My Super Estate

Question 2445

Chapter 2348 The Epiphany, Immortal Gold Forms

Wang Yang used to have two of the best defenses.

One is the golden bell refinement, and the other is the immortal golden body.These are two defensive means sufficient for Wang Yang to run rampant.

Before, before the Dahua Avenue was completely invented, the golden bell refining body had been cultivated into a magical avatar, but there was no movement at all for the immortal golden body.

Today, he has entered the third step of that avenue, but the magical power of immortal gold body naturally has no practice of body composition.

All along, Wang Yang worked very hard, but there was no result.

However, at this time, Wang Yang seems to have a real feeling. This feeling is very strong. He believes that following this feeling, his immortal gold body will soon be able to cultivate ingredients. body.

However, this is a feeling that whenever he wants to catch him, he always slips so easily.

The third wave of punishment has taken shape, but you just cannot understand success??

As long as you become a magical avatar, your natural body will be greatly improved, and your defense capabilities will be greatly improved. Even your own behavior will be improved in a straight line.

"No matter, in any case, it must be resisted."

With such a feeling, it is impossible to break through.

This is one's own luck deficit, which is no longer pleasing to the heavens and the earth, not to be pleasing to heaven and earth, and heaven and earth naturally set themselves an obstacle.

As long as it withstands, then his own strength will inevitably be greatly improved.

With such a belief, Wang Yang directly forcibly broke free from the barrier set by Thunder's Heavenly Punishment with his strong will, forcibly mobilizing his own spiritual power, arranged the forged field, and waited for the Heavenly Punishment to arrive.

What should come, still came, a loud noise of'rumbling', it seems that the sky dome has collapsed a hole, and the thunder punishment is like the water of the river that day.

It was an irresistible momentum that contained the power of extinction.

Even just looking at that kind of power, it can still deter all demons.


The prestige suddenly increased, even Wang Yang, forcibly mobilizing the power of the soul, is also a conditioned reflex, spouting blood.

It's just that at this time, he couldn't care so much anymore. At this time, as long as he didn't die, then he could only desperately.

No one would extend a helping hand to him, and no one would dare to extend a helping hand.

He wants to survive, and can only rely on himself.

At this moment, it seems that the world is silent.Who dares not fear such a prestige?Who can not be afraid of such power?

At this moment, whether you are a hero or a hero, whether you are ambitious, or faint and fame?

Their hearts were all rare and reached an agreement, and all fell silent.

Staring at the thunder punishment that seemed to be the water of the Tianhe River, all the thoughts, some should not be, all should be silent.

Even if such a catastrophe has already happened, the handsome face of King Zishalong is also pale.

Thunder's punishment is by no means a wave of fame, heaven, it is the gathering of sentient beings, representing the interests of sentient beings.

This is a red line, always in their hearts, alerting them to keep them awake in that kind of madness.

Thunder punishment lasts for a long time.

Compared with the former Purple Sacred Dragon King, Wang Yang at this time, his thunder punishment, the duration is much longer.

"Dragon King, this, this thunder punishment, how can it last so long?"

Lasting for a long time, it often means that it has several meanings.

It represents the strengthening of power, and it also represents that the Quartet is still not dead.

The same is also a wake-up call for yourself.

"The strength of the King of Wars is absolutely not weak, even if it is this king, it is absolutely impossible to win him easily.

Strong strength means more and more luck.

No matter what he wants to do, however, he hasn't started yet.Well, his luck is still there.This lord of the Quartet, beheaded him, then, it means that his body, the decline in luck is even worse."

After hearing this, Jiuling Xingjun's heartbeat accelerated.

Does not mean that this thunder punishment is more terrible than the Dragon King?

Who is not afraid of such a thing?

"Then he?"

"Relax, Thunder's punishment is still there, so he hasn't died yet.

However, no one knows whether he can support it."

Perhaps, the level of the God of War is not enough to meet the fourth thunder punishment, but Wang Yang's luck decline is even worse, but it is an indisputable fact.

At this time, Wang Yang was very hard.

He never thought that this third thunder punishment would be such a shameless one, that a thunder punishment would last so long.

The pressure blessed by the spiritual world persists, the spiritual power must be mobilized, the will consumes more and more, and the operation of mana is more difficult.

All this has faithfully deepened his burden.

In order to defend against this kind of thunder punishment, all his methods are used, the field of arrogance, the power from all things in the world, crazy blessing on Wang Yang, the golden bell refining the body, not under the blessing of all things in the world, suddenly the power is great Ascension, and then, Wang Yang was not at ease, blessing all the power of the indelible golden body on that golden bell.

For a time, the golden bell without any decoration suddenly changed, and the sun, moon, and stars were running on the golden wall of the bell, and all things in heaven and earth were its embellishments, and there were supreme golden body gods to bless it.

Throughout the Admiralty, the power has been greatly improved, and even the Thunder Sky Penalty has been refined.

Unconsciously, Wang Yang has closed his eyes, and the whole person seems to have fallen into a very special world.

That is the world of Admiralty.

A golden bell deity is constantly blessing strength for this chaotic golden bell.

The earth comes from the thunder of heaven, and no one knows when they will start to consume. However, at this time, Wang Yang, he is also ignoring nothing.Because, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger, even under the power of the sun, the moon, and the stars, and some special restrictions, suddenly, it is directly broken.

Then, Wang Yang can see that his immortal golden body and supernatural powers are getting deeper and deeper, and the operation is more and more smooth. Then, it is a certain boundary that is naturally broken.

Behind Wang Yang, naturally, one side of the world was opened, and a golden body spirit walked out of that side of the world.

"Here, this is a magical avatar?"

At this moment, all people are almost not crazy.

Under the punishment of luck, it will inevitably be the time when the luck is the most decayed, or even the absolute luck deficit.

But what is going on now?

Under such circumstances, you are not lucky, and you are already lucky. How can you still practice as a magical avatar?

This is absolutely unreasonable and absolutely impossible, but this is the fact.

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