My Super Estate

Question 2408

Chapter 231 The Rewards are Awesome

"What? This is the chaos level of God of Creation?"

This, this is the bodhisattva fruit of chaos level?How could there be such a treasure?

Ah, there are also dragon fruit of chaotic level..."

A variety of well-known magic medicines have caused countless people to exclaim.

The entire human temple is exclaimed again and again, and everyone knows that the Sifangxing District is really blasted.

"grown ups……"

As the top human race overlord, Daluo Emperor, lived in the Daluo Temple all year round.

When it comes to his existence, the real avenue is complete, just waiting for the road to appear that day, break into the door of that day, enter the real world, and greet the beginning of the ultimate transformation.

At this level of their strength, their strength has truly entered the top, and there is no way to enter. There is really no pursuit.

Well, it is not true that there is no way to enter. It is just that they want to enter, it is too difficult, and they have already exceeded their ability. If they want to enter, it is impossible.

"What's the matter?"

The Temple of Darrow is not a big thing and cannot be approached. This is a rule set by myself.

Now people, have you forgotten your own rules?

"Adult, happy event, great happy event!!"


Silently, the gate of the temple was already opened. I saw that this was an old man with white hair and white beards.

However, such an old man, although with white hair and white beard, has a red face, and his body is as sharp as a sharp gun.

Just sitting there is giving a kind of heavenly divine power.

Just glared at the eyes, the coming person was even scared of scalp numbness.

"grown ups."

"What a great thing, just say, otherwise, you know the rules."

The rules are the rules. Now that they have been set, they must be followed.It won’t change because of what kind of relationship you are.

"In the human race shrine just now, news came out that the newly emerged Sifang Star Zone seemed to be in big trouble.

Now, they are making great efforts to give rewards to the strong players of the Quartet, and want to invite the top-notch presence to help them overcome the difficulties."

"Sifang Star District?

Was it the Sifang Star District that was besieged by more than sixty universe masters (overlords) at the same time a hundred years ago?"

"Yes, it's them. I heard that they were stared at by the Demon Race again. Now, they are really in big trouble.

Although there are countless middle-level powerhouses and hundreds of thousands of geniuses, there are not many top-level powerhouses.

I heard that this time, the six real demons, hydrazones, have made a comeback, and even, most likely, there is also the most top-notch existence of the demons."

"Hundreds of thousands of genius characters??"

I didn't care about other things. It was only that day that there were hundreds of thousands of characters. Even if it was a peerless master, the great Luo Dizun twitched again and again.

It's simply enviable, jealous, and hateful!

In contrast, all other content is all shit. If the old man also has hundreds of thousands of cosmic-level geniuses, then, will our own path enter that great state of consummation??

Daoxing, a rune, is a year of Daoxing.

As long as there are 10,000 geniuses, then within one year, you can promote one year of Daoxing.

In fact, many cosmic sovereigns have only two or three geniuses under their command. So, basically, they are all 10,000 years old, and they can be promoted for one or two years.

It is really too difficult to improve.

Otherwise, the genius characters will not be so high, the strength is no longer strong, the life level is there, there is no growth, strong overlord level characters, they will not mind eradicating one or two so-called genius characters.

Genius, often represents mana, represents the future, my potential is not as good as people, but also waiting for you to grow up, and then climb to the top of my head, shit and urine?

Joke, you dare to show your head, I will split you first.

"Go, the old man would like to see it."

Hundreds of thousands of genius characters, this is really a big deal.

That being the case, how can you not look at it yourself?

"What are you talking about?"

Taiyi Divine Emperor stood up suddenly and stared at the wooden Daoren: "You mean, there are hundreds of thousands of geniuses in the Sifangxing District?

Is this really serious??"

how can that be?

If all of this is true, then, can we also do this in our Taiyixing District?

"Go, let's go and see."

Hundreds of thousands of genius characters?

So, how many ways can one improve one year?

It is simply not to let people have a way of life!

In fact, such a reward, with a brief description, was a sensation for a while, and the news could not be hidden. Soon, the Demon Race also knew the news.

"Oh no……"

The Lord of the Dark Cloud Universe quickly walked into the conference hall. No one had arrived yet, and the voice had already heard.

"What's so panic?"

Even if the current war is detrimental to the Demon Race, it is very unfavorable, but what can it do?As long as you do it yourself, all the troubles can be solved.

Don’t talk about the last thing. Last time, it was just that no one thought that the damn God of Heaven and Earth would suddenly appear.

Otherwise, where does this happen?

"War has always been a high-level blow.

How much can we sit still, what else do you have to worry about?"The Quartet Star Zone, already in the human race shrine, directly issued a high price reward."

According to legend, there are various kinds of magic drugs that they have created a large number of genius characters.

I heard that it has attracted a large number of the top strong figures of the human race."


I was still very calm, but now, I suddenly found that I was not so calm.

I have never shot, why?

Isn't he afraid that he has any backers?For example, before the ghost operation, what a gorgeous luxury camp?

But in the end, what is the result?

Sixty or so universe masters, in the end, all were destroyed, and they almost didn't go back alive.

According to legend, ghosts are the most pitiful, even suppressed by a fairy of the human race.

If there were all kinds of worries in my heart, why would I still be blindly tempting until now?

But now what does this mean?

On my own side, I continue to send troops to test. On your side, you are directly inviting powerful people?

How can you be so shameless as a human being?

"Go, taking advantage of the fact that those top powerhouses did not take action, we will attack now.

This time you must kill with one blow."

Finally got up six times, and made a big determination.

What temptation is not temptation, where can you make yourself more comfortable to attack???

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