My Super Estate

Question 2389

Chapter 2292 Battle of the Devil

"What do you want, draw a line!!"

Lei Jun appeared suddenly.As the master of the Thunder universe, his strength has already been cultivated into a road, even in the face of the ten demon races, he is not afraid.

"It's you???"

Thunder universe master-Lei Jun.This is a real existence that can run rampant in the universe. It is just a cosmic sovereign, but the cultivation of Thunder Avenue makes him even fearless of ordinary cosmic overlords.

"Friend, are you?"

The sudden appearance of Lei Jun made the Bright Lord Lord stunned.Originally, in the face of the Ten Demon Races, the bottom line in his heart was no longer so full of feet. Even when he was ready, he was in a desperate battle.Even if the entire Universe of Great Light broke down this time, these ten guys must be given a profound lesson.

However, now, this sudden help appears to have changed the whole war situation.

"You can call me Lord Thunder, as well as Lei Jun."

In the past, in the face of the danger, he chose to leave. Now the prince of the Quartet has forgiven himself and forgives himself. This time, in any case, he must give a satisfactory answer.

"Hello, my friend is willing to take action, of course I am very grateful, but for the ten guys in front of me, I want to take action in person and kill them all.

Therefore, it is also necessary to invite friends to take action to protect this cosmic battlefield."

"Okay, you can rest assured. Today, with the owner of the country, no one can destroy the universe battlefield."

Such a proposal by the Lord of Lights is in line with my own heart. It is still a small matter to come over this time to help the Sifang Universe to survive the disaster, but how can you get some benefits from it, and observe and observe the mysteries of the Sifang Universe. Things.

The one in front of me is the master of the subordinate cosmic kingdom under the Sifang Cosmic Kingdom. Its strength is already the top of the Sifang Cosmic Kingdom, and it is a suitable opportunity.

"Sign up!"

As the master of the cosmic kingdom of the Sifang universe, this is his supreme honor. His greatest expectation is to develop with the Sifang universe, become the cosmic star area, and then follow, to glimpse the mystery of the fairy.

Besides, as a genius figure of the best human race, even if there is no platform for the Sifang Universe, he has enough confidence to become the master of the most powerful universe, and even glimpse the style of the universe overlord.

In any case, he brightened the Divine Lord, and he never gave in.

Now, being caught off guard by the Ten Demon Races is a painful shame.

"Come on, today, let's see what kind of means you guys have!!"

That said, behind the Lord of Light, there are nine magical avatars that naturally appear.


The Lord of Light just wanted to exert his utmost efforts to kill all of these demons, but he never thought that his every move would have long been caught by the two demons, and I don't know how many strong men stared.

"Nine, nine magical avatars??"

One level of top-level overlords such as Potian Sword God and Wanshan Daojun can certainly be calmly faced, but other existences are not so calm.

For example, Mo Qingfeng was staring at his eyes, and suddenly he looked unbelievable.

"Sovereign Sovereign, you, you Sovereign Universe Sovereign, how much is there?"

This kind of problem is not only Mo Qingfeng's sole concern, but even the most top-level overlord such as God of Breaking Swords is also very concerned.

Wang Yang himself is the master of the Quartet Cosmic Kingdom. He is already a veritable cosmic overlord. His strength is powerful and terrifying. Previously, he was in that fiery world, and it was a show of glory. Although he used the power of the phoenix, he created God, made God The great magical power of Guangliangmen Avenue has already blinded many people's eyes, and has attracted everyone's general attention.

The Dragon Lord is also the Lord of the Universe Kingdom, a subsidiary of the Sifang Universe. His strength has really embarked on the road. Although it is only a Lord of the Universe Kingdom, his strength is already a real overlord of the universe.

One cosmic kingdom, two cosmic overlords?

Man, why don't you go up to heaven?

Now, under your command, you jumped out of a cosmic king, and shot it casually.

Brother, I called your brother, really, you are so arrogant, let us people, what should we do!

Don't say that Mo Qingfeng can't stand it, even the God of Heaven and Earth can't stand it!

You, the Quartet, are one step further away in order to achieve a star zone in the universe.

Now, you come out one after another, either the overlord of the universe, or the most top cosmic sovereign, how do you let us live?

"This is not much.

Yes, not much."


Hearing such an answer, I feel relieved. I’m afraid of you. The nine cosmic kingdoms and the nine cosmic kingdom masters are all such arrogant and abnormal characters. Then, I can’t really stand it.

"Devil is dead!!"

The God of Light over there is hot, and here, it seems that even the Demon Race is also testing how deep the water is in the Four Universe Kingdoms, and it is also brought by a cosmic overlord. Nine Cosmic Kingdoms follow, toward Wu Tian The universe is killed.


Where did Lord Wu Tian dare to let them come?Right now, the army under his command has gained the upper hand. The strong man at the top is directly crushed all the way, where can he let them wantonly shoot?

"This, this is what you said, not much?"

Seeing that behind the Lord Wu Tiandi, he jumped out of the Nine Daoist Divine Doppelganger, who was just breathing a sigh of relief, and pointed, almost cursed.

You are a bitch, saying that there are not many good results. As a result, now you are showing me this way?

"Master Qingfeng, this time, I'm afraid, I want you to go."

At this time, Wang Yang was unable to take over the plate, blocking the universe overlord is the most important.

"Yes, you need to go for a trip!"

There is always a depression in Mo Qingfeng's heart, and there is always a feeling of having to breathe out.

However, the situation in front of me really needs to go by myself, otherwise, even the Nine Dao Magic Avatar can't be stopped.

"Okay, today, I’m going to look at this seat. How big is your Sifang Universe Kingdom!"

Repeatedly blocked, even the powerful of the Quartet Cosmic Kingdom was blown out again and again, and the six Daojun were also angry in their hearts.

I want to see how deep the water is in the Quartet universe.

For a time, under the leadership of another cosmic overlord, a group of ten demons walked toward the wolf master of the universe.

They seemed to have negotiated.

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