My Super Estate

Question 2407

Chapter Two thousand and ten

"The owner."

Wang Yang finally showed up.

This kind of war is no longer a few children's play with each other. If it is not possible, the entire Sifang Star District will be destroyed.

Because, just now, Wang Yang has received the news.

A very important news.

"Everyone, our trouble is coming!!"

Wang Yang came to the pre-war conference hall and summoned all nine masters of the subordinate universe, and he spoke heavily for the first time, saying so.

"The six real demons, the nine head bugs, the strength is indeed amazing.

Our strength is far behind, I'm afraid, we must also ask the God of Heaven and Earth to help them, otherwise, we simply cannot support it."

Sacred Invincible said so.

"Yes, please ask someone for help. You still need the owner to come forward, otherwise, it's not easy to use."

Mo Jun nodded affirmatively, saying so.

"If you ask someone for help, you must ask someone for help.

It's just, please ask that the God of Heaven and Earth is useful, but I don't know.

Just now, my master, Emperor Ziyang came to hear that the Nine Nether Magic Immortal avatar was suppressed, but his deity was still out, but, as if he had gone deep into chaos, he could not come back temporarily.

Of course, the most important thing is that in the legend, the Devil has the three most top overlords, two of which have no trace."

"Three overlords?

Their strength, is it even stronger than the six real demons??"

Those six real demons are already the most powerful enemies they face. What is wrong with them now??

"No, how can our Quartet Star Zone be stared at by such overlord-level characters?"

Luo Jian couldn't quite figure it out. His mid-level strength in the Sifangxing District was very strong. However, the high-level strength, compared with it, was a lot worse.

How could they be targeted by them all?

"They will shoot??

So, how do we find what kind of existence help?"

The existence of the top overlord, the strength of the Six Daemons, is already a solutionless existence. Now, there are several more powerful and terrifying existences than the Six Daemons.

Is this still playable?

"Or, looking for the help of Emperor Ziyang?"

In the end, there is really no way, Dragon Lord, can only think of such a way.

Although, Emperor Ziyang, that is the real giant that has lasted forever, but he is also the master of Wang Yang, no matter how he is, it is impossible to see that these people are being bullied!

"Master, he has penetrated deep into the chaos, intercepting the return of the Nine Ghost Demon Immortals. In the real universe, he cannot provide us with much help.

We must find another way.

Moreover, there is not much time left for us.They have already started, and no one knows which ones exist behind them."


Originally, as soon as Shenshui Shijie shot, he killed a cosmic sovereign, which was already a great and exciting thing.

But now, it seems that I am afraid that the big troubles that I and others are facing are still behind.

Now, how do you do it?

Is it waiting for others to pick their heads?

Or is it just waiting for others to destroy their Sifang Star Zone, all of them are running away??

"Damn, afraid of a ball, if they dare to come out, we dare to kill them."

Sirius scolded fiercely.


how is this possible?

The Sifangxing District is here. So, everything here is the root of yourself and others. Even if you want to escape, where can you escape?

Moreover, really escaped, the future is dark, what can you do?

"We, if we release news of asking for help in the human race temple?

And, said that we can provide them with God-made fruit.

Can help them increase the number of geniuses under their command??"

Luo Jian shouted angrily.

The original Shenshui Manor was not without difficulties.The original Shenshui Manor was to use a powerful resource to publicly offer a reward.

Since it was possible to save itself before, it makes no sense. Now that we are so strong that we cannot save ourselves now.

"This is a solution."

Such a method, let alone, seems to be the same thing.

Now, when they really step into the ranks of the universe, they are truly profound knowledge, how terrible is the backing of powerful resources.

The truth of others cannot be improved for thousands of years, but the strength of these people can be continuously improved.

Seeing that although these people are just a cosmic sovereign, Daoxing, they have not fallen at all. Even, one by one, they are basically at the edge of a breakthrough.

The most powerful thing is still Wang Yang, which has once again transformed and is not so far away.

All of this will have such a great effect under the support of that huge resource.

If this is really the case, then it is possible to come up with some resources and offer a public reward.


Where is it so simple?Each of us ascended to the point where we are today, where can we solve it just by creating God's fruit?

There are other means, which we do not have, all kinds of divine fruits, and where there will be shortages, otherwise, even if it is the creation of divine fruits, it is impossible to want such a promotion without future trouble."

Wang Yang is not unthinking about the reward.

In fact, in the previous battle, Wang Yang did not allow them to help in vain. All kinds of resources were also sent out in large quantities.

After all, if they are not there, I'm afraid that the Sifangxing District has long been gone.

But even so, what can it do?Those guys, at this time, there was no news that there was any rapid progress.

"However, we cannot do nothing.

In this case, we will simply do a big one.

We put all our resources into an array, and then publicly offer a reward.

And, make a commitment, if necessary, we can tailor them completely, as long as they request, we will try to do it for them."

Strength improvement has never been set in stone.

Everyone walks in a different direction and needs different kinds of magic medicine. Even if it is the creation of God's fruit, it is just to provide a convenient condition.

In fact, many people, since they were born, have followed the road, but their strength has reached a certain level, and it is impossible to increase rapidly.

Because they all have to go out of their own way. For the magic medicine they need, they must meet their own requirements.

The Sifang Star District can grow so quickly, and there are a large number of cosmic genius characters in large numbers because they can give different magic drugs according to different requirements to meet the needs of many people.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have such a large number of birth geniuses.

However, when the rewards of the Four Stars were displayed in the human race temple, it was still a sensation.

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