My Super Estate

Question 2425

Chapter 2328 The Origin of Purple Rain

"You, you, you damn things, so unexpected?"

"Some kind, we will fight alone, what kind of hero is the group fight?"

Shenwei Mozun scolded loudly.

His strength is strong, in the universe, that is the real universe overlord, even among the entire demons, he is one of the top one hundred, and even one before. His name has been spread all the time. The whole universe, his roar is enough to make many cosmic kingdoms tremble.

The so-called, when the rivers and lakes roared, the universe came back.

It is under this special rule that his strength is at least an invincible grandmaster, and he will not be afraid of anyone.

Without such confidence, would he dare to come to this Shenshui Manor so wildly?

Steal directly into Shenshui Manor and plunder various resources?

Many people have such ideas, but he is the only one who dares to act like this.

However, it was such an existence, and at this time, he was a little bit angry.

He was besieged by ten invincible grandmasters.

"Me, fuck your grandma!!"

He was kicked on the face again, and Shenwei Mozun even scolded.

Thinking of him, Shenwei Mozun, high above, has always been invincible, and always he has trampled on other people. When has he been trampled on?

"Ah, you, you are all going to die... Ah!"

There was endless anger in my heart, and I kept clamoring in my mouth, vowing to kill all these things.

However, he had such an idea just now, and then, a stinky foot that didn't know where to fly from was directly kicked on his mouth.

A vicious oath was only half said.

"Stop, stop, stop and stop..."

Finally, the fact that he was no longer so arrogant and cruel gave him a profound experience that this world turned out to be so dangerous.

No, I want to go home.

Yes, the magnificent Demon Lord, the entire Demon Race is ranked in the top 100 of the horror, at this time, he was hit by 10,000 points, he wants to go back, he does not want to play.

"what do you want to say?"

"You, in your place, how can there be so many invincible grandmasters??"

Dog's Day, a world, an invincible grandmaster, is this not the iron law?Why, in this damn place, is it so special?


It is said that Wang Yang did not make any big movements, but a group of escorts who were still besieging themselves constantly laughed wildly.

"I thought it was a smart person.

Now, it seems that it is just a fool.

Our earth is the universe, and the only mortal world. All the powerful people who exceed the level of Grand Master will be suppressed at the level of Grand Master.

However, our planet is also the only one who is not restricted by rules and can produce endless invincible grand masters.

The situation is not clear, you dare to step into my Shenshui Manor.

Look, you are not a fool, what are you still???"

Wang Yang's face was full of sneer, and even that mouth, with a hint of sarcasm.

A demon clan's top cosmic overlord actually stepped into his Shenshui Manor.

In fact, Shenshui Manor is located in the Kingdom of God opened by Wang Yang. As long as Wang Yang is willing, this rule can be avoided in the country.

The Kingdom of God can also be regarded as a special cave world.

But why should you avoid it?

Such a rule is the best. Shenshui Manor has planted too many magical magic medicines. There are countless king medicines and ancestral medicines, even the innate magic medicines, the chaotic medicines. There are a lot of them. If there is no such rule, if they are invaded by foreign enemies, will not everything be destroyed?

Besides, the invincible grandmaster?

No matter how invincible it is, it is only a great master, still in the range of people.

As long as it is still a person, then, it has not exceeded the limit, facing the siege, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

Invincible Grandmaster?

The most indispensable part of my Shenshui Manor is the Invincible Grand Master.


Actually, there is such a legend?

"How could there be such a rule? How could there be such a special rule in the universe, impossible, absolutely impossible, how could such a rule be allowed in the universe?"

Shenwei Mozun almost didn't strike a bit suspicious of life.

In this universe, there will be such a special rule, which will directly cause oneself to end like this.


As long as it is an invincible grandmaster, no matter what your original identity is, you only have to fight for it. Want to escape?

It is simply impossible.

Another escort team gathered from the surroundings, one by one, with a condensed breath. At first glance, no one was not an invincible grandmaster.

Shenwei Mozun is even more uncomfortable.

There was an impulse to break, but now I dare not have a little change.

But, what is that above the sky?

Purple rain?

Could it be a special rule?

For such a rule, Shenwei Mozun has already hated the roots of his teeth. If it is not such a special rule, how can he be so dignified?

"No, this, how could this be the source of Ziyu?"

Finally, when the purple rain fell, Shenwei Mozun was frightened and shouted loudly.

It turned out to be the origin of Ziyu.

The place of the law of origin is that there can be a source to guide the understanding of the rules of the Dadao, but now what I see now, this damn place, there is a source of purple rain.

Is this going to go against the sky?

Sure enough, soon in the void, an endless purple lotus appeared, and the purple lotus appeared suddenly from the sky, and then slowly fell again.

Every purple lotus flower fell on that divine tree, and then, you can see it, a series of runes with a mysterious atmosphere appear naturally.

"Avenue runes appear?"

This, this is really going against the rhythm of the sky!Even the main road signs appear naturally. He could clearly see that the god tree blossomed naturally, and then it was naturally born. This process was very short and very short.

He even saw that a congenital god tree, covered with heaven and earth, was like a canopy. Then, it could be seen, naturally adsorbing a large number of purple lotus flowers, and then, it could be seen that around the towering tree The space has long been distorted and naturally turned into an area. Then, the purple fire was burning.

"Here, is this for promotion?"

Is this still the life I know?

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