My Super Estate

Question 2419

Chapter 2322 breaks into the Six-Star Zone

In the universe, there is only a void, an absolute vacuum, not suitable for any living beings, only dark energy, but no matter.

It can be said that in the universe, only those horrible beings that can absorb dark energy to survive, and truly peerless, can truly survive.

Therefore, it is said that the universe is boundless and vast. In fact, each star zone can be regarded as a small universe, because only star zones can have real vitality, and only star zones can have signs of vitality. .

Each star zone is often formed in various ways because of its cosmic dominance.

The universe, basically, has become the most basic unit in the universe.

If there is a supreme commanding height, then when you stand at that commanding height and look at the universe, you can see that the entire universe sea is boundless and expansive, only some of these star zones, between each other, Connected together, forming a strange island.

For example, Liudaoxing District is a huge six-lane roulette.

Legend has it that in this six-wheel roulette, there are six-path samurai paths developed by six real demons. All creatures, and even the entire star area, are controlled by the six-path samurai.

It's just that the Avenue is supreme, and it's not the most top-notch peerless wizard. It simply doesn't touch the existence of the Avenue.

Therefore, although the Liudao Reincarnation Avenue is the ruling avenue of the entire Liudaoliang District, it is its fundamental avenue, but what can really be understood is very few. The entire Liudaoxing District is only two or three people.

In fact, it is these two people who are the crown princes of the entire six-star district.

"Death old ghost, this time, the leader of the country led most of the strong men into the newly promoted Sifangxing District. You said, there will be nothing around, enter our Liudaoxing District!"

On weekdays, as the most well-known star zone among the demons, the Six-Star Zone is certainly not polite, and launching an invasion war is already the most basic operation.

Destroying universes, and even, breaking universe universes, is already a common occurrence.

It is just that there are six real demons behind them, and even the most powerful enemies, under their powerful power, must choose to submit.

Therefore, in the past, no matter what powerful existence they faced, they could be calm.They also believe that no one dares to commit crimes in their six-star zone.

"Soul Exterminator, what do you want to say?"

"I feel something is wrong."

"What do you mean, make it clear?"

The dead old ghost, the soul-killing demon king, and the soul-killing star king are the six-star districts, the three major cosmic sovereigns, and this time, the left-behind personnel who were specially left by the six-way true demon.

"In the past, when the war was initiated, did the sovereign not use the three of us as the sharp knife?

However, this time, the three of us, the magnificent cosmic geniuses, turned into left-behind personnel.

Our six-star district, well-known, is there any kind of existence that dares to come to offend?"

In the tone of the voice, it is full of pride.

They are demons, killing and destroying, it is their bounden duty, war is their favorite.

However, nowadays, he and others have turned into a left-behind person. What the hell is this?

Moreover, the strength of the three of them is definitely not too weak. They are the most powerful cosmic sovereigns. Similarly, they are also cosmic geniuses.

Long ago, they were genius characters of the universe level. Now, they are even practicing six magical avatars. Every time their strength increases, they can help the six real demons to improve a little.

Although this little increase in Daoxing is very weak, but every year, there is a little bit. After 10,000 years, it can be promoted for a year.

This is the cultivation method of the universe overlord.If they have all kinds of opportunities, of course they can improve their own way of doing things, but they cannot have such a huge opportunity.

Therefore, they want to improve Daoxing. In addition to relying on time to survive, they can only hope that they have more genius characters under their command. It is hoped that these genius characters can be cultivated into the avenues they created and become avenue magical avatars.

The newly promoted Quartet Star Zone can sensation the entire universe, not because the Quartet Star Zone has peerless strong characters, nor is it because of the background behind them.

All of this is of no use to the entire universe. Even, it cannot lift any storms.

However, there are hundreds of thousands of geniuses in the Sifangxing District, so the question is really big.

It's too eye-catching.


Suddenly, in the void, a strong roar came suddenly, and the six real demons were alarming loudly, and the void was shaking.

It seems that the entire universe is trembling constantly.

"No, this is someone attacking our six-star zone!!"

The dead old ghost shouted suddenly.

"What, damn it, is there really someone who dares to come to my six-star district?"

No matter who it is, today, we have to leave them behind, to let them know that our Six-Star District, not what kind of people, can be provoking."

Originally the Demon Race, they usually don't provoke others, it is already exceptionally kind, and now, even dare to come to wantonly?It is simply that Shou Xing Gong hanged himself, looking for death.

The three quickly stepped out of the star zone and came into the universe void.

It can be seen that the entire six-way star zone seems to be a huge six-way roulette. Outside this six-way roulette, there is nothing but nothing but nothingness.

This is the void sky of the universe.

However, in such a vast universe, there is a human race.

Human race, up to a million feet.

However, even so, compared to the entire star zone, they are very small, like an ant under the mountain.

Such an ant, as long as an elephant coming out of the mountain, can step on a large area. However, it is such an ant that he hits with a punch, and the entire six-star area is constantly The ground shook and roared continuously.

God!This, what kind of monster is this, how could it be so terrible?

With one punch, even the entire universe can be reached, even if it is the master of the upper universe.

"Who are you?"

Such an existence is bound to die.

However, before he died, he had to clarify all his origins. After he was killed, there must be some rewards and absolutely no rudeness.

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