My Super Estate

Chapter 2434 Purple Gauze Dragon King

Chapter 2373 The Purple Dragon King

Here is a huge valley.

The so-called valley is just surrounded by mountains.Such an environment is a real prison for ordinary people, but for the martial arts power that can fly to the ground, here is like a flat ground.

When I first came to this valley, I clearly saw that there are a large number of strong human races, one by one, all of them have a strong breath. At a glance, I know that none of these are good to cause trouble.

Even the golden lion king who had been walking behind after Wang Yang murmured to himself, even a person who thought a lot.

"This, this is the Purple Dragon King.

According to legend, he is one of the four chiefs of the dragon family and is extremely powerful.

This is the strongest of the Clan of Wars. According to legend, he once fought for the position of Patriarch with the King of Wars. In the universe, he ranks extremely high and is one of the true top cosmic overlords."

In a row, two ethnic groups were mentioned.

"Dragon Race? Hundred-War God Race?"

Eyes, glance around roughly.

Here, the number of people is not less than 1,000, and the two groups are the most special.One, on top of his head, has a grisly dragon horn, and the other, one by one, is muscled, dressed in a war armor, holding a big war knife in his hand, and always has a strong fighting intention on his body, as long as It’s not blind, you can see that the two of them are the most troublesome.

In particular, the dragon people's family turned out to directly occupy the entrance to the whole valley.

"It means a few things. Do you, Dragons, want to occupy the entire entrance, don't you let us in?"

Looking at the very uncomfortable Protoss Clan, there was no movement, but a group of people next to him looked like a group of casual and cosmic tourists who gathered together and walked towards the valley.

The Dragon people are very domineering, occupying the entrance of the valley. These scattered soldiers want to enter the valley. Between the two sides, the spear and the shield, the natural hostility, the situation, it makes people panic.

"Yes, in the legend, there are three hell dogs in the valley here. After beheading, you can send the information of the fairy sword.

Why, do you, Dragons, want to dominate here?"

Three hell dogs?

Wang Yang was stunned, but he didn't think that there was such a message inside.

Three hell dogs, can get the information of fairy sword?

Wang Yang turned his head and looked to his left.

Sure enough, the Golden Lion King's eyes flickered, fearing that he might have some bad thoughts.With a slight smile, Wang Yang leaned towards the left and smiled: "The Golden Lion King, the Dragon Race, should belong to our race!"

"Of course." The Golden Lion replied affirmatively. Then, in a shock of his heart, he turned his head silently and looked to his right. Sure enough, the Quartet Overlord was already near him.

Wang Yang smiled and said: "Our Quartet Star Zone has just been opened for a short time. We still don't know much about this universe. Can you tell me something?"

The Golden Lion King smiled awkwardly, concealing some thoughts in his heart, and said with a smile: "Of course.

In the universe, there are countless races. Ten thousand races once contended for hegemony, but later, an overbearing demon race appeared, wanting to destroy the heavens, especially the method of blood sacrifice, it also completely wiped out many races and many powerful universes.

Therefore, at that time, the universe race, and the demons launched a billion-year war.

In that battle, I don't know how many races that once dominated the entire era, all went to destruction.

For example, the Dragon family, the Phoenix family, and the Kirin family.

These three tribes are called: the king of all tribes.

Among them, there are the Sun Jinwu family, the Swallow Sky Python family, and even the Thunder family who were in charge of the Thunder that day.

All races, in that war, went completely down.

At that time, the human race was not too strong, at least, not born to be the strongest.However, the human race is mediocre, but it has great potential.

In addition, there is no obvious defect in the reproduction ability of the human race. It is not too strong, but it is not too weak.

Therefore, in the legend, among the Xeon races at that time, the human race was not ranked first, but it was the strongest, because the final war was led by the human race and reached a balance with the devil.

Therefore, all intelligent creatures, under the auspices of the human race, are connected by luck and integrated into the human race."

"Dragon people are descendants of Shenlong and the human race?"


Wang Yang nodded.

According to legend, the Chinese people are also descendants of the dragon.

However, all the Chinese people only call themselves human races, and do not call themselves dragons.

It seems that this dragon family has a great relationship with the dragon family.

According to legend, the ancient great god, Pan, opened the earth to the ground, and in that high fairyland, a giant dragon rushed out.

Since then, there have been dragons in the universe.

It now appears that the ancient god, the world he opened up, is the real world in the legend, or that it opened a channel to the real world.

That is to say, that vast dragon is out of the real world.

Various clues, in the end, turned into a complete puzzle.

It's just that Wang Yang just sorted out all the clues, and there has been a violent conflict between the two sides.

The dragon family, who are still at the entrance of the valley, are not allowed to enter. Those scattered soldiers are brave, but they have to rampage and have to go in.

The two sides directly confront each other.

"Here, everyone is a human race. How dare they dare to live and die together?"

Wang Yang's eyes widened.

These guys actually beat their lives to death, because, that purple yarn dragon king is the most fierce. Every shot is made with all his strength. Although the strength is not weak, but his strength is not weak, but in the blink of an eye, he was killed by him. Killed several.

These are scattered soldiers, but most of them are human race cosmic sovereigns or even cosmic supremacy.

However, their strengths are so different that they are not opponents of others, and they are directly slaughtered.

Purple yarn dragon king?

Wang Yang stared at his eyes, looking at the guy who had killed him.

This is a very beautiful woman, but this woman has two dragon horns above her head.

The figure is very hot, tall and tall, not under a mile or nine, but, when he looked back, he looked very charming.

However, her methods are very brutal, and her hands seem to be the murder weapon, any strong enemy, no one can be intact under her double arrest.

No one knows how powerful her power is.

However, no one wants to let her catch.

In a blink of an eye, there were already no fewer than thirty people, torn apart by her alive.

Among them, there are cosmic sovereigns and cosmic supremacy.

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