My Super Estate

Question 2399

Chapter 2302: One Hundred Steps

Today, the entire Sifangxing District, the whole, has been on the right track.

Even, for their respective futures, the entire Quartet Star Zone has burst out of terrible potential.

Attacking the Demon Universe and using the magic power of the Demon to create oneself seems to have become an eternal topic.

At this moment, the Quartet Star Zone really broke out.

A large number of cosmic-level genius characters, and even powerful genius characters, form a terrible army, form a more terrifying army, and truly push all enemies horizontally.

The entire Sifangxing District has been transformed into an extremely terrible Shenshui manor, and various resources are constantly being transported in.

Then, it turns into the magic medicine needed by various geniuses.

The purpose of all this is just because they want to allow more people to cultivate the great magical power of the chemical system, or even cultivate into the corresponding magical powers.

Only more people, cultivated into magical avatars, can help Wang Yang quickly improve his own way.

The Sifangxing District is too big to move, and it is impossible to be unnoticed.

The whole universe is big, very big, but for the top powerhouses of the whole universe, the whole universe is also just about 108,000 universes, 10,800 stars,

Perhaps this is also a certain number. The entire universe, the one-level powerhouse of the universe’s sovereign, or the universe’s hegemony are all more or less, but the entire universe has only the 10,800 star zone. Eighteen thousand universe nations.

The Heaven-Breaking Sword God already belongs to the top cosmic overlord, but among the 10,800 universe overlords, his ranking will definitely not exceed the top ten.

At the forefront are always those two or three names.

Among the human races, only Da Luodi Zun, Taiji Divine Emperor, and Devil Clan always represent the pronouns of terror, and they are always Huangquan Demon Ancestor, Heart Demon Ancestor, and Death.

These top-notch existences, a hundred steps, have now truly reached the one hundred steps. There is no real way to enter. Just wait for the road to appear that day, open the door of that day, and achieve the true immortality of eternal enlightenment.

"Sifang Star District?"

This is a place of terror, and the name of terror remains.

The entire universe of galaxy, vast and magnificent, are all illusory and illusory, and there is no real truth at all.

However, in such a place, there is one of the most frightening existence. He sits on the throne and looks down on the demons.

He is the devil in the devil, the real invincible exists, and his reputation spreads in the universe.

"I didn't expect that the young man, nowadays, has grown to the point where he is today.

Hundred steps in the avenue, has it reached the second step, or is it the third step?"

Look carefully, if Wang Yang is here, he will be very surprised, because this is an existence that is absolutely impossible for him.

However, the existence that is absolutely impossible is still there today, and it sits on the throne well, and even understands the Quartet.

"Ancestor, are we going to do it?

According to legend, nine ghost demons have already given orders and must be killed.

What's more, the human race already has the Great Emperor Luo and Taiyi Divine Emperor. If such an existence reappears, then, the Heavenly Road will reappear and the Heavenly Gate will open. I am afraid that it is a huge threat."

This is a kind of existence that can't see a little bit of reality at all, even if it seems like a ghost fire, but just heard the sound, but there is no entity.

"Ghost, do you think, if, let you go, are you sure?"

"Subordinates will do their best."

"Okay, then you go!"


It was just a little ripple, as if it were calm water, and a stone was thrown into it. Then, calmness was restored again, as if it had never happened.

"The original cause and the current results are also time to recover."

Said, the ancestors who sat on the throne, also disappeared.

Sitting in the Sifang Temple, Wang Yang received the news from the human race temple.

"Damn Nine Ghost Demon Immortal, it really is a ghost."

This damn thing started to make wind and rain again. He just had a few days of comfortable days, and he was not reassuring anymore.

Wang Yang was really angry.

However, the Nine Nether Magic Immortal avatar has been suppressed, and the deity is missing, not to mention, his own strength is far inferior to people. Even if he is angry, what can he do?

Things are coming, never because you are doing things, but because your strength is too weak to hold things up.

The so-called, the general situation is difficult to change, can only follow the trend.

Since things are still coming after all, then welcome it!

The Quartet Star Zone, a terrifying army, always opens the portal of the universe and is developing rapidly towards the Quartet.

The cosmic kingdom controlled by one side of the demons is quickly conquered, opening up the origin of the law again and again, so that the entire four-party universe has opened the fast lane.

In a blink of an eye, the huge losses brought by the army of the Nine Party Star District towards themselves have now been made up. Even more talented characters, supported by the massive resources, are still rapidly appear.

"Six Dao Demon Kings, you may have appeared, we, we simply cannot support it!!"

During this period of time, the Demon King of Hearts was like being in an abyss. At the beginning, more than sixty cosmic kingdom masters, carrying the momentum of heaven and earth, waged war against the four cosmic kingdoms.

It was a battle that was bound to be won, and as a result, no one thought of it. In the end, it was a big defeat.

If it weren't for his strength, there was one more point. I was afraid that at that time, he would also be permanently left there.

It's just that the nightmare also started from that moment.

The national cosmic country was promoted to the Sifang Star District. Following the original, some of the spirits left by everyone directly opened the portal of the Star District, and the majestic began the invasion war.

The fierceness of the war shocked all the survivors.

"Are there any news about Hydra?"

At the beginning, if there was no help from the nine-headed worms, the six Daojun had already been beheaded by the God of Sword.

Even so, after he escaped, he still chose to retreat for the first time. Now, decades have passed, and he has just been out of customs.

It's just that after I left the border, what I heard was not very good news.

"Nine-headed worm, not yet out."

The original battle was too dangerous. Even the cosmic overlord cannot guarantee that he will be able to come out.

For example, the devil never appeared again.

"Since this is the case, then we will mobilize all the strengths and give him a profound lesson."

If the Hydra does not appear, it will not wait. This four-star zone must give him a profound lesson.

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