding endless light.

However, I don't know why, there is always a feeling in Wang Yang's heart that this round of the sun, all the time, exudes a magic.

It's as if this round of the sun has gathered all the magic and all the negative energy and is the source of all evil in the world.

"Boy, this is the demon fairy, the source of all evil, not to be seen for a long time."

I don't know when the mysterious old man appeared.


In such a world, Wang Yang is about to be promoted to the king of the universe, but he feels in his heart that the forces that can destroy the entire universe seem to have become an illusion.

As if, the mighty power that can destroy the universe, in such a world, seems to have all turned into a dream.

"Cultivation, cultivation, cultivation and practice.

Sure enough, cultivation is a process of making fakes come true.Before becoming immortal, no matter how terrifying the cultivation is, it will be nothingness, it will only be an illusion."

At this moment, Wang Yang can clearly feel that even a living person like himself is so illusory in such a world.

With a sigh of breath, it seems that you can directly become that bubble.


You are finally out!!"

When this mysterious old man appeared, from the above, there was suddenly a very excited laugh.

Yes, it is very exciting, no matter how Wang Yang controls, under such strength, he can't control it at all.

It's as if all of your own thoughts and all your thoughts have been influenced and even controlled by that terrible power.


A little achievement just now, at this moment, all turned into a stream of water, all disappeared.

"Nine Nether Magic Fairy?"

Before, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Universe had been shouting again and again, and the old man was not deaf. How could it not be heard?

According to rumors, there are three thousand avenues, but who knows, how many are under three thousand?

The nine ghost demons in front of him are very famous, because he is the one who is most obsessed with chasing Tuxian. The most important thing is that this guy, in the rumors, has indeed slaughtered a fairy.

No one knows what kind of strength he has.


It was a bit insightful, but actually recognized this fairy.

That being the case, then, today, you will stay!!"

Tu Xian, is there really such a thing, who knows?

However, I really like it, even walking on this road all the time.

Such two incredible existences are fighting fiercely in that void.

Wang Yang is very pitiful. He said that he is also very powerful. How could he not even see it?

Is it too fast or mighty?

Wang Yang didn't know it at all, but he was constantly working hard.

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