My Super Estate

Question 2400

Chapter 2303 The Third Generation

The whole Quartet Star Zone really killed a famous name.

Today's Sifang Star District has long been divided into many very large large families.

Among these large families, their elders are basically the top powerhouses. Among them, there is no lack of cosmic sovereigns or even cosmic supremacy.

Unwilling to leave, then, the level of life reaches the level of the cosmic sovereign, basically, has reached a limit.

However, reaching the level of life is the limit of life, not to say that their strength has reached this level, which is also a limit.

In fact, the integration of ten magical avatars can create their own avenue.

It is difficult to improve Dao Xing, but it is still not too difficult for the Sifang Star Zone with massive resources to cultivate into ten magical avatars.

In such a big environment, with the continuous addition of time, the strength of the entire Quartet Star Zone is even more explosive.

For example, Wang Yang’s Dahua Avenue is naturally integrated into the Sifangxing District. All creatures, as long as they live in the Sifangxing District, they can clearly feel the Taoxing Avenue.

This is the means that every cosmic overlord has.Compared with the Sifangxing District, what they lack is the kind of resource that guides the souls to understand the road.

Under such circumstances, of course, Wang Yang entered the deep retreat, and he would never be willing to appear easily.

In the same way, the Dragon Lord, the Bright God Lord and others, all under the irrigation of massive resources, quickly cultivated into ten magical avatars, and merged to create their own avenues.

They, one by one, are all cosmic kingdom owners. Of course, they will not spare such a resource and decisively integrate their own avenues into the origin of that cosmic kingdom.

Although, this kind of avenue is just a shadow, and even, even a little bit of substance, there is no, only one or two magical powers.

However, all this is enough.

As long as someone cultivates and becomes a magical avatar, then it represents the possibility of Taoxing ascension.

Even Luo Jian, Wang Qing and others, they did not open up the universe, but when they were under the support of resources like there was no end.When they practiced magical avatars one by one, they became even hotter.

Even if it is impossible to cultivate into a cosmic country, what can it do?As long as you create your own avenue, and integrate your own avenue into your own star field, then naturally someone will successfully cultivate.

At that time, perhaps, his own strength can be improved.

Suddenly, the entire Sifangxing District, all the top powerhouses, one by one, seemed to be hit with chicken blood, constantly sinking into the fun of retreat.

So, soon, the entire Sifang star field, really active in Sifang, basically belongs to the third generation.

Wang Linfeng, Yang Lin and others are the leaders of the entire third generation.

Nowadays, all parties are fighting endlessly, but only they know that today's Sifangxing District, all the top characters, either go out to find opportunities, or they have fallen into a deep sleep.

This is to give way to their younger generation and give them a chance to forge themselves.

"Grandpa Yang Lin, before, now, that Niaoniao Universe, seems to be somewhat abnormal, could it be, what new moves does the Mozu have?"

Yang Lin, as the invincible son of the sharp gun, can be said to be the highest and the highest. Wang Linfeng, as Wang Qing’s grandson, earnestly counts his business. Isn’t he going to call Yang Lin a grandpa?


That black bird cosmic country jade has been beheaded. Is there any other action they can't make?

In other words, the six demon monarchs who had escaped before came back??"

At the beginning of the battle, everyone remembered the memory of the overlord.The number even surpassed twenty people, the cosmic sovereign, the two sides added up, and even more than ninety people.

Such a large-scale battle has never been heard. Even, in the legend, even the ubiquitous fairy seems to have appeared two or three.

Could it be that the original battle started again?

"I don't know, but when we entered the Niaoniao Universe, we obviously found that their strength is constantly improving. The Lord of Thousands and the Lord of the Subordinate Star Territories are killing one after another, as if there is no end. general.

Even the masters of the upper star field have appeared one after another."

In the first battle, it could be said that the Demon was beaten by surprise, and the loss was great. Even the Demon, only fear, it was heartache and I don't know how long.

But now it has started again?

"Grandpa Yang Lin, you said, shall we report the ancestor?"

As Wang Qing's grandchildren, his ancestor is not Wang Yang.

"Now, how about our loss? Big deal?"

"It's still under control.

Especially those geniuses, basically, there is not much loss, but this situation will continue, I am afraid, what will happen in the end, we will be unclear."

Genius characters, of course, are not as good as those top geniuses of the universe level.

However, there will always be a gap between people. Those who pass 60 points are passing, 70 points are small geniuses, 80 points are big geniuses, and 90 points are top geniuses. If there is a hundred points, it is basically a peerless genius that is rare in thousands of years.

The top genius characters are of extraordinary origin. With different visions, as long as they develop normally, they can basically become the universe-level genius characters, cultivated into magical avatars, and their grasp is amazing.

This is a character that all the top forces in the whole universe are very eager for.

The Sifangxing District, of course, is unlikely to have so many top genius characters. However, the Sifangxing District is too rich in resources. With the immense resources, even if it is just some small geniuses, it can be cultivated into a cosmic genius.

Big genius, top genius, peerless genius, even if it is very, very small, what does it matter?

Therefore, in the Sifangxing District, as long as it is a little genius figure, it is extremely valued, and it will be categorized as a genius.

Now, I heard that the loss of genius figures is not too great, and Yang Lin suddenly let go of his heart.

"Very well, then, let's ask for advice.

Perhaps, there are some characters, and they can't sit still!This is good, as long as there are a few more such battles, it will always hurt people."

The Sifang Star District is too arrogant. Even the second-generation characters like Yang Lin and even the fourth-generation characters like Wang Linfeng can ignore the top cosmic overlords.

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