My Super Estate

Question 2428

Chapter 2331 Cosmic Vibration


Looking at the huge magic circle, Wang Yang's face was calm.

A cosmic overlord, moreover, it is also the most top overlord among the demons, with the existence of the top 100.

Such an existence does not have much in the entire universe. No one knows how big his origin is.

However, the strength of the origin is the greatest in the universe.

"Master, what level do you think he will reach?"

"do not know!

However, the strength of the source does not care about strength.

The strong origin only shows that the potential is strong, but the strength is not achievable in a moment."

The current Shenshui Manor has always been controlled by gods.

Similarly, under Wang Yang, there are several others.

For example, there has never been a blood-clothed emperor, and there is that village chief.

These existences often appear at Shenshui Manor.

At this time, it was the village chief who stood beside him.

"Yes, the strength of the strength is that you need to work hard. No one can go to the sky in one step.

In this world, there is no way to go to the sky in one step."

"This is the reason. It's just that many people in this world always don't believe in this evil. They always think that they are particularly smart and always think that they have found a shortcut to the sky.

Then they climbed to a very high height, and then fell sharply and fell to their deaths.

Like him?"Pointing at hand, pointing at that in the circle, roaring indiscriminately, but couldn't move at all, only looking at his own source, and was snatched a little bit, and then, the weaker and more divine deity, laughed Road: "Hear?

The roar from the depths of the universe.Did you hear it?"

In the present Shenshui Manor, when the invincible grand master looks for it, there are a large number of them. However, there are only the two kings that are truly top-notch.

"Listen, the real thing is the vibration of the universe."

Raise his head and look over the midair, where there is a huge round of fire.

That is the sun.

However, at this time, Wang Yang clearly saw that the sun suddenly dimmed, and then returned to its original state.It was because of the dimness that it looked more like a shock.

"This is a great enemy."

Shenwei Mozun, walking in the universe, it is impossible not to have heard of such a big cow.However, such a big cow, because of this special rule, then fell down.

"Yes, the Sifangxing District that has just calmed down is going to be lively again."

The strength of Shenwei Mozun is really terrifying. With a roar, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of light-years apart, how many universes or even cosmic constellations, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, It’s all audible.

The facts are always so true.

Time, one month has passed, the battle in the Sifang Star District has long ended. When Wang Yang stepped into the Sifang Star District, a dark guard appeared in front of him: "Kingdom!!"

Wang Yang didn't stop, and the Dark Guard followed him carefully."What's wrong? But something?"

"The Dark Guardian came to report that there are traces of activities of the Mozu around the Sifangxing District."


The Sifang Star District is now truly famous.

The just-concluded battle with the Six-Star Zone has shaken all directions.The strength of the Six Daemons is not weak. At this point, it really hits the majesty of the Sifangxing District, and it also shakes the entire periphery of the Sifangxing District. No more demons appear indiscriminately.


Another demon appeared?The strength of the Six Dao Devil is not too weak. At least it is the existence of the top 200 in the Demon Race. His existence has also been planted in our Sifang Star Zone twice in the end. In the end, even the entire Six Daxing Zone I took it in.

Now, what is our Sifang Star Zone, and it is considered a small restricted zone, who dares to easily extend its tentacles to the Sifang ground?"

Wang Yang gave a slight meal, and then quickly walked to the Sifang Temple.




All kinds of titles, in the tone, there is endless respect.

"Haha, kid, you are finally back, how are you doing? What did you do this time?"

"Da Sheng, are you a doppelganger?

The battle is not over yet?"

"Yes, now, the ancestral ancestor has never dared to retreat. However, it is impossible for him to take advantage of his grandson."

Sun Dasheng is very confident.

However, Wang Yang frowned gently: "No wonder there are demons again.

The ancestor of the devil is still there, and the battle is not over. Now, there is another god and demon lord who comes out to stir up the situation. I am afraid that it will make some demon clan bold."


Are you saying that the divine power and deity appeared?"

"Yes, before, at the Shenshui Manor, the Divine Demon Lord had an avatar and didn't know what it was, so it was mixed into the Shenshui Manor.

Exactly, at that time, we had a young boy in the Sifang Star District, and the original breath was very similar to Shenwei Demon Venerable.

I took the Divine Demon Venerable alive, and then I used the technique of seizing the Yuan, which directly took away the source of the Divine Devil Venerable and integrated it into the body of the little boy."

Luo Jian nodded.

Shenwei Mozunwei is famous, but how did he get him alive, but no one ever asked.

Shenshui Manor is the base camp of the Sifangxing District, where the special rules are their greatest guarantee.

"That is to say, this is Shenwei Demon Venerable?"

Caused big trouble?

This concept has never been seen in the Sifangxing District.

The so-called big trouble is only because of their weak strength, but they never provoke themselves.

There is nothing wrong in the world, the mediocrity disturbs it.

Trouble is there, it won't exist because you didn't provoke it.

Since it exists, solve it.

Besides, since the opening of Shenshui Manor, various resources have given themselves great help these days.

Now that I have enjoyed this huge help, the corresponding troubles must naturally be borne.

Only those who daydream about it will be self-righteous and take advantage of themselves, and then, they have no responsibility to bear.

"Shenwei Mozun's strength is stronger than the six Daozhen.

At this time, Dasheng was entangled by the Demon Patriarch.

We, without strong help, are afraid it is difficult to cope."

Not afraid of trouble, but it is an attitude that must be faced squarely.

In the Sifangxing District, since Wang Yang, everyone has maintained this attitude, and it is this attitude that really makes them brave to move forward.

"And, this time, I'm afraid, it's bigger."

The Demon Race is very profitable and selfish.

Mozu will not do anything to die. It is even nonsense to die for the sake of faith.

Before, the Six Dao Realities and the Six Dao Star Zones did not exert any power. However, there were two major star zones contributing at the same time because they saw huge benefits.

This time, the more powerful Shenwei Mozun shot, followers, more.

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