My Super Estate

Question 2417

Chapter 2320 post-war

War often represents cruelty and blood.

However, after the war, it often represents harvest and plunder.

The war between the human race and the demons is deeply reflected in this aspect.

Naked, without any trace of disguise.

In this battle, it was the Wuyunxing District and the Moyunxing District.In the two major star areas, a total of nearly two million troops were sent (Big Thousand Realms),

In the end, of these two million, no one returned for a lifetime, and all died.

The two Thousand Stars, the Thousand Kingdom Masters, are only 20 million in total. In a battle, two million killed in a battle, which directly damages one-tenth of the power of the two Star Districts.

Above the Great Thousand Realm Lord, is the Lord of the Lower Star Field and Lord of the Upper Star Field.

Basically, the master of the high-level star domain was all drawn, and there was no one left at all. The total number was as many as two hundred.

In one battle, the damage was extremely severe, and no one survived.

It can be described as a loss of exhaustion.

Even if it is the master of the lower star field, even if there are still some left behind, but for the two major star areas, it has no meaning.

When the entire uppermost level was scrapped and the wailing sounds of the Star District Heavenly Dao were repeated, they were screaming in shock.

They were too aware of all this, what the heavenly wailing sound meant.

The Black Lord Demon is a master of the lower-level star field in the Wuyun Star Zone. In this battle, because he was already seriously injured, he had to stay behind.

"This time, I have the demon's most overlord shot, a square star zone, where can there be resistance?

This time, the owner of this domain was unable to go because he was seriously injured, which is really regrettable."

The face is full of regrets, as if it was, in this battle, he had never been able to participate in it. What a regrettable event.

"I heard that the genius of the Sifangxing District is like a cloud. As many as hundreds of thousands, how much luck will be gathered?

As long as they are all beheaded, there will surely be a place for me to take off.

Even if you can't kill many enemies in this battle, as long as you participate, there will inevitably be a lot of luck coming, and the increase in strength is not easy.?"

With luck, the stronger the strength, the stronger the luck is.The war between the star zone and the star zone is a plunder between luck.

The top overlords such as the Heart Demon Patriarch, the Six Dao True Demons, and so on, all have extremely strong strength. In this battle, of course, they occupy the big head.

However, as their main battlefield, the Wuyunxing District was even the place where the master sent troops. As soon as the war ended, the harvest of luck was also extremely terrible.

Especially those who participated in the war, even if they did not make any achievements, but just made a circle there, there was a lot of such gains.

The more I think about it, the more painful it is in the heart of the black master, secretly hating, how can I be seriously injured at this critical time?

woo woo woo woo……

Suddenly, I didn't know what was going on, and there was a burst of wailing in the heart of the black master.

It seems that the world is scolding.

"Here, what's going on? Is this the world feeling pain for not being able to go to the battlefield?"

There was a strong feeling in my heart.

I can't go to the universe battlefield, even the dark clouds of heaven, so weeping so much, it is really the protagonist of heaven and earth.

"No, then, what is that?

Yes, it's a crying blood rain, is it a crying blood rain?

Impossible, how could it be a bloody rain?How could it be a bloody rain??"

The sky weeps blood rain. Legend has it that when the overlord of the Star Zone fell, there will be a day of crying and blood rain falling.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, they will lead the army to the Sifang Star Zone. They must be a victory.

It should be the devil's merits of the sky, how could there be a bloody rain??"

The black master was almost not crazy.

It's just that people are crazy and not crazy, and no one cares. Even no one will bother about it.

However, Tianyu blood rain has been falling all the time, and then you can see Jinguang Dasheng, the human army, just like the soldiers of that day, quickly rushing in their own direction.

And myself, is the demon caught by Tianbingtian.

"Kill, the demon exterminates humanity, the world can't tolerate it, all should be blamed."

From afar, you can hear the shouting of the human race.

It was a great lord of the Thousand Realms of the Human Race, and under his command, there were a large number of human emperors and sages.

Such an army, in the battle of the universe star zone level, that is a miscellaneous army among the miscellaneous army, but for the war between the Great Thousand Realms and the Great Thousand Realms, that is the main force among the main forces.

"You, who are you?"

As the master of the Great Thousand Realms, you must never allow your Great Thousand Demon Realms to be broken by the human race.

The army in front of him is gleaming in gold, as long as he is not blind, he can know that this is the army of human races.

However, the human race is too large, except for the demon race, all the creatures are all included in the human race and spread all over the universe.

Who knows where they are?


You Wuyun Xing District, you are going backwards, you are brave, and even sent troops to attack my Sifang Xingxing District. Now, Wuyun Xing District, all the high-level, all are arrested, and other demons, are you still fighting??"


The devil in black shouted: "My demon clan's upright million army is under pressure, and there are top-level overlord characters. How can you live in the four-star zone?"

If you are killed, you won’t believe it. The two star regions of the dark cloud and the magic cloud are fully committed, and there are six top demon figures such as the true demon and the ten thousand heart demon king. They will fail.

"Well, it's useless to say more.

Since you are unwilling to catch your hand, then, today, this general will kill you on the spot!!"

Good guy, it is worthy of being born in the Quartet Star Zone. When he shot, it was extremely extraordinary. Behind him, there was a powerful magical avatar condensed, majestic momentum, and it was overwhelmingly overwhelming.The black master in the hall has not shot yet, and his own strength is suppressed by three points.

This is a serious injury, and the power is suppressed by three points. Ten percent of the strength is not even half of the point. It is directly a shot and alive on the ground.

"Report, the entire black magic star, all of them are killed, one is not left."

Soon, the emperor came to report.

Looking up, the whole black demon star is dead and dead, and the popularity just now is gone, only the strong death gas, in addition, there is majestic blood.

The dark black blood, like a vast ocean, covered the entire black magic star.

"Okay, everyone has done a great job. Today, we will sacrifice the whole black devil star in blood, and wish my race, everyone like a dragon, will prosper forever."

"May my race be like a dragon and prosper forever!"

"Originally my race, everyone is like a dragon, will prosper forever!!"


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