My Super Estate

Question 2444

Chapter 2347 is the eye after the rain

The thunder is rolling, as if it has never been reduced. A huge and splendid world, after the thunder, slowly unfolded, and then, you can see that there are a series of natural soldiers and generals, naturally forming a battle array Finally, it can be seen that under the control of the battle array, the Thunder merged faster and faster. Finally, Thousands of Thunder turned into a Thunder penalty.


Heaven punishes mercilessly, the Lord dies.

Under such a punishment, even a powerful existence such as the Purple Sacred Dragon King was quickly knocked down, or even almost died.

The power of the Sifang Kingdom Lord in front of him is really very strong, but can he be more powerful than the Purple Dragon King?

Seeing that terrible thunder punishment, everyone involuntarily had such a question flashed.

This is not a disbelief in Wang Yang's strength, just because they do not believe in their own strength, but also some of the worries naturally in their hearts.

What they said was Wang Yang, but what they thought was not their own people?

Can it be stopped?

Wang Yang used actions to give them a real answer.

On Wang Yang's body, a golden bell cover appeared naturally.

"This, is this skill poor?"

At this moment, such a thought flashed naturally in everyone's mind.

If it is not skill-poor, how could the same method be used twice?What's more, this time the punishment is more than ten times higher than last time.

This kind of golden bell cover has been broken directly even last time, but this time, it is still good?

No one will be optimistic.

"Huh, this is poor skills, really waste!"

The happiest is, of course, God of War.It's just that he was happy in his heart, but he was unwilling to reveal it. On the contrary, he was very proud to express his disdain.

In his opinion, such a waste, dead best.


Finally, Thunder's punishment fell and fell again.

Then, you can see that, just after Wang Yang's body, naturally, there was a burning flame.

It was a silver-white God of Fire.

With the blessing of the God of Fortune, Admiralty’s defense has been greatly improved. Before, in the face of the first thunder punishment, it was difficult to support. It was directly the broken Admiralty. Even the miracle was supported.

"Well, what kind of means is this?"

How terrible is the punishment of luck, the purple yarn dragon king is too clear in his heart, how can it be so easy, can it be resisted?

Before myself, but almost a bit, it would not collapse directly.How could he support it safely?

"No, impossible, how could his strength be so strong??"

Jiulong Xingjun, backed up again and again, almost fell to the ground without being scared.

This guy is so powerful?

He simply doubted life.


The old eyes of the God of War are even more murderous, and they will send a fatal blow at any time.

"Hey, sir, you are not a mess, otherwise, my old grandson's stick, but I will not agree."

Sun Dasheng, who always stared at God of War One, sneered even more.

At one time, there were hundreds of people, different things.

What the outside world is like, Wang Yang is completely irrelevant at this time.

However, Wang Yang at this time is extremely hard.

Yes, he is really very hard. He is the god of fire and the great magical power of the road of chemical transformation. Every time he puts it on, he must ask Wang Yang to spend a great deal of spiritual support.

It's just that in the spiritual world, the mountain-like heavy pressure is pressed hard, and every time a trace of spiritual power is mobilized, Wang Yang seems to be carrying a god mountain, consuming his will extremely.

But this damn thunder punishment, as if it were solidified, does not disperse for a long time, as if it is consumed with itself.

Finally, the light of Wang Yang's will is getting darker and darker, and it is also more and more difficult to mobilize the power of the soul. Finally, all the gods of creation are quickly extinguished.


Without the blessing of the God of Fortune, Admiralty could no longer support it, and was again broken by Thunder Sky's penalty, and the terrible Sky Penalty was once again bombarded on Wang Yang.

There was a big mouth of blood spewing out, and everyone could see that after receiving this, Wang Yang was not very well received.

However, no one can calm down.

"Hey, how is this possible?"

This lucky punishment, the first Thunder, compared with the second Thunder, power is at least a tenfold increase.

How could it be easily blocked by others like this?

Moreover, Wang Yang’s injury did not expand at all compared with the first punishment before. Looking at it, he still had a lot of energy.

The Golden Lion King couldn't accept it the most. Although Wang Yang saved him, the same breath of the Shadow Sword was also taken away from him.

In his heart, there is absolutely no gratitude for Wang Yang. On the contrary, if he can watch him die, he will never be sad.

But now what does this mean?

With two thunder punishments, the power is at least ten times higher, and the same magical power is used to resist. In the end, how can the effect be the same?

Even worse?

"What kind of flame?"

A jump in my heart, in the end is that he has stepped into the level of cosmic overlord, quickly found the answer by himself.

However, this still cannot be calm.

Especially the Purple Dragon King is staring at the beautiful eyes without blinking.

Finally, the third thunder punishment was formed quickly. This time, no accident. It was the tens of thousands of thunder punishments formed by the fusion of 10,000 thunders.

It was a mine column, as if it were all strength.

Before, the Purple Dragon King was under such a thunder, and almost did not directly die.

All the people are staring nervously. They want to see if this newly rising Sifang is really so against the sky, can he survive under such punishment.


With a loud shout, Wang Yang was surrounded and naturally formed a terrible field.

This is a very familiar field. Previously, the King of Wars was fallen in such a franchise.

Even if it is your own, your own tabard, or even the blood you spout, it becomes your own enemy.

The powerful King of Wars, ambitious, and finally, fell into such a special field.

At this time, what is the use of such a powerful and special field?

All people are curious.

Similarly, they all know that this wave of punishment has passed, and the disaster has passed.

After the wind and rain, it was sunny.

But, can he really support it?

I don’t even know it. In this case, the third punishment fell directly and it was a pillar of heaven.

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