My Super Estate

Question 2404

Chapter 2307 Convergence

"What is the situation now???"

The grass wolf, the flower wolf, the snow wolf, and the blue wolf came together, but before the people arrived, the voice had already passed.

"Report the squad leader.

For the time being, we have not suffered!

However, the number of people participating in the war is increasing, and, at present, it is already in a process of accumulation.It may explode at any time, and even, very likely, there will be a sudden appearance of the cosmic sovereign."

The first team leader quickly stood up.

It should be said that as the first team captain, his strength is not weak, at least it is the most top-level existence of the master of the lower star field, and even most likely already exists as the leader of the upper star field.

However, compared with the squadron leader, they are weaker and more.

"How many people have already fought?"

"Our guards have exceeded 70%, and the Demon Race has exceeded one million."

"Go, call the captain of the team, and the captain of the first squadron, and our owner, they all awakened."


Someone went out immediately.

"Squadron leader, what do you mean?"

"Well, the Black Bird Cosmic Kingdom does not have such a powerful force, and the Black Bird Cosmic Kingdom does not have such a powerful force. He cannot arrange such a large scale.

This time, our guards have become their bait and they want to fish.

It's just that if you want to fish, you also have to see if their fishing line is so long."

"Let the long line catch a big fish?

This, their goal, our captain???"

The first captain was so scared that Khan came out.

It now appears that the bureau has exceeded its expectations from the beginning.

If it was not the first time to notify the squadron leader, when they shot, they were afraid that it would be too late to even ask for help.At that time, the guards, fearing that they will lose all.

"Squadron leader, are you sure?

If this is really the case, the power of our Quartet Star Zone is enough??"

But he did not forget that before, there were more than sixty cosmic sovereigns, or even cosmic overlords, Qi Qi, who were killed.

Such a camp, if it comes again, I am afraid that even the Sifangxing District will not be able to support it.

"Huh, I'm afraid, they don't dare."

In the heart of the blue wolf, it was also very nervous.

The impact of the previous battle was really too great.Although in the end, it was the human race that won the victory, but, two, it is far beyond the limit of the Sifang Star Zone.

However, nowadays, it is only used for bait, it is already more than one million and thousands of realms, a small black bird universe, all-knowing and omnipotent?

How could they have such a powerful force?

"Hua wolf, what's wrong?"

Mo Jun and Sirius appeared at the same time. After they appeared, they immediately inquired loudly.

"Brother, Captain, the situation is very bad now.

We have been bitten.

This is very likely to be a very powerful existence, otherwise, it is impossible to mobilize such a powerful force."

"Indeed, one million troops, used for bait, and general cosmic overlords, are not so powerful.

With one-tenth of the power used for bait, no cosmic overlord will be willing to do it, and even the cosmic sovereign will never be willing to do so.

This must be a joint action across several cosmic overlords.

It seems that we have met the enemy again."

A cosmic star area, but only 10 million thousand realm masters, just take 1 million to bait?In case there is no hook, the loss is not affordable for a cosmic star zone.

"Very good, this is a thief's heart!"

"Master Demon King, this is the situation now.

We, our losses, are really too great. If we go on like this, our Wuyunxing District, I am afraid, will be destroyed once!"

As the actual controller of the Black Cloud Star Zone, the entire owner of the Black Cloud Cosmic Kingdom is almost not crazy.

One million, a full one million, this is one million, and then it was almost beaten without crashing.

"We, the Devil's Star Zone, have you already supported you?"

The Lord of the Magic Cloud Universe does not like to listen to it. This battle is not a matter of your Wuyun Star District. Our Moyun Star District is also a contribution.

Moreover, this power is not too light.

Now, co-authoring, it is your family's business in the Wuyunxing District. We have no magic cloud district, is it?


"Okay, this time, everyone will be distributed according to the amount of effort. At that time, this Demon King, he would have reported to the Demon Clan Tiandao.

The main question now is how to knock down this damn square.

This time, the Six Daemons are solely responsible. If anyone has an opinion, go to the Six Daemons."

Wan Xin Mo Jun is also extremely angry.

This black bird star zone, and the magic cloud star zone, are really too wasteful. Every shot, it is several times more powerful. It is even a million dollars now, but it has not yet pushed the guard to despair. in.

It is simply waste in waste.

"When will the Six Real Demons come? Otherwise, we will be unable to support it."

If the names of the six real demons were suppressed, everyone would be the hegemon of the universe and command a universe of stars, who would give you the face of the devil?

It's just that the current state of the war has reached such a point that his six real demons haven't even seen a shadow. It is simply unreasonable.

"This seat is already here."

I saw that the top position, I don't know when, there was a figure. Although it looked a little vague and illusory, but there was absolutely no fake in that breath.

"Have seen six real demons!!"

This is a very terrible existence. Among the whole demons, it is already the most top-notch existence, even if it is only the legendary existence compared to the three, it is no less than a star in reputation.

"Now, you are ready!

The guards are the lifeblood of the Quartet Star Zone. Today, most of them are already on the battlefield.

Go down and kill them directly.

I don’t believe that he could not show up in the Quartet.?"


It is said that not only the black bird universe, but even the black cloud universe sovereign and the magic cloud universe sovereign as the hegemons of the universe, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

If you continue to consume it in this way, even if the guard is defeated, I am afraid that both of you will fall completely.

This is definitely not what they would like to see.

They are willing to take action because the Quartet is really terrifying, and there are too many powerful players. If they are broken, then it will be a huge benefit for both of them.

Even in its cosmic star zone, there are a lot of genius characters, it is not impossible.

For a better tomorrow, no matter how much they pay, they are willing to work hard.

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