My Super Estate

Chapter 2398 The Order of Emperor Ziyang

Chapter 2301 The Order of Emperor Ziyang

Sifang Star District, when Sifang Tiandao successfully opened its eyes, it already means that Sifang Star District has been opened.

At this time, Wang Yang had to think about the next question.

"Everyone, you are basically the top characters in our Quartet Star District.

Among them, among you, there are the lords of the affiliated universe, and also the top geniuses.

Now that our Quartet Star Zone has been successfully developed, then we should face the next problem.

Our Sifangxing District, how should we go in the future?"

The development of the Sifang Star District, as the main star, Sifang Shenxing, under the operation of Sifang Tiandao, a hall with endless magic, it is a success.

This big seat contains all the secrets of the Quartet Star District. Similarly, in such a big hall, there is also a magical place with the contact family heaven.

"Brother, tell me!"

Luo Jian knows what kind of problems the Sifang Universe has to face.

For example, his strength is not much worse than that of Sirius. At first, the six pillars of Shenshui Manor, no one will be worse, but now, only Mo Jun, Invincible Gun, Sirius and other three people Opening up the universe, other Abin and Luo Jian, they did not find an opportunity.

In a star zone, there are only ten cosmic sovereigns.

"Right now, we have only two options.

You choose to leave our Quartet."

"Brother, don't say it. It is absolutely impossible to leave."

"Yes, we will not leave."

Luo Jian stated that Abin also shook his head firmly.

Everyone knows that they are the six pillars of Shenshui Manor. They were once the invincible grand masters. However, they all understand that there are many invincible grand masters every year. In this universe, the most indispensable, Even the lowest-level warrior, even the invincible grandmaster, has nothing to commend.

However, I am afraid that they can only reach the point where they are today.

How can they choose to leave?

"Brother, our abilities, we know that my Master, the original sage, the Bull Demon King, which is not a gifted existence.

Even the three-eyed God of War, one by one, they all called the existence of friends in an era, and none of them is truly an enemy-less predecessor.

Compared with them, our strength is much different.

But why, only we have such strength?We all know that because we are backed by your cousin, we can only become the so-called genius figure under the invincible resources.

If, without you, perhaps, our strength will not degrade, but our strength will definitely not have such a rapid improvement opportunity."

There are many people sitting here, but, basically, they are all the highest-ranking characters of the Universe Kingdom.

There are nine affiliated universes: Lord of Light, Lord of Dragon, Lord of Wu Tian, ​​Lord of Wolf, Sirius, Invincible Sharp Gun, Mo Jun, Wu Xiaohong.

Similarly, there are Luo Jian, Abin, and Shenshui Shixiao.

In addition, there are many, many.

One by one, with at least two characteristics, is a genius character, representing the potential, is the master of the upper star domain, represents, has strength.

Otherwise, you will never be able to enter this gate.

Regarding Luo Jian's remarks, no matter who it was, he almost nodded at the same time.

There are dozens of people here, almost, each of them has absolute strength. As long as they leave the Sifang Star Zone, they can easily open up a cosmic kingdom.

However, no one would be willing to leave.

Because, they all know that, in comparison, they are very mediocre, and they have such strength now, not because of their mediocre talent, nor because he has such talent, but because, they have such A backing.

Leaving means that they will return to mediocrity again.

Enjoying the honor of genius, how could they be willing to become that mediocre self again?

Absolutely impossible.

"Yes, the Sifang Universe is everything to us. How could we choose to leave?"

Guan Yue and other ten masters of Shenshui, one by one, are extremely determined.

They knew better that they were the same as the ordinary child. They didn’t have all the divine light and no chance to go against the sky. They could come to this day, not because of how great they were, but Because they met a very amazing person.

This amazing person gave them the possibility of rising, gave them endless resources, and gave them the glory that they would never run out of.

People are valuable in self-knowledge.

The sadness of man also lies in the lack of self-knowledge.I used to think how great I was. In fact, when they left, they only realized how pitiful they were.

Over the years, they have not only stayed in the Sifang Universe, nor just stayed beside Wang Yang. He has also traveled to the highest heaven, the man-devil battlefield, and even other universes. By the time, the genius praised by the world is so amazing. When he was born, he was accompanied by a vision. Around him, there was a sound all the time, or the rules were manifested, which is a deep source.

In fact, every character who can be called a cosmic-level genius, legend, they have such a vision.

It seems that all of these are just the prerogatives of geniuses and special props for geniuses.

Don’t be dissatisfied, people are geniuses, you are just a mortal, and the universe never pays attention to fairness. All fairness is just an appearance. If you believe it, then you lose.

However, there are so many visions to accompany, but what really becomes a cosmic-level genius is still only a decimal, and more, it is still annihilated among the world.

However, they have nothing, they are so ordinary, they are so ordinary, they can't find a little highlights, but they are the name that made them so talented today.

They know too well how rare it is to have such a name.

"Yes, we will never leave."

At this moment, within the hall, all people, all people, all have a firm tone, and their attitude is even more firm.

"Okay, just now my master, Emperor Ziyang, came the message. The suppressed nine ghost demon, is just an avatar, deity, and still in the universe of heaven and earth. He asked us to be careful at all times.

Since you are reluctant to leave, then we must step up and improve our strength without delay.

Because, we still have a very powerful enemy."


Unwilling to leave, then,

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