My Super Estate

Chapter 2447 Suspected Sword Shadow

Chapter 2350 Suspected Sword Shadow

"Where is this place?"

Just stepping into a mountain, Wang Yang couldn't help but stopped.

It seemed that, behind him, there was no fierce chasing soldiers, just staring ahead.

After this hill, it is another valley.

In contrast, this valley is very small. Turning your head and looking to the left, you can see that in that distant place, there is a huge high mountain, like a wall, connecting the side of the mountain with the outside of the mountain, Divided into two worlds.Turning your head and looking to the right, you can also see that there is another big mountain like a wall, where there is the end of heaven and earth, dividing the world on both sides.

In contrast, the hills in front of me are really nothing.

Standing on a hill that is no more than ten feet tall and no more than thirty feet in size, look again, this small one in front of me, I don’t know if there is a small valley ten feet in size, Wang Yang stopped his footsteps, Unsure.

"Dog thief, you run away!"

This is the clan of three Clan of Wars.

In the past, these three were all part of the human race. One side was in trouble and supported by all directions. Under the constant persecution of the demons, the human race has always been firm.

However, now that the Tiantai is in the world, it represents the end of the era. The dragons and snakes are dancing wildly and crushing each other. Even if there is a moment of luck and punishment, it is difficult to stop the ambitions of the ambitions.

Three Clan of Hundred Wars, half-moon shaped, surrounded Wang Yang to prevent him from escaping.

Wang Yang didn't seem to see it, he just stared at the small valley that was only ten feet in size.

"Huh? Well, there are swords here?"

The sound of the sword sound, unnatural, is the movement of the mind, the entire spiritual world, in an instant, turned into a sea of ​​swords.

This is a very magical sound of sword singing, because, whether you are practicing kendo or not, at this moment, in the spiritual world, it is naturally an ocean of swords.

One hundred war gods, three ancestors, one by one, all survived from the last era to the present era. The strength is shocking, even Wang Yang, far away, is shocked away.

However, at this moment, when they were about to surround Wang Yang and beheaded, they all stopped in shock.

"Hey, this is, what is this Kendo Holy Land?"

The Dragon people, when they didn't know when, came here and felt the strange things here, one by one, they all stopped in shock.

Behind him, there are even other powerful people.

"It's them??"

These guys, without the purple yarn dragon king blocking the road, without the hundreds of war gods blocking the road, one by one, all ran in successfully.

Even if they knew that in this valley, there were many strong ones, one by one, for the sake of improving their strength, one by one, they all gave up their lives and forgot to die.

"Everyone, be careful. The Purple Dragon King is not a good provoking generation. The God of War is also not a good person. Also, the lord of the Quartet has great strength.

Here, it is obviously a holy land of kendo, everyone should be careful."

In front of the valley, Wang Yang preached for them, but at this time, none of them thought of Wang Yang.

In the past, the human race was united, with strong monitoring of the human race's heavenly path.

With all kinds of thoughts, they must be suppressed in the body, no one dares to jump.

However, nowadays, the current situation is turbulent, the gods and demons are dancing, and the punishment of luck will not suppress those ambitions. In front of the huge opportunity, even if they are all human races, no one will give up.

Don’t say that the Devil can stand by, as long as they can become immortals, as long as they can go further, I can suppress everything.

If my strength is bad and I die, it is just right. After my death, which one is he?

Human ambitions swell and engulf everything, even if tomorrow is the end of the world, as long as I can rule the roost for one day, I am content.

"Dragon King, you said, this, is this the sword of the fairy sword?"

Jiulong Xingjun's eyes are full of greed.

With insufficient strength, he will try to suppress his ambitions, but if there is a chance, the seeds of ambitions will inevitably thrive.

Faintly, he seemed to see the soil for growth.

Jiulong Xingjun did not know whether he had a pit in his head or deliberately asked such a question. He even asked directly, without any cover-up at all.

For a time, a problem attracted all the attention. In a moment, I didn't know how many eyes I had, unconsciously, I turned my head. They hoped to get a satisfied at this sturdy purple yarn dragon king. answer.

Or, they want to get the answer they want.

The movement of everyone, the purple yarn dragon king obviously felt it, glanced left and right gently, sneered, and said: "Who knows?"

"Huh, that Sifang Lord, wasn't even curious at all?

Could it have been the answer??"

Jiulong Xingjun really did not have a good heart, a seemingly simple question, but he accurately captured everyone's mind.

A seemingly random question has attracted everyone's attention. There is only one Wang Yang, but there is no movement at all.

Sure enough, before everyone heard their own questions, they suddenly looked at Wang Yang with most of their eyes.

The golden lion turned his eyes and smiled: "Before, we met a few three hell dogs on the way we came. At that time, we also had to thank the Quartet for rescue. Otherwise, we are afraid that all of us To be eaten by three hell dogs."


The seemingly random sentence of the Golden Lion King, but like thunder, attracted everyone's attention.

Three hell dogs?

Why do you come here?

Not even his life, because of the legend that there are three hell dogs in this valley?

He, they were in the middle, they met??

Everyone naturally ignored the thrill in the mouth of the Golden Lion, they just remembered that the three hell dogs had some information about the fairy sword.

"What about the three hell dogs now?"

The first purple yarn dragon king glanced at a murderous gaze.

"Good, three hell dogs, where are they now?"

Legend has it that there are traces of three hell dogs, but everyone has come in for so long, but they have not encountered it for a long time.

Could it have left?

Was it their shit to get them ahead of time?

For a time, one by one, all eyes were red.

Looking at Wang Yang's eyes, all of them were full of anger, and his body was faintly faint.

As for Wang Yang's strength, no one paid attention to his presence.

Luck punishment?

No one cares anymore, one by one, there is only one thought in his mind, is this guy who has obtained huge benefits?

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