Chapter 2325: God of Creation

"Okay, since you have no other moves, then you go to die!"

Basically, the tricks of the three geniuses have been completely understood.

The three of them are the most, but they have just passed through from nothing and really set foot on the road.

It's just that such strength, in other places, may be called a "cosmic overlord", however, all this does not mean anything to Wang Yang.

The so-called wind of death, the magic light of exterminating souls, and the magic light of seizing souls are just some magical powers, although with the blessing of Daoxing, the power is extremely terrible, and it truly reflects the power of the road, even those great magical powers. All must be suppressed.

Unable to resist, then it must be crushed by the front.

However, all this has no effect here in Wang Yang.

The dead old ghost suddenly turned around and left. This time, he really met a very strong opponent, not an opponent at all.

Soul Demon King and Demon Soul Demon King, one by one, responded extremely fast, with oil on the soles of the feet.

At this time, the trillion-dollar demons in Liudaoxing District, they will no longer care about anything, just thinking that they now escape to life.

Even, what future, what potential, they will not scrutinize, they just want to live.

"Want to escape? Where is it so easy?"

Wang Yang sneered, wanting to escape in front of himself?You don’t take me too seriously?

"Come back to me!"

With a wave of his hand, then, it can be seen that Wang Yang pulled his hand very long, and grabbed it in front of him. The space seemed like a rope in his hand, no matter how far they three escaped. Just grab it, it's in your hand.

"You want to leave?

Where is it so easy??"


The method just now is too terrifying.

They know that their speed just now is definitely not too far away from the speed of light, at least they have already escaped for three or four minutes, but at such a long distance, they can grab them back with just one hand ?

What kind of means is this?

"Haha, you six star districts, ten cosmic sovereigns, I have brought them all, plus you, it will be complete.

Exactly, today, I would like to see how strong the origin of your six-way star zone is, can it surprise me."

The enemy's strength is getting stronger and stronger, even Wang Yang has to find a way to improve his own strength.

Liudaoxing District has a strong source, perhaps, it is a solution.


The top ten cosmic sovereigns??"

Damn, there was a big shock in the heart of the Demon King.

If the ten cosmic nations perform blood sacrifices at the same time, then the scene will inevitably be greatly improved.

The most important thing is that their ten cosmic kingdoms represent the ten cosmic kingdoms. At the same time, the blood sacrifice will inevitably attract all the origins of the entire six-star area, and then gather together. Then, it is the place to open the highest level of origin rules .

As the cosmic kingdom, or even cosmic overlord, if he can't cultivate a large number of genius characters under his own, then, if he wants to improve his own way, he consumes the cosmic kingdom every ten thousand years, or even a star zone. The origin, entering the place of the law of origin, is the only way to improve Daoxing.

Blood sacrifice is to burn all the original sources and open up the land of the original source rules at one time.

This kind of means will only encounter an extreme treatment after the universe kingdom, or the universe star zone, has all fallen.

This is the ultimate enemy of life and death between the human race and the demon race, and finally obtained.

Between human races and human races, it is absolutely impossible for such a situation to occur, because the human race heaven and earth will not allow it at all.

Even between the human races and the human races, the top powers kill each other. In the end, they all want to destroy their luck. Even when the luck is completely exhausted, finally, they have to face the kind of eating a bite. Prepare to choke on your own home.

Retreat and practice, then, there may be the possibility of getting out of the way and then being burned to death.

Otherwise, among the human races and even among other types, the most top-notch existence, they will not be so peaceful.

Wang Yang knows that the reason why such a situation occurs is that it is forced out by the Demon Race.

Because, at the beginning, this blood sacrifice method was the means of the Devil Race.

According to various legends, it can be basically determined that the original tribes of the universe, each fighting, do not know how many races. This is the case. The quiet life is given to the blood sacrifice by the demons.

"You also can't think of it. You Mozu's own methods will be used on you today!"

Wang Yang stands at the highest end of the Liudaoxing District, and the entire space is twisted. The Liudaoxing District seems to have become a sand table.

Including the six-channel star zone, all the ten cosmic sovereigns were placed on top of the ten cosmic nations by Wang Yang.

Ten huge altars rose naturally.


As if feeling the danger of the Star Zone, Wang Yang has not yet started the blood sacrifice, and the Heavenly Dao of the Six Dao Zone naturally responded.

For a time, the dark purple thunder kept ringing.

"Be quiet!"

Like the god of the day, Wang Yang looked down on the entire six-star district and slammed it.

Sure enough, the six heavens seemed to have fear in their hearts, and all the dark purple thunders were naturally quiet.


Forcibly suppress the Heavenly Dao in the Six Daoxing District, and then you can see the Ten Great Altars, which naturally form ten huge Great Formations, and the Ten Great Altars are the Ten Great Hearts, the Six Great Realms and other Ten Great Universes The Lord naturally became a sacrifice.


I only heard a scream, and then you can see that all the ten cosmic sovereigns, including the six true demons, are all consumed.

Even, Wang Yang can see that in the Liudaoxing District, the six reincarnation avenues as pillars are naturally transformed into magical runes. Then, it can be seen that with the consumption of the six real demons, naturally Decomposition, then, is transformed into a purest source.

Then, with the purest source of this group as a guide, it turned into a very special space.

This is the place of the law of origin.

"Okay, my Dahua Avenue, will go one step further!"

Seeing the development of the law of origin, Wang Yang laughed for a while.

As for the trillions of creatures in Liudaoxing District?

At this moment, Wang Yang did not have much thought to ignore.

They are members of the Star Zone. When the Star Zone breaks down, they will naturally pass away from the source, and finally, all will die.

This is the cruelest aspect of the war between the universe and even the stars.

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