My Super Estate

Question 2446

Chapter 2349 into the valley


No matter how long the Thunder Sky Penalty lasts, there will always be an end.

Everyone has not awakened from the indescribable emotions such as shock, surprise, or even surprise. The vast dragon chant sounds, and one of the most terrifying worlds naturally pulls away from the thunder.

That is Thunder Realm.

I saw that from the thunder sky, a huge golden dragon flew out quickly.Jinlong walked fast in the thunder, as if absorbing power.

Finally, as if it was power, it was absorbed by the Golden Dragon. Then, you can see that the Thunder Sky Penalty naturally dissipated. I only saw that after the Thunder Sky Penalty, a golden cold giant appeared.

This is a giant who is one hundred feet tall.

The strength is up to the level of the cosmic kingdom. The size is as good as you want. If you wish, you can transform into a giant with millions of feet. It is a breeze. It is definitely the real body. There is no falsehood.

It's just that, at this time, looking at the giant who is one hundred feet tall, everyone can clearly feel that it is a truly powerful flesh, and not only has strong power, but also has extreme power. High defense.

It's a statue that is enough for anyone to defend in despair, the most perfect body.

"Damn, dare to step on top of my god of war, and die for the old man!"

The punishment for luck is over, and everyone can see that the majestic and grisly dragon of luck will bring a terrible increase in luck.

Everyone will believe that as long as the Golden Dragon comes, then Wang Yang will surely increase his luck.

It’s just that you want a great increase in luck. As the elder of the God of War, the God of War I will absolutely not agree. Immediately, a terrible power erupts. He wants to take advantage of such an opportunity. Revenge the God of War and others.

He wants to kill the chicken and respect the monkey.

He is a god of war, absolutely not anyone can bully.Not everyone can step on top.


In front of my grandson, how dare you even come to wanton?Really good to talk to the grandson, right?

Well, since that is the case, today, my grandson will teach you this old official to see, is my grandson really good at talking??

Even in front of yourself, shot towards his brother?Sun Dasheng was furious, holding the gold hoop, and then slammed towards the God of War.

Hundred Gods of War, the strength is not weak, Sun Dasheng's strength is also strong, and there is some difficulty between the two.

Under the attack of Sun Dasheng, God of War One wants to take Wang Yang's life, but it is like a fantasy.


Wang Yang suddenly opened his eyes and raised his head. Suddenly, he let out a scream full of happiness.

That's because, while he is still alive, it is naturally a sense of well-being in his heart. A strong sense of well-being makes him unable to help but raise his head and issue a declarative roar of happiness.

"Me, I live 1"

Wang Yang never died, but at this moment, he had a feeling of being alive again, because he clearly felt that just now, he was really dying.

"Brother Wang Yang entered the valley quickly."

I just felt like I was alive, and Sun Dasheng's voice sounded in my ears.

"This goddamn god of war is extremely powerful.

A god of war, my old grandson has blocked him, but my old grandson has clearly felt that in this valley, there is a strong presence to return."

"it is good!"

I just felt like I was alive again, Wang Yang was absolutely reluctant to face the feeling of'death' again.

At the moment, without turning back, turning around, he shot towards the valley like an arrow.

"Where to go?"

In the ear, you can even hear a loud drink.

Each of these beings exudes a strong breath, and all of them have an old breath.

None of them knew what method they used to survive the absolute elite from the last era.

"Blink will have so many ancient existences?"

The last era?

Wang Yang has already heard some things about it. The appearance of the rooftop represents the end of an era.

The time of the rooftop’s appearance is not too sure. Similarly, the time of the era is also not too sure. However, everyone knows that the appearance of the rooftop means the opening of the heavenly road, which means the opening of the door immortal. The real world and the unreal world interact with each other.

Therefore, the time of the rooftop is absolutely very, very long. It is so long that a cosmic country, far away, cannot be supported.

So, here comes the question, these guys, how did they transition from that long time to this era??

In fact, at this time, Wang Yang’s first task should be to escape, because the old antiques of the Clan of Wars, one by one, are extremely simple. Even if Wang Yang just beheaded the King of Wars, he still cannot. Swell, swell to death.

What is the situation in this valley, Wang Yang did not know too much.

However, he knew that he had only one way to escape now.

"Now, I really regret it. Why haven't I practiced that light practice?"

Regardless of his merits, of course, to such a level as him, of course it will not have much effect.

However, any great magical power has evolved from a small martial art.If, at first, you valued a light skill, perhaps, you will become a powerful speed player.

It is a pity that the original self paid special attention to defense, attack power, and the pursuit of great power, but it was an important consideration that ignored speed.

Now, it is too late.

"These guys are still chasing after death, looking for a chance to make him a fortune."

Feeling that there were a lot of strong men chasing behind him, Wang Yang said in his heart.

Unfortunately, he is not familiar with this world.

Moreover, the damn God of War I was chasing too tightly, even with Sun Dasheng's resistance, he was quickly shifting towards this side.

"Huh, what kind of place is there?"

I don't know why, Wang Yang felt that his own Dragon Dragon avatar had a great touch, as if it had a great attraction.

"Well, what is this?

What would be something that attracts your magical avatar?"

Wang Yang was curious.

Perhaps this is an opportunity to improve one's own strength again?

Okay, daydreaming is better than muddy, at least, there is still a pursuit.Besides, is there any other place to go now in Wang Yang?

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